
Eminent Member
Joined: May 2, 2014 7:11 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 37
Re: To photograph or not to photograph?

i have never had a photo taken of me totally naked, partly because no-one has offered and maybe i've been to shy to ask. However someone was taki...

10 years ago
Re: two wannabe life models near york

if you can gain the trust you will enjoy it enormously and seeing the results from the drawing/photo takes is very rewarding

10 years ago
Re: first time nude

our first time nude abroad was when my wife and i stopped by a remote beach on the way to Rome. We stopped and walked through the trees to find a beac...

10 years ago
Re: two wannabe life models near york

i used to life model when i was younger the main thing for me to start with was trust - once you have established that you can relax 🙂

10 years ago
Re: Nude portraits over 40 Year.

I rather like the pictures at all stages of her life, an honest photo history of how ageing can still be beauty

10 years ago
Re: naturist since 17

I was about the same age when i had my first naturist experience sun bathing nude in my parents garden and despite being caught second time by my neig...

10 years ago
Re: Croatia

Wish i knew when i was there!!

10 years ago
Re: Croatia

Venice, Gards and Istria in one vacation sounds fantastic and a complete variety of sights, sounds and experiences - i was in venice last September at...

10 years ago
Re: Croatia

i have heard the people are good in that part of the world  - overall during my travels i can honestly say most people you meet are decent enough...

10 years ago
Re: Are you a photographer?

Really good photos - multiplicity album is very clever

10 years ago
Re: Croatia

the trip is sounding more appealing by the minute - the sort of advice and recommendations here are really wetting my appetite so thank you all again ...

10 years ago
Re: Croatia

Thx Brigette - i think you are right its well within the distance for the time i have and have got the map out now! - i appreciate your help 🙂

10 years ago
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