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Naked walks in Sherwood Forest

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Was out on Friday and had a chat with a lady I see regularly, after leaving her I saw three young women coming towards me but on a parallel path so I held back a bit so that we wouldn't pass to closely. Once they had passed  I carried on, bugger me if they didn't turn around and start taking pictures. Yesterday as I reached the same spot I saw, what I'm pretty sure were the same three, more or less in the same spot as on Friday, again the phones came out and pictures were taken.

I'm beginning to develop a complex. Three photo shoots in two weeks, may be time to change my times and, or route.

Posted : April 11, 2021 10:27 am
Stewart reacted
Posts: 286
Reputable Member

Perhaps you should take model release forms with you next time and agree a fee!!

Only happy when naked

Posted : April 11, 2021 12:51 pm
tribalbrit reacted
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

@tribalbrit Perhaps it is time to get your phone out and take photographs of them, If they ask you why, just tell them you will post it on the naturist web sites so that other naturists can recognise them.

Posted : April 11, 2021 2:06 pm
Jon Tanner, Bn252525, pjcomp and 2 people reacted
Posts: 899
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Or your career đŸ™‚

Remember, the more you bump into people the more confident and comfortable they will become. They will certainly post the photos onlune because that is what people do but they would also be discussing it among themselves. At least one would have googled naturism and legality and will now realise that your activity is legal. Strange, bizarre, odd (to them) but legal.

Posted : April 11, 2021 5:50 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

Been out every day this week but today was by far the best weather. 

Met another naturist, stopped and chatted for a while before going in opposite directions. Walks with you David, apparently. 

Came across a couple sat picnicking behind a Bush, didn't see them till I was about 5 feet away. I said didn't see you there or I would have avoided you, she laughed and said don't worry about it, he said nowt. What is it with men?

Passed a few others in the distance, met and chatted to the lady with two collies again, think I've met her every day this week. 

Still a bit nippy in the shade but lovely to be out in the sunshine. 

More of the same please.

Posted : April 17, 2021 7:39 pm
Jon Tanner, happywalker, Bn252525 and 3 people reacted
Posts: 665
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Got so carried away today as I went through one of the gates where the common meets the route 6, I left the dog the wrong side of the gate. I'd gone 100 yards before I realised and had to go back and would you credit it as I got there a couple came strolling down the path, didn't really see them as a bush was blinding me, I was more embarrassed I'd left the dog than being naked.

Once I reached the far side of the common I could see a couple with a small child so I changed course to avoid them along a parallel path, I heard the woman shouting "It's disgusting, shouldn't be allowed," and so on. It's not as if the child could see me over the heather. I ignored her and carried on a little perturbed to be honest. I later managed to walk across a clearing  between some trees and as I looked to my right there stood a photographer taking a picture, can't blame him for that one. I waved and said "sorry".

Wonder why Monday was busier than Sunday? hardly saw anyone yesterday, just two or three people and the naturist I met the day before. We introduced ourselves this time. 

Posted : April 19, 2021 8:07 pm
Jon Tanner, Stewart and gildo reacted
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
Honorable Member


Shouldn't worry, we were the couple coming down the path, we thought it might have been you! Gotta say, until we saw the dog we did wonder what you were up. Can't blame you for wanting to crack on though, it was a gorgeous evening. I'd just finished my own nude walk, and had got dressed for a quick leg stretch with my partner who'd been doing some work on her phone in our car. We were just about to turn back anyway, she'd walked the mile she wanted to. Didn't quite get close enough to tell you not to worry about us.

Strange how different it can be at Sherwood. I can't have been out there for much more than an hour before you, and in covering 4 nude miles across the central tracks of the common the only the person I bumped into was another naturist - and even then it was because I diverted my route to pop across and say hello. Otherwise only a handful of people so far in the distance I doubt they even noticed me. Sometimes, I guess there is an element of luck to all of this. Still, just the perfect late afternoon temperature. Saw a few oil beetles along the heath too.

Posted : April 19, 2021 9:43 pm
Bn252525, gildo, tribalbrit and 1 people reacted
Posts: 665
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Small world. You should have shouted me for a quick natter.

I was a bit weary that I might look odd walking backwards and forwards as I was. 

Posted : April 19, 2021 9:50 pm
Stewart reacted
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
Honorable Member

Another time! She's a slave to Strava, we needed to turn back and keep her average pace up. Good to see you out there enjoying the sunshine instead of the sleet and snow!

