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Naked walks in Sherwood Forest

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The warden got back to me today, apologised for the delay and commented on what strange behaviour it was. She also thanked me for taking the time to report it.

All filled in and safe now,  

Posted : March 15, 2021 7:32 pm
Jesse and gildo reacted
Posts: 833
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@tribalbrit I came across the notice where the hole had been while out today. I found loads of frog spawn in the pond and the tyre tracks.

It was a lovely afternoon and although I had already been out for a clothed walk with my wife in Clumber park I just had to get out again in Sherwood Forest. I had a very pleasant five and three quarter mile naked walk. There weren't many people about  and about 2 miles round I met a couple of ladies who were sat on a log having a pick nick. They were not in the least bit bothered that I was naked and said a friendly hello with big smiles. I was just about to start to talk to them when I spotted another naturist in the distance. So I bid them a good day and set off to meet the other naturist who I have met several times before. He was actually coming towards me so we passed the two ladies again and we got more smiles and waves.  A little later we encountered a man and woman walking towards us who were very pleasant as we passed by. After about 4 miles we found ourselves on a pathway with three bird watchers walking towards us, 2 men and one woman. As we approached one of the men said you shouldn't be walking round here like that there are children around. I just said hello and thank you but he wanted to make it clear to us that it was not right and he continued to complain on behalf of other people who weren't there. so I told him we had just walked 4 miles and not seen any children. He insisted it was not right as there were women around. I told him we were not doing anything wrong and the police knew we walk here naked. He said he knew it wasn't illegal but it was not right as there were women and children around. At that point we walked away. After I left the other naturist to go back to my car which was at a different parking place I met another naturist who was out jogging but he had his clothes on. He told me that there were a couple of women along the path who had seen us naked because they had told him so when he had his top off. They told him not to worry as they had seen 2 naturists He asked them if they were bothered and they told him not in the least. So once again it is not women who are bothered about is it was a man complaining on behalf of others. At no point did he say that it was him who was concerned about us.

Posted : March 17, 2021 8:58 pm
Bn252525 and andylgc reacted
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Posted by: @dgildoo

@tribalbrit I came across the notice where the hole had been while out today. I found loads of frog spawn in the pond and the tyre tracks.

It was a lovely afternoon and although I had already been out for a clothed walk with my wife in Clumber park I just had to get out again in Sherwood Forest. I had a very pleasant five and three quarter mile naked walk. There weren't many people about  and about 2 miles round I met a couple of ladies who were sat on a log having a pick nick. They were not in the least bit bothered that I was naked and said a friendly hello with big smiles. I was just about to start to talk to them when I spotted another naturist in the distance. So I bid them a good day and set off to meet the other naturist who I have met several times before. He was actually coming towards me so we passed the two ladies again and we got more smiles and waves.  A little later we encountered a man and woman walking towards us who were very pleasant as we passed by. After about 4 miles we found ourselves on a pathway with three bird watchers walking towards us, 2 men and one woman. As we approached one of the men said you shouldn't be walking round here like that there are children around. I just said hello and thank you but he wanted to make it clear to us that it was not right and he continued to complain on behalf of other people who weren't there. so I told him we had just walked 4 miles and not seen any children. He insisted it was not right as there were women around. I told him we were not doing anything wrong and the police knew we walk here naked. He said he knew it wasn't illegal but it was not right as there were women and children around. At that point we walked away. After I left the other naturist to go back to my car which was at a different parking place I met another naturist who was out jogging but he had his clothes on. He told me that there were a couple of women along the path who had seen us naked because they had told him so when he had his top off. They told him not to worry as they had seen 2 naturists He asked them if they were bothered and they told him not in the least. So once again it is not women who are bothered about is it was a man complaining on behalf of others. At no point did he say that it was him who was concerned about us.

It always seems to be the men and the bird watches. I too was out today but not till late as I was late from work, saw no one, yesterday saw a couple of people but Sunday I might as well have walked down Edwinstowe High Street, there were people everywhere. No complaints though.

Last week I stopped and chatted to a female dog walker I see regularly, she was surprised to see me out naked and I told her I don't miss many days.

I saw some frog spawn yesterday but not noticed any prior to that. 

Posted : March 17, 2021 9:10 pm
gildo reacted
Posts: 899
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Badger baiting. People tried to do this on land I used to own. Vicious scum but never came back after a Tete a tete

Posted : March 17, 2021 9:19 pm
gildo reacted
Posts: 665
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Posted by: @hillwalker


Badger baiting. People tried to do this on land I used to own. Vicious scum but never came back after a Tete a tete

Warden tells me it wasn't Badger baiting but couldn't say what they were up to.

Posted : March 17, 2021 9:21 pm
Posts: 899
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They werent planting daffodils. If there was a furrow, a sett, then the wardens are just being tactful.

