
Peter Rabbit
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Joined: September 1, 2014 9:55 am
Last seen: August 11, 2021 4:43 pm
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About Me

I have had an interest in Naturism for many years but working in Health and Social Care -particularly in children services have found it difficult to follow this interest. Having now retired I feel I can do those things I have wanted to do for years. I have subscribed to H&E for years so have a "good" theoretical background into naturism, as a committed Christian and regular church goer I have looked seriously at the biblical view on nudity. My enquiries into this have been helped by reading work published on "Christian Naturist Fellowship" website and on The "Fig Leaf Forum" these have confirmed my view that it is a right and proper thing to be doing.
Having got this far I have now made the first step in my adventure by making a first visit to Telford Naturist Club (TNC). The experience was exhilarating, made better by the friendly welcoming and supportive nature of the TNC club members - I am keen to complete my formal "4" visits and become a full member.
Throughout this time of development my wife has been interested and supportive but has no desire to join in with me. I think she is overwhelmed by years of societal conditioning and an over developed sense of modesty- which I understand. She did however go with me to my first visit to TNC for support and to see where it is that I would be visiting. I warned her not to laugh when first I stripped off and she replied "why should I, I have seen you like that for years" partners are really wonderful!.
In my venture into naturism I am very conscious not to isolate my wife while I swan off to places. We have a dog that needs regular walking, a Victorian house with a large tiered garden that needs attending and grand children to enjoy. We also have moved a lot in my working career so spent little time together, so now retired we need to develop some more time/activities to ourselves. I am hopeful that we can work this out while I enjoy the naked lifestyle.


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