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Naked walks in Sherwood Forest

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Great walk today. Lovely and warm and a gentle breeze. Saw a few people including a cyclist on a footpath who, I reflected, was contravening more rules than myself. Next I saw a birder who was obviously not sure about me and as I approached him, moved away without looking directly at me, but each time he moved he allowed me to get nearer. I wasn't sure what was going on, so I took a different route. Finally, I saw a lady cyclist sat on a bench on my route to the car park. I took a roundabout path in the hope that she would continue her bike ride, but when I arrived back on the path, there she was. As I approached she looked up and I waved. She smiled and acknowledged me, then jumped on her bike and pedalled away. Still, a great walk.

Posted : June 11, 2021 10:28 pm
Posts: 665
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Nice to see you back on this thread.

Posted : June 12, 2021 2:31 pm
Swimmer51 reacted
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As I was out today I came across a guy laid flat on his back in the middle of the path, he had his phone in his hand. My initial thought was s***  this guy is in trouble. I walked up to him. said " you alright there? If he hadn't had a heart attack as I suspected, he did when he heard me. He shot bolt upright, I  covered myself up and he said, No need to cover up I used to walk round here naked myself but last time I walked with a group.and a guy from Ollerton they walked that fast I was knacked when I got home. We chated for a few minutes then off I went.  A couple of hours later as I headed for home a cyclist came towards me , I had to stop myself saying  "hey mate you cant do that here " but thought better of it.

I did have a bad experience Saturday but decided to keep it to myself so as not to put off others thinking of stripping off.😉

Posted : June 14, 2021 12:09 am
Bn252525, Jon Tanner, The Tibetan Hat and 2 people reacted
Posts: 833
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@tribalbritI know the guy you are talking about he is not very fit and usually has to turn back shortly after we have set off. I would appreciate it if you would send me a private message to let me know what your bad experience was. I will not share it with anyone else. 

Posted : June 14, 2021 8:46 am
Bn252525 reacted
Posts: 665
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He said as much himself.

To be fair I was just glad he was alive. He was quite chatty and pleasant which us always a bonus.

PM sent.

Posted : June 14, 2021 5:06 pm
Posts: 665
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Was out  today and saw 5 other people in the two hours I was out. All of them naturists

Walked back to the car with Gildo chatting as we went, met Tibetan Hat and partner, nice see Mrs Tibetan Hat happy enough to go naked.

Another guy I see quite a bit and a cyclist riding round minding his own business, said hello but didn't  stop.

Apart from us naturists the common was very quiet. 

Posted : June 16, 2021 8:12 pm
Bn252525, gildo, Jon Tanner and 1 people reacted
Posts: 271
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I think this is amazing.  I've never bumped in to another naturist while out walking while naked myself (although I did once while I was clothed).  This is clearly a special area and I hope the first of many.

I plan to visit it on the way to the Peak District soon.  Any advice on the best spot to park would be welcomed.  Thanks

Posted : June 16, 2021 10:04 pm
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
Honorable Member

Yes, nice to see some familiar faces today.

A couple of things, having been out at different times the last couple of weeks, and thinking on past experiences too, between 5-7pm seems to be about the quietest time on the heath. Like @tribalbrit says it was very quiet, until getting on toward 8pm and then more people than we've seen for a while. No trouble at all, mainly birdwatchers coming out for the nightjars. 

The only reason we were there so late was my partner was enjoying it so much she wanted to add another mile or two to her Strava recording. Quite the turn of events that I'm the one saying let's get dressed and go home. She still covered up when passing textiles, where I generally don't feel the need (unless there are children), but was never uncomfortable at being there.

Late on we were suddenly passed by a group 8 or 9 cyclists, including one who I'd guess was a pre-teen boy. They'd just come through the gate from the Budby village track where there's one of the new signs. I think they must have noticed it and chosen to carry on anyway because I heard the lead rider say "Ey up, here we go!" in acknowledgement of seeing us, like there was some expectation. To say it was a group of them - the sort of situation where at least one among them might say something unpleasant - in the case not a single cross word. We just stood to the side and they passed without any bother. Feels like the signs worked.

Saw one more naturist on the cycle path on our way back to the pumping station, plus some marvellous birds. A wonderful evening given the pretty poor weather to come next week.

Posted : June 16, 2021 10:15 pm
Bn252525, martin tacey, Stewart and 2 people reacted
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Let us know when your coming and we'll advise accordingly. 

Posted : June 16, 2021 11:31 pm
Jesse reacted
Posts: 665
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I envey  you. I've been married for 38 years and although my wife used to enjoy the beach life she would never walk the common, it's just to close to home.

Your partner is very brave and seeing a female out there is a first for me in ten years. Hats off, Tibetan or otherwise. 

Love it!

Posted : June 16, 2021 11:36 pm
Jesse, Bn252525, Stewart and 1 people reacted
Posts: 321
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Following on from my post at regarding the RSPB policy on naturism, and having not paid a visit to this location for the best part of two years, I took the opportunity yesterday to saunter around Budby South Forest and into the forestry beyond.

Overall, the place was very quiet with few people about but having gone no further than a couple of hundred metres from the Swinecote Road car park, through the trees and off the beaten track I could see a group of figures clad from head to toe in white robes. They appeared to be both seated and stood in a circle, around 6-8 as far as I could see, with one of them chanting.

I don't recall this particular phenomena being reported on here before. I suspect they belong to some form of religious group and if so, it occurs to me that they may be particularly adverse to naturism. Any thoughts?

Posted : June 18, 2021 9:05 am
Posts: 166
Estimable Member

White robes and chanting sounds pagan rather than Judeo-christian, so they're probably fine with naturism.

Objections to nudity tend to come from the patriarchal and mysogynistic attitudes most associated with Christianity and its siblings. 


I don't want to open a can of worms or upset anybody with religious beliefs, but I work for equality and diversity for LGBTI people and the monotheistic religions are rarely helpful. 

Posted : June 18, 2021 10:04 am
MartinM reacted
Posts: 665
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I have seen many things around here but not that.

Each to their own.

Posted : June 18, 2021 4:39 pm
Posts: 348
Reputable Member


Objections to nudity tend to come from the patriarchal and mysogynistic attitudes most associated with Christianity and its siblings.

I don't want to open a can of worms or upset anybody with religious beliefs, but I work for equality and diversity for LGBTI people and the monotheistic religions are rarely helpful.

It's the religious empty vessels that tend to make most noise, Stewart, about both nudity and sexual orientation. I fact you'll find plenty of Christian naturists, including a few on here. It's sad though, that the word "morality" still usually evokes issues around sex and the body, when Jesus talked much more about money and power. Meanwhile, I suspect but have absolutely no evidence, that the rare people shouting abuse at naturists on rambles etc have no religious affiliation whatever. Even Lord Longford used to skinny-dip, but he had a private pool to do it in!

Posted : June 19, 2021 12:33 pm
Stewart reacted
Posts: 166
Estimable Member



I hope I didn't sound like I was attacking Christianity. LGBTQ people have been subject to so much mistreatment from religious organisations that it's natural for some of us to see the church as an enemy. We should be challenging some of the outdated prejudices that persist in religious organisations, but if we start saying that all Christians are evil, we're being as prejudiced as the religious homophobes.

I bring a message of tolerance and mutual understanding, a bit like Jesus would... 

Posted : June 19, 2021 1:02 pm
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