
Active Member
Joined: June 8, 2011 10:18 am
Topics: 0 / Replies: 6
Re: Bare essentials for naked walking?

Normal walking gear. I always wear stretchy elasticated shorts to start my walk and I am still flexible enough to get in and out easily after several ...

14 years ago
Re: A compendium of walks?

Hi,This is a debate that I have had with many people. The problem seems to be how we come into contact with the public. If we open the door to the swe...

14 years ago
Re: Naked Walks in Shropshire

Sounds great! As a recent move has brought me into Herefordshire and further away from SOC rambles I am looking for other venues and may start my own ...

14 years ago
Re: naturist walks around glos

Hi,I have been a fairly regular walker with SOC and as posted elsewhere I am interested in forming walking and swimming groups from my base in Herefor...

14 years ago
Re: Doing my bit for inter-textile relations

I agree with the softly approach. I used to culture my dog walkers when I was running early in the morning so that they all knew who I was and that I ...

14 years ago
Re: Offa's Dyke

Sounds great! As a recent move has brought me into Herefordshire and further away from SOC rambles I am looking for other venues and may start my own ...

14 years ago