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I had a visit from the police today

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I had a lovely 7 mile naked walk this morning, met quite a few people mainly bird watching couples and stopped for a chat with most of them. I walked past a young lady with a small child and a dad with a child on his shoulders, I swung my bag in front of me when I passed the people with young children. Everyone was very pleasant.

This afternoon at 4pm I had a visit to my house by 2 female police officers. I answered the door naked and stood and talked to them for about 20 minutes while naked. They were quick to say that there was not a problem for me but they had heard that I was in the know about naturists who walk the area. They said that there had been a lot of calls to the police about naked people walking in busy areas of the forest. I asked them if there had been any reports of people behaving in a way that is unacceptable. They said no one was miss behaving but there had been people who said that they did not mind but had complained on behalf of others who might be offended and they were concerned for the safety of the naturists who may be attacked. I told them that is the main phrase that people trot out and of course it is not the case, most people are very pleasant and often stop and chat with me when I am walking naked. I told them that the main reason there have been more reports is due to lock down more people are using the area that do not usually visit that area because the main car parks are closed. I also told them that the RSPB have created new routes and put maps in the visitors centre that have encouraged people into areas they did not previously go.They asked if there was anything we could do to try to reduce the number of calls about naked people. I asked if they were aware of the college of policing guidelines and the CPS guidance and they said they were. They asked at what point do people get naked. I told them they usually undress when they arrive in their car, and added that there is no reason why they should not as it is not illegal to do so. They agreed that it is not illegal and there is no reason why people should not do that. I told them I was happy to work with them if there was some way I could help. They asked if I was in touch with naturists who walk the area. I told them that I am a member of British Naturism and a naked walking group and I work with the wardens to try to avoid problems and we had been very successful. I told them that I regularly put messages on naturist forums asking people not to walk near the major Oak and the main busy areas. However, more areas of the forest are becoming busy areas and we have as much right as anyone else to walk and it is becoming impossible not to walk where there are other people. I told them about the recent publicity push that British Naturism has been involved in lately to try to help the general public understand that we are just like everyone else but we prefer not to wear clothes when there is no need to. They acknowledged it is all about education and understanding. They said that they could see  that it was becoming more difficult for us to keep away from people and they were satisfied that we are behaving just like everyone else and just asked if I could let people know that they had talked to me and  ask everyone to try no to get too close to people. I told them I had been walking naked for over 50 years and I had talked to the police about naturists in the past, they said they knew that and quickly said and this is the first time the police have been to your door and they realised it has never been much of a problem. They thanked me for my help and off they went. They were very friendly throughout and the only downside is that my wife is not very happy that the neighbours have seen the police visiting the house.

Posted : May 21, 2020 5:07 pm
voldemort, simon1000, Andy D and 8 people reacted
Posts: 6
Active Member

That's all very polite and engaging. I agree, nothing like a brisk naked walk in the woods.

Thanks for now Kind Regards Luigi

Posted : May 21, 2020 5:15 pm
Posts: 141

Well done David. Great outcome. Wonder if the area needs more information posted up? I suppose that once the powers that be sort out the naturist walking policy, it may very well improve the public education. 

Life’s too short. Do it today!

Posted : May 21, 2020 5:50 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

As you say there are far more people out and about in areas usually deserted. 

I have tried going out at all different times of day to avoid the crowds to no avail. Only today I went out at 6.30 until 9.30 pm. I still managed to bump into folk. All sempt okay. Yesterday I was way out of the way of most used routes and still met a couple with a teenage girl, I put my shorts on for them, they did see me though first. 

I personally never go anywhere near the touristy bit I prefer the solitude for one thing. Only the other day the warden mentioned it was becoming an issue though. 

What's the answer do you think?

Well done by the way. 👍

Posted : May 21, 2020 11:25 pm
gildo reacted
John Gw
Posts: 3395
Posted by: @peter32

Well done David. Great outcome. Wonder if the area needs more information posted up? I suppose that once the powers that be sort out the naturist walking policy, it may very well improve the public education. 

The policy is sorted - it's the public information/education that's needed now.

Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same.
George Bernard Shaw, Maxims for Revolutionaries

Posted : May 22, 2020 7:18 am
gildo reacted
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

Thinking about it. If these prudes are ringing the police to report naked people in the forest surely the police are asking the same questions as you. Are they behaving in a lewd manner? Are they misbehaving? When the answer is no, they are just walking, or walking their dog. Then the police should be saying so what's your problem then? They're doing nothing wrong. 

My thinking is, if 5 people complain, 5 are told this, 5 now know it's not illegal. 5 educated. Less problems.

Hopefully if they're not happy with this answer they maybe go and exercise elsewhere. Win win.

