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Naked walks in Sherwood Forest

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Friday evening, 6.30 pm. loads of cars parked on Swinecoat Road so went round to the pumping station, one car parked up belonging to a guy I speak to most days.

I was out till just before 9 only saw one couple as I followed them round the common. Where do all the car owners go? Tell a lie there was a bird watcher, totally camouflaged among the common, I was about 10 feet away before I saw him, he never saw me as he had his back to me, I wonder if he spots any birds. No others out though that I saw.

Further on in the forest I came out from the trees into a clearing and came face to face with a deer, a doe, feeding. I was no more than 25/30 feet away, we both stood staring at each other for what felt like ages, no movement apart from her chewing on what ever she was eating. Absolutely beautiful.

No dog with me as she was cut yesterday and my wife says she can stay smelling nice for a couple of days before I get her filthy again. No fun some folk. 🙄  

Posted : May 30, 2020 1:50 pm
sunchaser2 reacted
Posts: 833
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I know what you mean about the number of cars parked. there have been times lately when it has been impossible to park there and I have found somewhere else. Like you I thought there must be lots of people around. But I have been to investigate and discovered there was no one to be seen. Even further afield when I have walked up to 6 miles. I can only think that they all walk along the side of the field and turn left to go to the Major Oak. Perhaps we have scared them all off.

Posted : May 30, 2020 8:42 pm
tribalbrit reacted
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

Another lovely 9 mile naked walk in the forest today, again lots of happy smiling faces and we stayed on the public footpaths and bridal ways for a fair amount of time.

Looking forward to another tomorrow with 5 other naturists.

Posted : May 31, 2020 7:04 pm
tribalbrit and robt51 reacted
Posts: 833
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I arranged a naked walk in Sherwood forest for six people and today we had beautiful weather for it. As we were waiting for the last person to arrive at the parking spot on an unmade road I was naked and a guy about 20 yds away by his car with his wife and child started shouting at me to put some clothes on as it is illegal to be naked. I shouted back that it was not and I had information in my bag to prove it. However he was one of those who knew it all and he would not accept it is perfectly lawful to be naked in the forest. He could easily have turned away from us or got into his car or walked away as we were not close to him and we were just stood waiting. He continued to shout at us and I shouted back if you don't like what you see don't look. He became more aggressive and started to walk towards me in a threatening manner shouting even though there were 5 of us. He kept repeating it is illegal. So I told him if he wouldn't believe us he should ring the police and ask them. The next thing I knew he was talking to the police on his mobile. The other member of the group turned up and we set off walking past him all of us covered up as we passed him and his family. As soon as we had passed him everyone stripped off and we walked for about 10 minutes. I then decided to ring the police and let them know what had happened and ask if they had told him that we were not breaking the law. I also told them I had rung mainly to let them know what had happened so that they would not have to waste police time on something perfectly lawful. The call handler said we know it is not illegal to be naked but I don't have the details, I will get someone to ring you back. Towards the end of the walk I received a call from a PC who told me that my complaint had been recorded and he wanted to give me an incident number for the report of aggressive behaviour I had reported, I told him I did not want to make a report of aggressive behaviour I just wanted the police to know what had happened and tell the guy we were not breaking the law. He said we know it is not illegal to walk naked in the forest that is why we are giving you a crime number for the aggressive behaviour you experienced. I told him I did not want one but he insisted he had to give me one and he told me that he had visited the area where the aggressive behaviour took place. I told him I only reported it to prevent the waste of police time. He told me if anyone reports aggressive behaviour they have to investigate. So perhaps the guy who thought it was illegal to be naked will get a bit of a surprise when he learns that it is perfectly lawful to be naked but he could have got into trouble because of his behaviour. After that we had a lovely walk until when on a public bridleway 2 off road motorcyclists came past laughing and then sped up spraying us with stones from the road. Then they turned round and did it again. As they passed I shouted I am reporting you to the police but there was no point as it was impossible to describe them with headgear and face coverings. Apart from those 2 incidents we had a lovely time. Everyone else we met was friendly with no unpleasantness.

Posted : June 1, 2020 7:58 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member


There's always the unsavoury element where ever you go.

I had lovely walk this evening. Nearly didn't make it alive though.

