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Joined: August 9, 2019 3:15 am
Last seen: October 5, 2022 1:42 am
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About Me

Hello Everyone,

So good to be here, I hope I can contribute to this community.

My name is Alister I live in North West England in Cheshire but I'm originally from Scotland.
I'm 53 year old Male, 54 in September, I live with my partner and two wonderful children.

I’m fairly new to naturism, although looking back I’ve not been particularly afraid of being naked when by myself, and I’ve always slept naked since I was young even in the depth of winter, strangely find that your own body heat keeps you warm under the covers, besides it’s way more comfortable.

Before I explain my naturism journey so far I think I need to give you a little background.

I was diagnosed with type two diabetes back in 2010, and although I was managing it well, it was always on the borderline of needing more treatment. At the beginning of the year I decided that I was going to put this damn condition in remission by the end of this year, I also have a biomedical science background so could understand to some degree the science of how its caused and also how it could be reversed. So long story short, I’ve lost over 4 stones in weight going from 18 stones 7lb to a little over 15 stones in just over 6 months by a change in lifestyle. I’ve had to drill extra holes in my belts so I can get my trousers to stay up.... that would be interesting if they fell down at inopportune moments hehe, however as a result I’m a lot more body confident Its done wonders how I feel about myself and can even look at myself in the mirror now and not think I look terrible.

Anyway, I started to take naturism seriously about two or three weeks ago. It was a Saturday, it was raining and I had dropped my partner and youngest daughter of at a friend’s and I knew they would not be back for a while, our eldest being a typical teenager was fast asleep upstairs. I was in our conservatory listening to the rain on the roof, then I just wondered what it would be like to feel the rain on my skin, so without giving it much thought I had stripped down and then stepped out onto the patio. Oh my God, the feeling of freedom, the gentle wind around me, the soft rain on my skin, it felt that every single nerve ending in my body was tingling with excitement, it just felt like being so alive. After the first time which was only a minute or two, I came in and dried off a little, I checked upstairs, my eldest was still asleep, so round two, and it felt every bit as good as the first. In between time I looked up British Naturism and swiftly signed up, and that afternoon I had enjoyed a rather wet but warm afternoon on the patio getting wet naked.... I was hooked, and since I have taken every opportunity to step out onto the patio in my birthday suit, usually before getting directly into bed and again in the morning if no one is around. I’ve also been working away and have taken the opportunity when in the hotel room to strip off, and not necessarily with the curtains closed. I’ve also flirted with some public nudity the other night in the country park near my hotel, but well away from any people I hasten to add, although I did get a fright when I thought I was alone and heard voices, don’t think I’ve ever moved so fast.

My interests outside naturism are photography, fine art studio based mainly as I’m interested in from and light. I also practice mindfulness, and have a big interest in nature and the natural world, all which tie in with naturism, mindfulness and naturism are a very good combination and I recommend everyone tries it. Other interests include entrepreneurship as my next move will be to my own business, listening to audio books on a wide range of subjects, nearly all non fiction ranging from science, business, psychology, self help...

So what would I like to get from naturist corner, I’m just interested in exploring the lifestyle a bit more, meeting some like minded people and getting involved in some events and contributing to the forum and blogs and maybe some events where possible.

Anyway, talked enough now, looking forward to getting involved if you will have me.




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