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Naked walks in Sherwood Forest

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Had another lovely 5 mile naked walk in Sherwood Forest this afternoon. The sun shone most of the time and there was a gentle breeze. Very few people around again, I only saw a few people in the distance. I didn't actually meet anyone.

Posted : March 25, 2021 5:48 pm
Bn252525 reacted
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

While I've been out the last few days I have noticed quite a few arrows and drawings of penises drawn in the earth. I got to thinking if we walking the area have influenced these or is it just kids being kids. I don't see many kids when out so I'm not sure.

I also got to thinking today because the wind was so cold, that if someone was to take exception to  my nudity would they dare challenge me. Would they think twice? a. That guy must be mad, we'll steer clear of him. b. That guy must be tuff walking naked this weather, we'll steer clear of him. Live in hope.

I did meet a.cyclist today, we both reached the same gated bit at the same time, we greeted each other pleasantly and then not to have an awkward silence I said "bit fresh" to which he replied. " yes not as much for me as it is for you I imagine " made me laugh. 

Posted : March 27, 2021 12:33 am
Jon Tanner, Bn252525, Stewart and 1 people reacted
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Swimmer 51. I'd been wondering what happened to you, not seen you post for a while 

Posted : March 27, 2021 8:30 am
Posts: 833
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@tribalbrit I noticed the drawings in the sand on some of the footpaths. As there was no writing with them I assumed it might just be kids.

Posted : March 27, 2021 10:47 am
tribalbrit reacted
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@tribalbrit thanks for the greeting. I've been behaving myself! The forest is a bit far to travel to stay local during lockdown, so I've been restricting myself to the River Trent which is very pleasant. I have been keeping up with yours and Gildo's adventures though. Maybe from Monday I might travel down to the forest.

Posted : March 27, 2021 12:36 pm
Bn252525 and tribalbrit reacted
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@swimmer51 If you do come and want some company, let me know I might be able to join you.

Posted : March 27, 2021 3:25 pm
Swimmer51 reacted
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I had a very pleasant 6.25 mile naked walk this afternoon in Sherwood Forest. It was lovely and warm and although there were quite a few cars parked up I didn't meet many people. I saw a few people in the distance and I guess some of them saw me. The only couple I actually spoke to were two ladies who suddenly appeared from a side path and stopped right in front of me not even noticing I was there initially. They just said hello as I passed them by. As I crossed the cycle path at one point I saw a couple on bikes behind me. They caught up with me very quickly and passed me as I turned off to the left. One of them had to shout pervert at me several times as they rode away. I didn't even turn round, I just kept walking away from them.

Posted : March 29, 2021 6:51 pm
Posts: 665
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I was late getting out today, 5.30 when I parked up on Swinecoat Rd. only just got a space it was pretty full.

As I reached the common I could tell there were a few people about but I managed to walk it's length without meeting up with anyone. I decided to walk to the West of route 6 and see if it had been tidied up any, it hasn't but it was dry so not a bad walk. 

As I went back onto the common some time later to head for home, two, what I assume were bird watches were walking towards me, along the diagonal path that runs across the main common, as is my way I turned onto an adjacent path to avoid close contact with them. One of them decided he had the right to start taking pictures of me as I walked around them. I'm not totally sure how I feel about this but I do know that I don't like it and what gives them the right to do it. I wouldn't be happy if I was clothed either to be honest. I had to seriously prevent myself from going over and giving him what for, I resisted and carried on. Why do men want to take pictures of other naked men? Beyond me. Reaching the gates at the top I passed a dog walker, I did manage to get a grunt out of him but he didn't look to happy to see me even though I know I have passed him many times before, recognise the dogs, not him. 

Then I passed close by a young woman with two dogs but she was so engrossed in her phone that at first she didn't notice me, she did later however catch me up as I headed back to my car, I just smiled and said Hi, obviously she couldn't complain much as she must have got a right sprint on to catch me up the way she did. 

All in all a lovely 2 hour walk in the sunshine spoilt by so called nature lovers wanting snaps to show their friends. 






Posted : March 29, 2021 8:22 pm
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
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A much more positive encounter for us late in the day today on our first walk since this year, first time more than a couple of miles from home too. 

We both started off clothed, but after a mile or so it felt warm enough and quiet enough for me to go naked. Pretty uneventful most of the way, just that lovely feeling of freedom we'd been missing lately. About half way around we noticed a group of four dogwalkers who we'd passed earlier - while I was still clothed - were converging on the central crossing point from a different path to ours, but with a quick burst of speed we cleared it before any sort of encounter occurred.

