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Naked walks in Sherwood Forest

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It looks like it is going to be lovely weather on Sunday. I will be going for a 8 mile naked walk if anyone would like to join me. I will be starting the walk in Sherwood forest at 11 am on Sunday 13th Sept. parking place is the side of a bridleway,


Posted : September 8, 2020 8:07 pm
Posts: 254
Reputable Member

I'll be going on the Canwell one but maybe next time. Hope its a good one for you.

If you're a couple in the Midlands and are under 50...say hi.

Posted : September 8, 2020 8:52 pm
Gaz man reacted
Posts: 665
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Posted by: @the-tibetan-hat

Good to know there are regular people with positive views of naked walking around Sherwood. I just wonder whether we should be sharing such specific descriptions of them on here, especially female ones. I can imagine some would be rather surprised by it.

Apologies your probably right. In fact this evening I was out and as I entered a certain stretch of woodland after a clearing I spotted a stocky looking guy with a collie dog. Now given gildos post higher up on here I readied myself for some abuse and maybe worse. As I got closser the guy saw me turned and gave me lovely wave and cheery hello. Then I noticed he had two collies with him. I shouted a greeting and carried way.. so maybe we are better not knowing.

Posted : September 8, 2020 11:10 pm
Posts: 899
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Posted by: @tribalbrit

Anyone out yesterday? had reports that four men were seen in the touristy bit of Sherwood Forest, where we have been asked not to go.

This is the point I was trying to make a couple of months ago. It is legal to walk naked but it is not yet accepted as legal by the ignorant (in the real meaning of the word). You can't go from 0 to 60 at warp speed. Avoid the areas that you know people will get upset in. Don't provoke angst. Just go about your business in the less populated areas and the news of naturists in the area will soon spread and the "shock horror" will diminish.

Posted : September 9, 2020 12:22 am
Bazza, John Gw and Jesse reacted
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Was late home from work today so didn't go out till 7.20 pm, figured I'd manage an hour before it got to dark.

As I was walking along the common the mist began to form, rolling over the heather like a carpet, it was mesmerising to watch, beautiful and a little spooky at the same time. At one point my lower half was totally  consumed amongst the mist,  

It was pitch black by the time I returned to my car, it's a good job I know the paths well, no accounting for the fallen branches though, about broke my neck when I managed to get one wrapped round both feet at the same time.

Well worth being up there as night falls, the place takes on a whole new appearance. 

Posted : September 14, 2020 9:16 pm
gildo reacted
Posts: 833
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Posted by: @hillwalker

Just go about your business in the less populated areas and the news of naturists in the area will soon spread and the "shock horror" will diminish.

That is exactly what we are doing and what is happening. Naturists have been walking the area for more than 30 years. However there has only been 1 complaint from the area near the major oak which is considered to be the more populated area. The complaints that the warden has had is from areas for example 5 miles away in an area where you rarely see anyone. The complaints are not coming from the more populated area, they are from areas often not even in the wardens area. It is quite different in woodland areas to on the moors where it is very easy to find places where there is virtually no one. People have been encouraged to get out for health and there are now people everywhere in the forest.

Posted : September 15, 2020 8:17 am
Posts: 833
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I had a very pleasant 14 mile walk this morning. I took a route I knew would not be busy and I did not see anyone until I was almost back to my car when two couples on bikes and a single guy on a bike passed me. Everyone was ok. It was very hot though at times, just the way I like it. There were lots of blackberries around and huge fungi everywhere. I passed by a river which had broken its bank and flooded the footpath. I ended up with mud up to my knees, soon washed it off in the river, that is the benefit of wearing walking sandals they soon dry.

Posted : September 15, 2020 6:08 pm
Lougabanuda reacted
Posts: 899
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that may be the case but your post in mid June indicated other people were going into the more populated areas

Posted : September 15, 2020 7:50 pm
Posts: 833
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@hillwalker I was just trying to help the warden out by posting a reminder to everyone because as you say someone had been seen in the vicinity even though he was not that close to the major oak. I work closely with the wardens to try to avoid any problems. They send any letters of complaint to me so I am aware of what is going on. I know most of the naked walkers in the area, but of course if someone has seen us and decided to give it a go without any prior experience there is little I can do about it. I am on several naturist sites and I keep my ear to the ground. However there will always be a problem from time to time with someone.

Posted : September 15, 2020 9:13 pm
tribalbrit reacted
Posts: 665
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Managed to get out late Sunday afternoon, must have met about a dozen people on my route which is strange for the time of day as I don't normally see anyone.

No problems though just a few chuckles.

