Burrow Gardens Visit

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BN Events

The first of two visits in 2021

Once again there will be two visits to the Burrows Gardens in 2021!

The cost will be the same as last year, i.e. BN/INFmembers £7-50, Non members £10-00.

Located just off the main Ashbourne to Derby road (A52), on the Derby side of Brailsford, the gardens are approached via a tree lined avenue, at the end of which is parking on hard standing – any overflow vehicles can park on the paddock.

Tea and Coffee will be available, as well as delicious home baked cakes

Advance tickets now available at


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I had a 35 year career in Marketing Communications and Public Relations together with owning a software development company putting together back-office solutions for the event industry. I've also been involved with developing, managing and moderating Naturist Forums on and off for +20 years and was instrumental in building the very first forum for British Naturism. With my partner Cherry we're the owners of Naturist Corner. ( @cherry-and-john)
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