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Naked walks in Sherwood Forest

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martin tacey
Posts: 884
Prominent Member

I have just returned from a fantastic walk in South Forest with Gildo. He and I managed about 7.5 miles before I had to leave.  We had got back to the car park just as the sun came out with a vengeance, so Gildo chose to continue his wanderings, making me really jealous...but there'll be another time. This was a walk of firsts for me. First time I had walked with anyone, first time I had walked naked with anyone, first time I had walked past anyone naked, and first time I had stopped to chat to anyone. Why oh why have I been so shy in the past.
Gildo is a great guide. He was already at the parking place when I arrived. This was the first time that we had met, but it was clear as he got out of his car naked, that this was the man I had arranged to meet to accompany me in the forest. I was dressed in my shorts and polo shirt, and mumbled something about wanting to warm up before I stripped. Gildo simply said, 'you do what you want. I am sure that he was aware of my nervousness at being naked in such a public place, but he simply let me take my own time to be comfortable. Once we were off the beaten track, I realised it was now or never, and stripped myself. After that there never seemed a need to get dressed again. We passed close to a number of people, spoke to still more, and at no time did I feel uncomfortable. We met one chap who made a point of stopping to talk to us and asking if this were 'a naturists area's. Gildo explained that there were a few naturists who walked in the area and that it wasn't illegal. The guy was interested, and on another occasion I suspect may have joined us. When we got back to the parking area, I put my clothes back on (Gildo remained naked) and now I wish I hadn't. Next time! Thanks Gildo for a great walk.

What a great post!. 🙂

MJ Tacey

Posted : October 17, 2018 3:53 pm
Posts: 156
Estimable Member

Yes a great post.
I am kicking myself now. When I read gildo's post last night I wondered if he was walking again today. I nearly message him. I had the day alone (wife was out with friends) but decided to spend the time in the garden as lots to prepare for winter (not a word I like). Was ok today about 14C but only the odd glimpse of sun.
I have walked with Gildo before in Sherwood (once earlier this year and with my wife), we had a great day and said must return when the heather is out but never managed it.

J&HFriendly Naturist couple

Posted : October 17, 2018 4:58 pm
Posts: 321
Reputable Member

Glad to hear you both had a geat day.

Posted : October 17, 2018 5:00 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

I have just returned from a fantastic walk in South Forest with Gildo. He and I managed about 7.5 miles before I had to leave.  We had got back to the car park just as the sun came out with a vengeance, so Gildo chose to continue his wanderings, making me really jealous...but there'll be another time. This was a walk of firsts for me. First time I had walked with anyone, first time I had walked naked with anyone, first time I had walked past anyone naked, and first time I had stopped to chat to anyone. Why oh why have I been so shy in the past.
Gildo is a great guide. He was already at the parking place when I arrived. This was the first time that we had met, but it was clear as he got out of his car naked, that this was the man I had arranged to meet to accompany me in the forest. I was dressed in my shorts and polo shirt, and mumbled something about wanting to warm up before I stripped. Gildo simply said, 'you do what you want. I am sure that he was aware of my nervousness at being naked in such a public place, but he simply let me take my own time to be comfortable. Once we were off the beaten track, I realised it was now or never, and stripped myself. After that there never seemed a need to get dressed again. We passed close to a number of people, spoke to still more, and at no time did I feel uncomfortable. We met one chap who made a point of stopping to talk to us and asking if this were 'a naturists area's. Gildo explained that there were a few naturists who walked in the area and that it wasn't illegal. The guy was interested, and on another occasion I suspect may have joined us. When we got back to the parking area, I put my clothes back on (Gildo remained naked) and now I wish I hadn't. Next time! Thanks Gildo for a great walk.

Thank you for your company today it was really nice to meet you and to have someone to walk with. I was a little worried that the weather might have turned against us as the forecast was for some rain. As it turned out it was very pleasant. After I left you I walked for another 4 miles and I met a few more people including couples, everyone was very pleasant, smiled said hello and some a little chat. For me it just feels so normal to meet people while I am naked, however I realise it has taken me years to be this comfortable and many naked walkers haven't had the same amount of experience that I have. If anyone would like a walk with me there will never be any pressure from me for you to be naked until you feel comfortable and I will only intentionally take you where we are more likely to meet people if you are ready to give it a try. During the cooler months though it is important that you are able to walk at a reasonable pace to keep warm.

Posted : October 17, 2018 5:44 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

Just back from a pleasant 10 mile naked walk in sherwood forest. It was a cool 13° when I set off but the Sun was shining so it didn’t feel cold. Whilst I was out I met three women with small dogs. They were picking up sweet chestnuts which gave me an opportunity to chat to them about what they were doing. I met three guys and a girl who approach from a Side path just as I was right in front of them. As I return to my car I stood back whilst a man and a woman with a couple of dogs passed through the gate to the car park. Oh I nearly forgot I also passed a guy Wearing a cowboy hat with two dogs.