Posted : September 21, 2020 10:41 pm
gildo and Lougabanuda reacted
Posts: 833
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Posted by: @dgildoo

Went for a 10 mile naked walk in Sherwood forest this morning. Weather was good. I met a volunteer warden for the RSPB who chatted to me for a while. Then I met a guy on a electric scooter who wanted to show me things on his mobile, he was a flat earther and he told me that the earth is flat and all about the conspiracy theories to keep it all from us. He was definitely convinced and I just made the right sort of noises. Then I met 4 people walking and behind them was mr really nasty. I have met him before he has a collie dog, some of us had an unpleasant encounter with him on a group walk. This time he ran at me shouting and swearing and took a swing at me. I ducked and side stepped him and got past him. he then chased me with his dog trying to get the dog to bite me and he tried to kick me. After a few yards he decided to just carry on shouting abuse at me as I hurried away. Once out of sight I stopped to eat some blackberries and as I looked round there he was in hot pursuit again. I walked away quickly. turned a corner and legged it. Fortunately I was unhurt but this guy is a real threat. As soon as I saw him I covered my bits with my bag but he still attacked me. I wish I was 20 years younger I would not have let him get away with how he behaved. A little later I walked past a young couple sitting on a bench, they both smiled and said hello. I would have loved to report him to the police but there would have been no chance of finding him out in the forest and I couldn't hang around near him without risking my safety.

I received a phone call on my mobile on the 22nd September from a police woman from Mansfield police. The first thing she said was,  it's ok you are not in trouble or anything. She rang me as the Ollerton police have my phone number which I willingly gave them as a means of contacting me about anything to do with naturism or naturists and they had put her in touch with me.

She told me that a man out walking with a woman and a dog in Sherwood Forest had reported a naked guy  who had been abusive towards him on the 1st of September and asked if I knew anything about the incident. I immediately realised that this was Mr Nasty who had tried to assault me and was verbally very aggressive. I responded that I was so glad that the police now knew who this man who had made the report was, as it was him who was aggressive and abusive and that he had run at me and tried to hit me and I gave her the whole story. I told her that I had not been abusive towards him and I had not done anything to warrant his behaviour and I wanted to report him and have him arrested. She told me that he had appeared aggressive in tone during the phone call and she believed me over what he had said. However she added that it would be my word against him and the woman he was with about what had happened and as I had no evidence to back up my account of events it was not worth trying to take matters further. However she told me that she would contact him again and tell him what I had said and tell him again that I was not doing anything illegal and that he must accept that and ignore me if he encounters me or any other naturist in future. She also said that she would tell him that if he was aggressive towards naturists in the future the police know who he is and they would take action. 

Hopefully Mr Nasty will now behave himself and we do not have to worry about him but if he does not, I and I hope anyone else he abuses in any way will report him to the police.

Posted : September 24, 2020 3:39 pm
robt51, ColinB, martin tacey and 4 people reacted
Posts: 945




Noli illegitimi te carborundum

Posted : September 24, 2020 6:03 pm
gildo reacted
John Gw
Posts: 3395
Posted by: @dgildoo

She told me that he had appeared aggressive in tone during the phone call and she believed me over what he had said.

I suspect that the police are as familiar as school teachers are with the bluster of the guilty and can even detect it over the telephone.

Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same.
George Bernard Shaw, Maxims for Revolutionaries

Posted : September 24, 2020 8:18 pm
tribalbrit reacted
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

Didn't manage to get out until 6 this evening, it was a chilly 16 degrees but the sun was still shining.

I decided on going freestyle today so stashed my shorts and t shirt in a bush, hid the car keys under a large log and set off un-hindered. It wasn't long before I decided to ditch the boots too, I stashed these under a tree and set off bear foot and completely naked, no clothes, bag, shoes or anything to hinder me. Vey exhilarating.

I chose my route carefully and kept on the grass as much as possible. This was wet and cold under foot. The fallen acorns were a bit of a problem but I walked like this for about an hour before returning to my  various hiding places in reverse order.

Only saw a couple walking their dog, don't know what they thought as I breezed past. I will say though, that I don't think bare foot is conducive to walking at a pace for exercise purposes as you have to be careful where you tread which slows you down.

Was getting dark as I retrieved my shorts and at one point thought I was going home without them but my trusty hound found them for me.

It was a very chilly 9 degrees when I returned to the car, the hot shower at home was much needed.


Posted : September 29, 2020 8:47 pm
Lougabanuda reacted
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

@tribalbrit I sometimes do that it is really lovely feeling when you have absolutely nothing with you and nothing on you feet. You are right you do have to take shorter steps and put more weight on the ball of your foot when walking without footwear, but it is lovely.

Posted : September 30, 2020 4:52 pm
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