Posted : April 19, 2021 10:10 pm
tribalbrit reacted
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

I had a 7 mile walk with a naturist in Sherwood forest yesterday. There were very few people about but just after we met another naturist who joined us. We encountered a man and a woman with 2 thick set heavy dogs. The man looked as if he was in his 30s. As we got closer he dropped the lead for the dog on purpose so I knew he was likely to kick off. I said hello as usual and he just grunted and said get dressed, we just ignored him but he kept shouting it at us even though we were passed. As we had ignored him he became very angry and he shouted that there were women and children around and as we just ignored him he shouted have you heard me, we still ignored him. Then he threatened to catch up with us and give us what for if we did not answer him. He shouted it a few times so I just shouted back we heard you and kept on walking. I was very glad that there were 3 of us and I had not been on my own.

Today I went out for a 6 mile walk on my own hoping I would not meet this guy again. After I had walked about a mile I met another naturist who often walks the area. We decided to walk together and after about a mile we saw the guy from yesterday with his dogs and 2 women this time. A we approached I said hello and both women smiled and said hello. The guy just looked at us and said nothing. What a relief. I can only imagine he has either rung the police and they have told him we were doing nothing wrong or someone who knows we walk there has told him so.  We saw no one else after that and the sun went behind a big cloud and it felt a little chilly in the wind.

Posted : April 20, 2021 3:00 pm
Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Call it education. It is what happens. I have bumped into a good number of people, no problems but , afterwards, when they see you coming, they change routes

Posted : April 21, 2021 7:49 am
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

What a lovely day, the sun shone all the time whilst I was on my 10 mile walk in Sherwood Forest this afternoon. there were hardly any people about. I only met one young lady in her early 20s with a baby strapped to her tummy. I slowed down as I approached her because I thought she was going to cross the path that I was on, but instead she turned on to the path that I was walking on and headed straight for me. She had a big grin on her face and she was extremely friendly. I let her know that I am not the only naturist who walks the area and she might meet some others whilst she is walking around. She just said I am not in the least bit bothered; it doesn't worry me at all and it was very clear that she was not in the least bit worried. She seemed extremely relaxed and friendly. A little later 3 cyclists passed me from behind. I heard one of them say I have not seen him before but I have heard about him. As I return to the parking spot Chloe the warden was there with David who is going to take over from her when she is on maternity leave. it was a good opportunity for me to meet him and say hello. He seems OK.

At last things seem to quieten down in the forest during the week now, it is just the way it used to be it's really really nice, I just wish it could revert to the same peace and quiet at the weekends but I fear that most people have got used to coming out and about into the countryside now and weekends are still going to be quite busy.

Posted : April 22, 2021 4:46 pm
Jesse, Stewart, Bn252525 and 2 people reacted
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
Honorable Member

It's that staycationing this year too, and Sherwood has its name recognition. I generally avoid the place in the 6 weeks of school holidays anyway, and go out into hidden parts of Derbyshire instead. Feels like even moreso now.

Posted : April 22, 2021 8:39 pm
Stewart and tribalbrit reacted
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

I heard my first Cuckoo yesterday and again today. Dropped bloody cold today when the sun went down.

Quite a few people about today.

Tuesday I bumped into a lady with two dogs I usually avoid when I see her but this time I didn't . She wasn't the least bit bothered about my nudity. Another one I don't need  worry about upsetting when I see her in the future.

Nice to meet The Tibetan Hat the other day, although I think we did meet once before last year.

Posted : April 22, 2021 8:59 pm
Stewart, Bn252525 and gildo reacted
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

I had a lovely 7 mile naked walk in Sherwood Forest today. The sun shone most of the time and there were not many people about. I came across the forestry workers who normally work with Chloe the warden. They all smiled and said hello as I passed by them. A little later I passed a man and a woman who were sitting on the grass, they were both very nice and friendly. I walked round them slightly so as not to walk right them but I need not have bothered. I met them again later and I walked with them and chatted to them for a little while. I met another naturist, one I have met many times before whilst walking the area. I then met a couple who were bird watching and he was pointing out various birds that she had not seen. I stopped and chatted to them for a little while and they were also very friendly and informative about the birds that they had seen. We had heard a cuckoo and we were wondering if it would be possible to spot it with the binoculars but we did not manage to see it.

Posted : April 26, 2021 6:44 pm
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