Cant help wondering how many complaints they have received for them to come and knock on your door. Do you think perhaps that the RSPB have reported it themselves due to the number of calls They have received? Did they get your address off of the RSPB?

Posted : May 22, 2020 7:22 am
gildo reacted
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I had that sort of conversation with the police and they get it but they are looking for ways to reduce the number of calls now. They had to agree with me that there is little to be done except maybe provide more information for people so they know what to expect. I don't think Chloe put them on to me, In the past I have been to talk to the police about naturism to be sure they understood the law as they did not about 8 years ago when I first went to talk to them. I think the good thing that came out of this is that the police really have got the message that it is not illegal to be naked. They stood and talked to me while I was naked and never even mentioned that I had no clothes on. I can understand that they may wish to find a way to reduce the calls but hopefully they will realise that they can also help reduce them by telling callers that we are doing nothing wrong.

Posted : May 22, 2020 7:43 am
tribalbrit reacted
Posts: 141


I was referring to the Sherwood Forest policy.

Life’s too short. Do it today!

Posted : May 22, 2020 8:36 am
Posts: 887

Personally I won't be surprised if signs went up asking nudists to refrain from walking in public areas and to respect others, and then following that for signs to state nudity is not acceptable / permitted in certain areas. I would expect the signs to be in the more remote access points but also probably in the media. I would be very surprised if signs went up stating that the area is used by some nudists and not to be alarmed, they are just people who like to walk without clothes, it is legal, the police are aware and will not take any action.

Posted : May 22, 2020 9:30 am
Andy D reacted
Posts: 945

The pessimist in me agrees with JM - if things reach the need for a resolution it will usually be the naturists who will be expected to give way.

Optimistically - when these sorts of situations arise they often need to be brought to a head to resolve them, rather than rumble on unsatisfactorily; this particular situation might be reaching that tipping point, resulting in a test case, not necessarily in a court of law but perhaps in the court of public opinion, local media, council chamber, some such. 

“We” apparently have the police and the authorities (in the form of wardens etc) on our side, as well as the letter of the law, so can hope to carry the day if things do, indeed, reach some form of climax. Fingers crossed.

Noli illegitimi te carborundum

Posted : May 22, 2020 11:24 am
gildo reacted
Posts: 665
Honorable Member


The whole forest is a public area. It's just that the main area where we wouldn't walk has the car parks closed, so people are venturing further afield, parking and walking where they normally wouldn't.

There are people out walking that have probably never walked before and un-aware that they may meet naturists, regular walkers are more used to us David has been walking the area for years and has a good rapport with the natives and wardens.

I think it will all blow over once things get back to some normality.

Posted : May 22, 2020 12:15 pm
gildo reacted
Posts: 374
Reputable Member

We do enjoy a naked walk, but we only ever do it on naturist beaches or resorts such as Charco Del Palo where naked in the street is the norm. 


It’s a pity you can’t encourage some women on your walks here, a naked couple or mixed group wouldn’t (I believe) cause the faux outrage and offence taken on behalf of others that one elderly gent can generate. 

Sadly, free range naturism seems to be the preserve of the older male. I’m basing that on the people on this and other naturists forums. 

Signs may be a good idea, if people were aware that it’s perfectly acceptable then they might try it on a warm day. 

Posted : May 22, 2020 5:24 pm
Davey B, Jesse and Andy D reacted
Posts: 271
Reputable Member

I think signs could lead the way to a middle ground.

Eg. informing people that naturists use the wood too and it is legal for them to do this anywhere, but the more frequent areas are X, Y and Z.  It reinforces that you may see them about wherever, but if you're prudish maybe steer clear of those specific areas.  It also informs others who may want to give it a go where a more appropriate place is to give it a try out.

The downside is it's a slippery slope to "banned in this bit" or "restricted only to that bit", but the owners may try that anyway unless the middle ground is sought.  I think it's great that you have personal contact with the warden, as that also leads to discussions and reasoned debate rather than knee-jerk reactions.

Posted : May 22, 2020 10:34 pm
Corporal 1954
Posts: 148
Estimable Member

A simple sign saying something like, naturists use this area, its legal and cause no harm to anyone, the police are aware so p,ease don't waste their time by calling them. They have more important issues to deal with.

Posted : May 22, 2020 10:40 pm
Jesse reacted
Posts: 899
Prominent Member

You will not go from the view of "mad pervert" to acceptance overnight. It will not happen. Signs are not a slippery slope it is warning textiles until they become familiar with two legged wildlife :-). It should also mean that unexpected encounters will be less tense. It is not so bad on the hills as you can be seen from miles away so it is more bemusement than surprise

Posted : May 23, 2020 10:54 am
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