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Naked walks in Sherwood Forest

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We have picked mushrooms in our local woods for very many years (well over 10) with different types of knives including more recently 'proper' mushroom knife (has a  small brush on one end and the curved blade folds into the knife body. Before that we just used normal fixed blade kitchen knives. Normally we carry a basket and the knife(s) are in there not hidden - many people see us on the way to the mushroom area and back - no-one has ever felt threatened - its very obvious what we are doing.

So I guess you could say being naked in public is the same as carrying a knife in public - its all about how you act and what you do i.e. what your intent is will affect how people react.

Posted : October 16, 2019 9:53 am
gildo reacted
Posts: 833
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Six mile naked walk yesterday and seven miles today in Sherwood Forest. The wind made it feel a little cold at times but still very enjoyable,  there are loads of chestnuts all over the ground at present, I brought a bag full home with me today. everyone quite friendly and the same yesterday although today one gent said its not very nice for women. I don't know how he knows that and I wished I had thought quick enough to ask him. Yesterday there were two women with half a dozen dogs off the lead and one very big dog muzzled on a lead which she had great difficulty hanging on to. One big black dog ran full pelt at me in an aggressive manner but I managed to calm it down while the other dogs were all around me all getting excited. The two women had no idea what to do and just stood there watching me without doing anything. Fortunately I got away unscathed but if my wife had been there she would have been absolutely petrified. Some people have no idea with dogs, thank goodness others usually have the good manners to keep them under control and sometimes put them on a lead as I approach.

Posted : October 22, 2019 5:29 pm
Posts: 833
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Lovely sunny day today for a 5.5 mike naked walk in Sherwood Forest. Temperature between 6 and 7 degrees C. Met half a dozen people and 3 guys just as I was getting back naked into my car. They just smiled and said hello. The little pond in the forest was about 6 feet deep a few days ago but the level has dropped considerably probably by half.

Posted : November 18, 2019 7:14 pm
Posts: 665
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I steer clear of the pond as the dog loves to jump in it and it stinks,  😮
I managed to get out today for a little more than a hour, didn't see a soul, perhaps the weather puts most off. It was 8 degrees and spitting of rain but quite enjoyable. I always feel much better after I've had a naked walk, seems to revitalize me, especially this weather. 

Posted : November 23, 2019 6:46 pm
Posts: 833
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At last it was warm and dry enough to get out for a naked walk in the forest today. It is very wet and soggy out there but as I wear sandals with no socks its not a problem, I can just walk through the mud and wet and wash it off in a puddle. I only met one guy with a dog and I passed an elderly woman with 2 small dogs. It was lovely to get out again after the cold wet spell we have had

Posted : December 19, 2019 2:47 pm
Posts: 665
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I was out yesterday, was about 7 degrees but pleasant, I saw one person at a distance,
You're right about it being wet and muddy, when will it stop raining?
I'll be out again later today with the dog.

Posted : December 22, 2019 12:52 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

I've just returned from a walk round the forest and Budby Common and once again the RSPB has surpassed it's self with the scale of destruction inflicted on the public footpath's and bridleways while carrying out works to the area. They show total disregard to the public's right of way to these areas, I'm beginning to think they do not want the public visiting these areas even though the village of Edwinstowe relies to a degree on the income. I know the forest has to be managed but there was never this degree of destruction when the Forestry Commission managed it.
Add to this the 5 million price tag for the new visitors centre, which is little more than a glass fronted shed and you have to ask yourself why? A visitors centre in the forest that does not allow dogs in. I ask you?   

Posted : December 22, 2019 7:27 pm
Posts: 833
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Just back from a lovely naked 6 3/4 mile walk in Sherwood Forest. The sun shone the whole time and although it was only 7 degrees C it didn't feel cold. Quite a few people around today I met a group of about 8 walkers, and several couples. Everyone very friendly, smiley and lots of chuckling going on once I was passed.

Posted : December 30, 2019 2:54 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

Had a lovely walk this afternoon, temperature gauge in car said it was 1 degree  when I returned.
Managed just over an hour, the puddles were frozen over and the ground was hard and white with frost but was great to walk naked.
Only saw one couple on an adjacent path to the one I was on, they did look a little bemused as I passed by though.

Posted : January 19, 2020 7:28 pm
Posts: 833
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Just back from a 6 mile naked walk in the forest. Not many people about today. I met on guy who just said that's one way to stop the thighs chafing, then proceeded to chat to me while we walked together for a short while. I walked past a couple of forestry workers who were erecting new fences, they just said hello. 3 women on horseback passed in front of me but didn't even seem to notice me although when they were past I heard one of them say did you see that naked guy. Saw 2 or 3 other people in the distance. Temperature was about 9 degrees C with a brisk wind at times, but as I was walking at 4.5 miles per hour I didn't feel cold. It was very cloudy but really good to get out.

Posted : January 30, 2020 4:53 pm
Posts: 665
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I too was out today for an hour and a half , must have just missed you, returned to my car about 5, just before it dropped dark. I saw a few folk out but only from a distance, it was a bit windy but enjoyable all the same.
the nights are drawing out now and the temperatures aren't to bad to enjoy a good walk.
At least they are cleaning the common up

Posted : January 30, 2020 6:42 pm
Posts: 833
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Just back from a 6.25 naked walk in Sherwood Forest. It was quite windy and a little cold out in the open. I headed for the areas sheltered by trees to keep out of the wind and it was lovely. The warden and her helpers were out somewhere today but I didn't see them. I saw a few people in the distance but didn't actually meet anyone today. At home now feeling really refreshed.

Posted : February 4, 2020 5:17 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

Just back from a 6.25 naked walk in Sherwood Forest. It was quite windy and a little cold out in the open. I headed for the areas sheltered by trees to keep out of the wind and it was lovely. The warden and her helpers were out somewhere today but I didn't see them. I saw a few people in the distance but didn't actually meet anyone today. At home now feeling really refreshed.

Posted : February 4, 2020 5:20 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

I went for a naked walk in the forest this afternoon. I was walking quite briskly at an average of 4 miles per hour to keep warm. It was 7 degrees C with very little wind and the sun was shining when I set off, lovely. I met about a dozen different people at various points during the walk. Everyone was ok, two or three people stopped to chat for a few minutes. the temperature dropped towards the end of the walk and I started to feel a little cold but it still felt good.

Posted : February 5, 2020 4:57 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

Wow what a fantastic day. the sunshine has been quite strong all day and I went for a 7 mile naked walk at 1.30 this afternoon. I think the sunshine must have affected everyone. I met about 8 people, all were really happy and talkative. No one mentioned that I was naked but one guy asked me if I was too hot. Another said he did't realise it was warm enough and then said good on you. Just as I was approaching one couple my foot slipped and I nearly fell over in front of them. They just smiled and said oops be careful. It was only 7 degrees C but it felt a lot warmer due to the sunshine, it was very slippy under foot in places though because in some spots the ground and puddles were still frozen.

Posted : February 6, 2020 5:18 pm
tribalbrit reacted
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