I decided to park at the pumping station today. As I was driving up the unmade road bit a absolutely massive tree branch came crashing down in front of my car, bringing others down with it. The guy from the end house came running out as he'd heard the crash from inside his house. Had I been 3 seconds earlier I think I would have been dead.

It narrowly missed 3 other cars already parked up, two of which were the wrong side of the tree fall. Luckily one of the owners came back and it took three of us to drag one end out the way for him and the other to get out.

IF anyone is planning on parking there in the next few days be very careful there are still large branches hanging down waiting to fall and the whole tree looks unsafe to me. 

David could you post on your other sites please and if your meeting there tomorrow watch where you park, it's about the second tree up on the right.

The guy from the house was going to report it to Seven Trent but who knows what they'll do about it.  

Saw a stag today, again about 20 odd feet away. Lovely antlers.

Posted : June 1, 2020 10:41 pm
gildo reacted
Posts: 833
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Thank you for letting me know, I have sent the message out to all of my contacts.

Posted : June 1, 2020 10:52 pm
tribalbrit reacted
Posts: 665
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Bit of a shock to the system today. Didn't get out till 6.30. 10 degrees and spitting of rain, managed an hour before heading back.

On the plus side No covid ramblers and cyclists about.

See there are signs up now, country code and no fire's and bbq's

Posted : June 3, 2020 7:44 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member


I gave it a miss today. I assume you mean the countryside code, which as I read it means that other people have to have regard and respect for us as well.

Posted : June 3, 2020 9:20 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member


That's what I thought too.

Posted : June 3, 2020 9:23 pm
gildo reacted
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

Missed my walk yesterday, just to wet.  Only 2nd time this year I've missed. Got out this evening 6 till 7.45. Weather was surprisingly warm, missed the rain showers and didn't see another sole, not even from a distance, felt like I was the only one out even though plenty of cars parked up again.

Was a bit wet under foot but enjoyable all the same. 

Was out Monday night till 1am. Helping in search for a lost dog, regrettably dressed as it was quite cold, was in unfamiliar territory,  in Rainworth woods, not been round there for 20 odd years, sempt quite nice ,what I saw of it in the pitch darkness. Dog was found at 4am.

Posted : June 12, 2020 8:38 pm
gildo reacted
Posts: 1161
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Posted by: @tribalbrit

Was out Monday night till 1am. Helping in search for a lost dog, regrettably dressed as it was quite cold, was in unfamiliar territory,  in Rainworth woods, not been round there for 20 odd years, sempt quite nice ,what I saw of it in the pitch darkness. Dog was found at 4am.

Good news for the owners


Posted : June 12, 2020 9:39 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member


Me being clothed or finding the dog?🙃

Posted : June 13, 2020 8:50 am
Posts: 1161
Super Member
Posted by: @tribalbrit


Me being clothed or finding the dog?🙃

The latter


Posted : June 13, 2020 9:04 am
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

Yeah they'd come up from the south to see family, went for a walk in the woods. Lost dog around 2.30 pm. Wife told me it was on FB around 9 so I went to help. Lost my dog for six hours a couple of years back so know what it's like. All ended well though.

Posted : June 13, 2020 10:16 pm
Norman reacted
Posts: 833
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I was out today on a 10 mile walk with 5 others. Just after we set off we met 2 other naturists  returning to their cars. At one point we all stood a while for one of the group to have a bite to eat. While we were waiting a guy and a woman, late twenties early thirties were coming towards us on a side path. As soon as the woman saw us she let out a shriek and turned round and walked in the opposite direction. The guy seemed ok and I just said its ok you can come past, but he turned and they both disappeared. This appeared to be a very unsatisfactory event and we thought that the woman must have been quite upset to react like that. However about half an hour later we met them again. This time the woman greeted us with a big smile and friendly chatter. She apologised for acting the way that she did and said when she saw us she was not expecting it and did not know what to do. Both of them were very friendly and laughing about what had happened. So it just goes to show that things are not always what they seem. We all told her how relieved we were that she was ok with our earlier encounter. I just love happy endings. Everyone else we met, some riding cycles some walking some sitting having a picnic were all very smiley and friendly. A lovely walk and the sun shone most of the time for us as well.

Posted : June 14, 2020 9:16 pm
tribalbrit reacted
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