Posted : October 18, 2018 4:53 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

Just returned from Sherwood myself. As you say it was 13 degrees when I set off but only 9 degrees on my return to the car and my testicles had completely withdrawn into my body. lol.
I thought as I was walking I bet gildo is out today. Never bump into each other though.
I only saw a cyclist that just gave me a strange look as he passed me from behind
Only managed today as I got off work earlier

Posted : October 18, 2018 5:59 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

I,m making the most of this weather while it lasts
Had a two hour walk Saturday and an hour and half today the sun was fantastic on my skin, hope it lasts a bit longer.

Posted : October 21, 2018 6:58 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

I did another 10 miles this afternoon, surprised I did't see you.

Posted : October 21, 2018 11:46 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

I was out between 4 and 6 Saturday and 4 and 5.45 Sunday was hoping to get out this evening but had things to do, don't suppose there will be many more opportunities soon but I'll keep trying, as I've said before once I'm out with the dog I can't seem to keep my clothes on, what ever the weather.
I'm sure we'll bump into each other eventually.

Posted : October 22, 2018 5:36 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

I was out between 4 and 6 Saturday and 4 and 5.45 Sunday was hoping to get out this evening but had things to do, don't suppose there will be many more opportunities soon but I'll keep trying, as I've said before once I'm out with the dog I can't seem to keep my clothes on, what ever the weather.
I'm sure we'll bump into each other eventually.

I was out again this afternoon, the wind made it feel a bit chilly

Posted : October 22, 2018 11:27 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

It was a lovely afternoon today, lots of sunshine even though it was only about 12 degrees C. My daughter and grandchildren came to visit and my 11 year old grandson wanted to go for a walk with me, so we set off for a walk in Sherwood Forest and within 5 minutes I was naked as usual. My grandson didn’t turn a hair, he is used to me walking naked as he has walked naked with me in Spain. We didn’t meet many people but as usual those we did meet were very friendly and happy to chat for a few moments.
The highlight of the walk though was meeting the warden who I haven’t seen for about 3 months, she is very naturist friendly. I have been sending her information about naturism for the past couple of years or more and chatted to her about it on numerous occasions. She was quite excited to tell me that head office has made her the specialist adviser on Naturism for the RSPB for the whole country and she has sent all of the information and guidance notes I have sent her to head office and every RSPB warden in the country. She thanked me and told me it was all down to me and she was very happy about it. I mentioned that there were a lot more visitors to her area of the forest now and also a lot more naturists walking regularly and I asked her how things were going. She told me that she had noticed the increase in the number of visitors and the number of Naturists but there had been no problems and she was quite happy about it as long as people don’t start walking near the major oak. I assured her that naturists are very unlikely to do that as we value the good relations that have been established. She talked about some of the Naturists that she had seen and I was able to acknowledge that I knew them all and some she had not seen and I have, at some time been able to talk to most of them.
About 5 months ago a female jogger came across a guy paying with himself and she reported it to the police and mentioned it to the warden. At the time the warden associated the guy with naturism and I thought she was going to throw a bit of a wobbly about naked walkers. However she allowed me to talk to her and explain that this problem of association is one of the issues we have to deal with regularly and I eventually managed to get her to see that there is no association and it was almost certainly someone who was not a Naturist.
I regularly keep in touch with the warden mostly by email and keep her up to date about what is going on. I am sure that meeting me now while I am naked in the forest, even when there are other people with her is completely normal for her, although she says Naturism is not for her and I have never tried to persuade her otherwise. It really is beginning to feel as if Naturism is becoming normalised in the area and it is not unusual for me to bump into other Naturists when I am out walking.

Posted : October 25, 2018 8:10 pm
Posts: 430
Reputable Member

That's fabulous to hear Dave. You're doing a good job!  Keep up the good work! and thanks for sharing!

'A nudist resort is simply a place where men and women meet and air their differences'."

Posted : October 25, 2018 9:08 pm
Posts: 62
Trusted Member
Topic starter

Having walked with you Gildo, I know that you have done a fabulous job of promoting the cause of naturist rights to freely walk naked. The RSPB warden has to balance the freedom of naturists to walk naked in her domain with the vocal opposition from those that see naturist as a weird perversion. Gildo has had the courage to deal with the issues head on with the people who can influence opinion and has made a place that I for one felt very comfortable to be naked in.

Posted : October 25, 2018 11:31 pm
Posts: 43
Eminent Member

That sounds really positive! Thanks for everything you've done to encourage their positive attitude.
I've really enjoyed getting into walking there during the summer, its a great location for it and I feel so safe and able to relax there for everyone else's positive stories.
Sadly haven't been for a few months now, mainly due to being busy and away a lot with work whenever the weather has been good!

Posted : October 29, 2018 7:37 pm
Posts: 151
Estimable Member

You are an ambassador for our cause, very well done.


Posted : October 30, 2018 9:04 am
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