I know of 5 including you and me in the winter. There are about a dozen during warmer weather. Then there is a large group of 30 or 40 that I take out once or twice a year.
That's interesting. I have never met or seen another naturist walker when out and about
I did see you from a distance once and have been told by cyclists that there are "nude people in the woods" once or twice but never actually met any face to face.
David your group of 30 to 40? Is it a closed group or are you able to let others join it?
J&HFriendly Naturist couple
Not closed anyone can come.
The sun shone again, all day and the temperature hovered around 1 and 2 degrees C and there was frost on the ground and in the trees all day. I just could help myself I had to give it a go and before I knew it I had been on a 5 mile walk naked in Sherwood Forest. It was lovely there was enough warmth in the sun to keep me warm at an average walking speed of 4.1 miles per hour. There were a few people out today dressed to the nines in warm clothing. At one point a couple walking towards me with three dogs made no effort to put them on leads and before I knew it they were all over me jumping up so much so I pushed one while it was mid air and it somersaulted backwards. Fortunately they were not aggressive and I managed to keep my cool, smile, say hello and make a comment about lively dogs. The couple were fine but clearly don't have a clue about how to handle dogs. A male jogger ran towards me at one point with a cheery hello and hope its not too cold for you. I caught up with a cyclist who was stopped in front of me and said hello.
I saw about 3 couples in the distance who all saw me, a green van followed me for a few yards. I passed a man walking his dog and later two young women who had plenty of time to take a different path to avoid me if they wanted, but they chose to walk past me with a smile. I have never tried to walk naked before when it is this cold and had no idea if I could when I first set out. The best way to find out if you can do something is to give it a go and I am very glad I did I really enjoyed it and never felt really cold to my surprise.
I was roof tiling today rigged up to the nines and still cold. Like you though had I been in the forest I would have given it a go. Just for the he'll of it.
Had a 5.5 mile walk today temperature about 3 to 4 degrees C. I didn't see anyone except for an elderly couple probably in their 60s with a black and white sheep dog. I saw them in the distance and purposely took a route that would not involve me approaching them. I must have been about 20 yds away as I took an alternative route and I could hear the guy verbally abusing me and saying there are 2 of them. Initially I took no notice but he shouted louder and obviously wanted me to hear him. It would probably have been best if I had just carried on and ignored him but his wife joined in as well shouting this is a public place and there might be children about. He also called me the village idiot and an exhibitionist. I calmly shouted back that there were several naturists who walked the area and that we were not doing anything wrong and it is not illegal. He continued to verbally abuse me so I informed him that it was he who was breaking the law not me by being abusive and posturing aggressively. He just got more irate at this point so I just walked away. You can't win them all. So for those who walk where I do, beware of this poor couple they have obviously seen someone else before and they clearly don't like it. Of course it is inevitable that someone like this will act like an idiot from time to time.
Sorry to hear this, gildo. There's always one... Or in this case, two. Whatever is said, I'm sure you won't be put off naked walking by two intolerant loud-mouths.
I was intending to visit Budby today to have a look at the 'conservation work' that has been undertaken but in the end, time ran against me. Sadly, I don't have your constitution so well-wrapped up would be the order of the day for me.
Thank you Simon, I have learned to take the bad with the good in life and I feel sorry for those who lack tolerance and understanding. I would really have preferred to have a conversation with this guy and listened to his point of view and been given the opportunity to respected it. It is sad that his mind is closed I suspect, to many things, and that, in my view is his loss. Aggression and fear is often bourne out of lack of understanding.
With the best will in the world, once someone kicks off like that there is no reasoning with them or having a meaningful dialogue. Nor will they ever be convinced they are wrong - they KNOW they are right and that’s and end to it. Best to smile sweetly and leave them to it, not get upset about the ranting# of a total stranger. Anything else is playing their gameb6 their rules, and they always win (at least that’s how they see it).
Noli illegitimi te carborundum
With the best will in the world, once someone kicks off like that there is no reasoning with them or having a meaningful dialogue. Nor will they ever be convinced they are wrong - they KNOW they are right and that’s and end to it. Best to smile sweetly and leave them to it, not get upset about the ranting# of a total stranger. Anything else is playing their gameb6 their rules, and they always win (at least that’s how they see it).
Yes I agree, its best to ignore someone like this.
The only rant I have experienced was an angling peg-setter many years ago and as I remember it the other members of the team were more embarrassed by his reaction than by my nudity.
Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same.
George Bernard Shaw, Maxims for Revolutionaries
Suppose if you approach someone who appears distressed by your nudity and attempt to talk to them then you're putting yourself in legally less safe ground and opening the matter up to interpretation. If they are already upset, it's reasonable to assume that person will become moreso in that situation.
Mind you, I'm very close to giving you lot an earful the importance of saproxylic organisms and the importance of deadwood in woodland management, so it's funny what sets people off on one.
I agree. Got to tell you though that there is already plenty of deadwood around and has been for years but everything in it is dead. There are even sheets of corrugated tin on the ground and other things to try to encourage wildlife. Never found anything except ants under them. There used to be loads of insects and birds in the forest. If you stop and listen now you have difficulty hearing a tweet. I suspect those insecticides have done their job real god and killed everything off except for the odd woodpecker. I do still come across the odd lizard though on sunny days and the pools of water in the tyre tracks are full of frogspawn 1st march each year and dried up and all gone before they have had the chance to mature into frogs. The little pond that used to support much of the insect and wildlife has been dried up for over 10 years due to mining subsidence and I cant get the RSPB to do anything about it. That would do more good than creating more dead wood.
I understand the need for forest management but the damage caused by the machinery used is quite extensive.
Was out yesterday and again today and the ruts over the common are getting even deeper, even the machines are avoiding them thus causing more damage to the plants etc.
Was a chilly 3 degrees yesterday and 5 today, still quite a bit of ice about but invigorating all the same, quiet too.