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Artistic nudes

35 Posts
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For many years I photographed models in the genre of artistic nude or art nude (take your pick) I have to say that in recent months I have stopped for many reasons that are not worth mentioning. I seems to me that naturist would fall into two major groups. The first would be absolutely against having images created whilst naked and the second almost demanding the attention. I say this as I have been reading through the forums and there appears to be these two basic groups throughout the naturist community. There does not appear to be much in the middle ground of not bothered either way. I may be completely wrong of course.

Posted : July 21, 2015 8:16 pm
Posts: 344
Reputable Member

I can't say I'm that bothered about it. I never used to have any photos of myself but since I've started enjoying naturism more fully, I do like to have some snaps of me enjoying myself [also I take some selfies to check on how I'm doing physically]

I really should have been born on a tropical island

Posted : July 21, 2015 8:26 pm
Posts: 14
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I think I meant more posed type shots as opposed to snaps. Don't get me wrong I love snap shots they are fun and preserve memories. But I also think a good clean well taken photograph can be emotive beautiful or elegant.

Am I allowed to post an example?

Posted : July 21, 2015 8:34 pm
Posts: 344
Reputable Member

I kinda realised that just after I posted. I don't think the difference just applies to naturists - some people like posed shots, others like 'snap' shots. I've seen some really good artistic posed shots but never felt inclined to have one myself [think that'd be pushing any photographer's abilities rather too far!]
I think you're allowed to add examples as long as they comply with the site rules - one of the mods would be able to answer that

I really should have been born on a tropical island

Posted : July 21, 2015 8:50 pm
Posts: 14
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I have just tried to put a picture up on another thread but don't seem to be able to I have only just become a full member so I may not yet have full functionality.

Posted : July 21, 2015 8:55 pm
Posts: 344
Reputable Member

ah yes, think you have to apply to be a full+ member to post media
if you click on the media centre tab at the top there is an apply to join tab

I really should have been born on a tropical island

Posted : July 21, 2015 9:01 pm
Posts: 3233
Famed Member

Anyone can add photo's to a post, see This topic in the 'How To' board in Help and Feedback Centre.

To have an Album in the Media Centre, an application has to be submitted.

Posted : July 21, 2015 11:04 pm
Posts: 14
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Anyone can add photo's to a post, see This topic in the 'How To' board in Help and Feedback Centre.

To have an Album in the Media Centre, an application has to be submitted.

Thank you I will try it now.

Posted : July 22, 2015 6:39 pm
Posts: 14
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An example of my work.

Posted : July 22, 2015 6:41 pm
Posts: 344
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interesting rock formation - obviously I barely looked at the model [pun intended]

I really should have been born on a tropical island

Posted : July 22, 2015 6:46 pm
Posts: 14
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Oddly I cant see it oh yes I can. sorry

Posted : July 22, 2015 6:47 pm
Posts: 14
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Ok back on subject. Would this style of work appeal to naturists or not?

Posted : July 22, 2015 6:50 pm
Posts: 344
Reputable Member

Personally I don't see why not - it's just most of us probably aren't quite as interesting models. No-one else seems to have been interested in this topic though

I really should have been born on a tropical island

Posted : July 22, 2015 7:07 pm
Posts: 326
Reputable Member

Ok back on subject. Would this style of work appeal to naturists or not?

It appeals to me; sadly, unless you leave the lens cap on, I am nothing like as photogenic as your model.

Have fun,


It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

Posted : July 22, 2015 7:08 pm
cherry and john
Posts: 1433

Coaster .... superb photo and example of the genre. 

Posted : July 22, 2015 7:15 pm
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