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Naked walks in Sherwood Forest

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Just back from an 8 mile naked walk in Sherwood Forest. saw the warden and some guys cutting trees down, she waved to me. I am a little surprised how many trees are being cut down it will probably make us naked walkers a little more visible, good job that it doesn't matter. I had to pass very close to a man with a little dog at one point, I just said hello and asked him what he was doing, he replied that he was watching squirrels. It was about 13 degrees C today and a persistent wind but it was warm enough for walking at an average 4.2 miles per hour.

Posted : November 6, 2018 5:11 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

Set off for a 10 mile naked walk this morning in Sherwood Forest. It was 9 degrees C when I started with a light sw wind. The first people I met were two guys on the cycle track standing by a van with clip boards they said hello, I think they are marking up trees to be cut down. I passed a guy with a couple of dogs, he was walking in the same direction as me and followed me for a while.A guy on a bike passed me from behind and said thanks and hello as he passed. A dog ran up to me and I stopped to say a few words hoping it was friendly and as I waited its owners a man and a woman came to wards me to get it back and said hello. As I walked along a short part of a cycle track an old woman was walking towards me with a dog. I didn't want to walk straight passed her as she was on her own so I turned off left to avoid her. A few minutes later her dog was with me and wanted to follow me. I could hear the old lady calling her dog but it just kept following me so I took it back to her. She was thankful and very pleasant and acted in the same way she would have if I had been dressed. then a man and woman cyclist rode towards me, both smiled and said hello as they passed. A very enjoyable day, the sun shone the whole time and it was lovely to feel the cold fresh air on my body at the same time

Posted : November 10, 2018 4:58 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

It was a cool 7 degrees when I returned to my car this afternoon. I spent a couple of hours walking in Sherwood Forest today, it was a bit chilly but still thoroughly enjoyable. You could actually feel the drop in temperature when walking into a hollow and it rise again as you climbed out again  Only saw a couple of people from a distance although there were quite a few cars parked up. I sometimes wonder where everyone goes.
Returned home and jumped straight in the hot tub, 40 degrees and a cold beer. Bliss!

Posted : November 17, 2018 8:01 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

Had a 5 mile naked walk in Sherwood Forest at lunch time today. I couldn't wait after all the wet and windy weather we have had lately. I almost didn't go as it was 6 degrees with a feel like temperature of 3 degrees C. The sun peeped out a few times and the wind was cold in unsheltered places but it was still very pleasant. I met 4 people all seemed happy enough.

Posted : November 26, 2018 7:54 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

The sun shone and the wind blew but I had a pleasant 4 mile walk today in Sherwood Forest. Part way round I spotted another naturist and joined him on the walk back to the car. On the way back we met a man and a woman with scarves hats and gloves, the man was carrying a dead mole. He was really eager to show us what he had found and chat briefly. It appeared as if they didn't notice we were naked and neither did the lady on her own with 2 little dogs.

Posted : November 30, 2018 7:26 pm
Posts: 63
Trusted Member

Isn't that the home of Robin Hood?

I thought it was fiction!

Posted : December 1, 2018 6:18 pm
Julie Dick
Posts: 258
Reputable Member

Superman exists as well , erm doesn't he ? lol

It is very hard to describe the inner enjoyment of being naked .

Posted : December 1, 2018 6:40 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

Isn't that the home of Robin Hood?

I thought it was fiction!

No he was real I am one of his descendants but over time the name has changed a little to Robin nood.

Posted : December 1, 2018 7:19 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

I've just returned from a enjoyable walk in Sherwood Forest, it was 13 degrees but a little breezy. I was out for a hour and a half. also out yesterday once the rain stopped it was 10 degrees yesterday but felt warmer than it did to day.
I try to get out naked every month of the year and this year it's day two of December and I've managed both days.
I wonder when the weather will break and spoil my weekend walks, hopefully not for a while yet.

Posted : December 2, 2018 6:12 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

It was raining a 11.30 today but it was 9 degrees C with light wind so I decided to go for a naked walk in Sherwood Forest. I used an umbrella to stay dry not knowing how I would be perceived by anyone who met me and walked about 4 miles. It rained really hard at times and to my surprise I met a few people who treated me the same as usual. I expected someone to ask me if I was crazy.

Posted : December 3, 2018 3:05 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

I think you probably are.

Posted : December 3, 2018 7:54 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

No just very adventurous.

Posted : December 3, 2018 8:37 pm
Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Today i was out in 3c for a couple of hours. No wind so it was great. Felt very warm. Tomorrow, the forecast is for minus 3c. I will go up and see how cold it feels before disrobing

Posted : December 4, 2018 12:58 am
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

It was 3 degrees C this morning but there was very little wind and the sun was shining, so I went for a 4 mile naked walk in Sherwood Forest. The mist was lying amongst the trees and there was an eerie glow with the trees standing menacingly in the mist. there were pockets of very cold air and the ground was white with the frost. It was beautiful and it was very pleasant despite the temperature. I didn't meet anyone although I saw one or two people in the distance. A very enjoyable and memorable experience.

Posted : December 4, 2018 2:58 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

I managed a hour and a half this afternoon, was a bit chilly but enjoyable, there was still frost on the floor in some places, not sure how much longer this weather will last but keeps me walking at the weekends.

Posted : December 16, 2018 6:13 pm
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