Posted : March 18, 2021 12:20 am
Posts: 945

When Gildo mentioned the hole and frogspawn in the same paragraph I thought he was going to tell us about a rare breed of digging amphibian. No such luck 😏 

Noli illegitimi te carborundum

Posted : March 18, 2021 6:57 am
gildo reacted
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

Lovely walk this evening, the nights are getting longer.

Gildo, if you parked on Swinecoat Rd. walked the length of the service road till you reached the route 6, turned right, followed route 6 till the end of the common, turned right down the service road back towards Budby and followed it back to where you parked. How far do you think/know it would be?

I didn't follow the service roads but stayed parallel to them all the way round, within a few yards.. 

Posted : March 18, 2021 8:11 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

@tribalbrit Between 4 and 5 miles, probably about 4.5 miles. Sounds like you had a nice walk, did you meet many people?. Oh I guess not if you were behind the fences parallel to the service roads. But were there many people about?

If you have a smart phone, view ranger is a free app which will tell you how far you have walked and show you where you are as well as allowing you to save your routes. I used to use it till I got my Garmin watch that does pretty much the same thing.

Posted : March 18, 2021 8:19 pm
Bn252525 reacted
Posts: 665
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Posted by: @dgildoo

@tribalbrit Between 4 and 5 miles, probably about 4.5 miles. Sounds like you had a nice walk, did you meet many people?. Oh I guess not if you were behind the fences parallel to the service roads. But were there many people about?

If you have a smart phone, view ranger is a free app which will tell you how far you have walked and show you where you are as well as allowing you to save your routes. I used to use it till I got my Garmin watch that does pretty much the same thing.

Thanks I guessed as much as I was out for about an hour and 20 minutes. I saw a jogger who passed me with his dog, said nothing and another couple at a distance. Were plenty of cars parked as I set off at 5pm but all gone when I returned. The walk to the bottom end of the south common is beautiful under the trees. Never done that bit before as I would normally cut straight across where the hole was.

Its definitely Spring like now. 

I'll have a look at that app, don't really like carrying anything though.

Posted : March 18, 2021 8:34 pm
Bn252525 reacted
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

Just returned from a 5.75 naked walk in the forest. Not many people about today, lots of sunshine and a gentle breeze. It was lovely. I found myself on a narrow path with a man and a woman walking towards me at one point. So I deviated off slightly to the right so as not to walk right passed them. I needn't have bothered the woman nearly fell over herself giving me the thumbs up and waving and smiling. She said I cant fault you it is a lovely day and the man said she likes your costume. We had a little chat and then went on our separate ways. I didn't actually meet anyone else on my walk although I did see one or two people in the distance at various times.

Posted : March 22, 2021 5:29 pm
Posts: 665
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I too managed an hour and a half today. Plenty of cars parked up but saw no one. Dropped a bit chilly but then again I've literally  been back ten minutes. Roll on the lighter nights next week. 

Posted : March 22, 2021 7:53 pm
gildo reacted
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

Just had another lovely naked 5 mile walk at Sherwood forest in the sunshine. The wind was a little chilly at times but nothing to bother about. There was virtually no one around again today, just how I like it. I only encountered a woman with a big brown dog. We could see each other from about 200 metres away. She made no effort to put the dog an a lead and she continued to walk towards me. At about 20 metres the dog came charging straight at me, so I went into hello friendly doggy mode hoping for the best and fortunately it was friendly although it jumped up at me and ran backwards and forwards at me several times. If my wife had been with me she would have been really frightened as she was bitten on the face as a child. When the woman saw that the dog would not leave me alone, she half heatedly called it to her and it eventually got bored by which time I was passing the woman, so I just said hello and walked on by. Although the dog was friendly enough I have to bite my tongue not to ask people like that to keep their dogs under control.

Posted : March 24, 2021 5:13 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

Sorry Gildo but I am one of those that lets the dog run off the lead although, most of the time she is well behaved.

I was out this evening, it was a bit fresh but pleasant enough.

Why is it when there are loads of cars parked up I see no one then to day only one car parked and saw quite a few people.

A couple of young girls passed me on their bikes along a path I was about to cross, I did take a side step into the trees to avoid them. Just behind them was a woman waking her dog, she passed within 10 feet of me but was so engrossed in her phone I don't think she even saw me.

Then a couple of blokes on the common, took a detour to avoid them, then a couple of joggers and on my return trip a man and woman had a giggle as I passed close to them.

Most days I see no one.




Posted : March 24, 2021 9:31 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

I don't have a problem with dogs off leads when they are well behaved. I have had dogs and they never had to be on a lead even on main roads as they were so well trained. It is those people who are not able to control their dogs and don't use leads who don't deserve them. The pattern of people is hard to understand as you say it does not seem to reflect the number of cars parked. Glad you had a good walk even though there were a few people around.

Posted : March 24, 2021 11:44 pm
tribalbrit reacted
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