Apart from that we only saw the occasional distant jogger or cyclist, until near the end of our walk, and on narrow path near the Pumping Station that we don't usually see people on, we saw a couple approaching from the oppositie direction. I was thinking of getting dressed anyway, and as the chap had some mobility issues that meant if they had any problem with nudity they wouldn't be able to pass very quickly, I ducked off the path into the young trees to put my clothes on. Once they noticed what I was doing they paused and said I needn't have bothered because they were naturists too, or at least they used to be, and that they'd really enjoyed the Charnwood swims until the venue went textiles only some year back. In the end we had a lovely wee chat, I explained how Sherwood has become a bit of a location for naked walking and about the good work David has put in with the RSPB, etc, and mentioned the Edwinstowe swims - fingers kept crossed they can return at some point in the future - which they seemed very interested to hear about.

Very affirming stuff I think for them and definitely for us.

Posted : March 29, 2021 8:30 pm
Jon Tanner, andylgc, Bn252525 and 3 people reacted
Posts: 945


re the photographer bird watcher - perhaps the answer is to take pictures back, see how he likes it!

Noli illegitimi te carborundum

Posted : March 29, 2021 9:22 pm
tribalbrit reacted
Posts: 665
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Another great walk this evening. Saw another naturist from afar sat on a bench on one of the main paths, sun bathing maybe. Any one on here?

On my return met a woman I speak to, as we were talking grumpy guy from yesterday walked past , he actually went out his way to get close, did get a hello out of him today though, woman I was talking to asked what his problem was I told her not to worry about it. We had a good chat and another couple walked passed, pleasant enough. 

I'm loving this weather.

Posted : March 30, 2021 11:17 pm
Jon Tanner, simon1000, gildo and 3 people reacted
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I have had a very pleasant 6 mile walk in the sunshine in Sherwood Forest today. There were quite a few people around but I planned my walk to meet as few people as possible and I did not actually meet anyone other than Chloe the warden. She spotted me from a distance and drove through the undergrowth to meet me. She is having a baby in the next 3 or 4 months and will be going on maternity leave in about 4 week time. I have met her replacement before and he is a nice guy who is ok with naturism. She told me that the RSPB will be publishing their policy regarding naturists in the next 3 or 4 weeks and will be putting notices up to let people know they may encounter naturists. I told her of my reservations about the wording of alarm and distress in it but she said it was head office that put the that into it and she says their legal department have given it the all clear. She claims that it will not affect us adversely and the signs will let people know they may encounter naturists. So we will just have to wait and see how things go when it is published.

Posted : April 4, 2021 5:26 pm
Bn252525, tribalbrit, Jon Tanner and 1 people reacted
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I was out about 4.30. car park was crammed but I saw no one for the first hour and half of my walk, it was only as I headed back that I saw what I assume were bird watches as they had a very large camera on a tripod with them but it looked like they had given up for the day as they were busy playing on the rope swing as I passed by. I also saw a couple walking their dog but they turned their heads and walked by as if I was invisible. It was lovely in the sun but a bit chilly otherwise.

I have realised that the car park on Swinecoat Road gets busy because people are using it rather than pay the fee at the main car park, maybe that's why even if it's busy most people have walked the other direction.

Look forward to seeing the signs in place and hopefully they read okay.

Posted : April 4, 2021 7:11 pm
Bn252525 reacted
Posts: 833
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Posted by: @tribalbrit

I have realised that the car park on Swinecoat Road gets busy because people are using it rather than pay the fee at the main car park, maybe that's why even if it's busy most people have walked the other direction.

I have know this for a long time, that is why the car parking area is often full and you see very few people walking south forest area. I have told Chloe on many occasions that the signs must not read like warning signs, they must just be for information. I really hope that message has got through and head office don't write something that isn't helpful. We will just have to wait and see. 

Posted : April 4, 2021 8:46 pm
Stewart and Jesse reacted
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Yesterday was the first time since having my dog seven years ago that I have not walked her naked when in the forest. It was bloody freezing. I did go for a walk, a very quick 30 minutes and then back to the warmth.

It was 4 degrees warmer today but felt 20. Not many people about, a couple of bird watches. Nice and peaceful.

Posted : April 7, 2021 9:09 pm
Bn252525, Stewart and gildo reacted
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