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Naked walks in Sherwood Forest

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@tribalbrit I Had a lovely 7.75 naked walk today with another naturist. It was a little windy but better temperatures today and a wind chill of 9 degrees C. We didn't meet many people but those we did meet were very pleasant. Roll on better weather. 

Didn't see any frogspawn.

Posted : March 10, 2022 11:39 pm
Bn252525 and Gasman reacted
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Two of us are going for a naked walk in Sherwood Forest today. We will be meeting at the waterworks parking spot and beginning the walk at 12 noon today. If anyone else would like to join us you are welcome.,-1.0959711/53.2252487,-1.0960012/@53.2254519,-1.0959389,192m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!4m1!3e0

Posted : March 12, 2022 9:55 am
Bn252525 reacted
Posts: 833
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The sun shone mst of the time we were out, but the wind was a little chilly at times. There were a few people about all who were pleasant apart from a man and a woman. The woman was carrying a bundle in her arms and I initially thought she was carrying a small dog but it turned out to be a very young baby. They were on a path in front of us and we were joining the path about 30 yards behind them. they were walking away from us. However the man decided to turn round and shout at us not to follow him and his wife shouted some abuse at us. They had no need to look at us and we were not following them so I just told them to look the other way. He continued to shout for a wile and they eventually moved on allowing us to take the path we wanted which was not where they were going anyway. She shouted that she was going to call the police so I shouted back, good do you want my name. There was absolutely no reason for them to turn round and hassle us, if they had just carried on we would have passed behind them about 30 yds away from them with with no bother.

Posted : March 12, 2022 5:15 pm
Bn252525 reacted
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Two of us will be going for a naked walk in Sherwood forest on tuesday 15th setting off at 12.30pm. you are welcome if you wish to join us. The weather forecast looks good and we will be walking approx 5 or 6 miles.
We will be meeting at the waterworks parking place.,-1.0959711/53.2252487,-1.0960012/@53.2254519,-1.0959389,192m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!4m1!3e0

Posted : March 13, 2022 12:08 pm
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@dgildoo I plan to be walking there tomorrow afternoon as well, but am unlikely to get there before 2.30. Il probably meet you as you are coming back 😀 

Posted : March 14, 2022 8:38 am
Bn252525 and gildo reacted
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@dgildoo I really enjoyed the walk at the weekend mate. Shame about the couple causing a scene but overall a really enjoyable afternoon. It's so nice to be out walking naked this early in the year. I cannot wait for the Summer and more walks in Sherwood forest 😀

Posted : March 14, 2022 10:39 am
gildo reacted
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Looks like you're going to have a good day for it.

I've been out this afternoon, bit of a chilly wind but nice all the same, was warmer yesterday.

I walked past the works on the cycle route today, for a nosey more than anything, didn't notice the CCTV cameras till it was to late. DOHHHH! 😮 

Posted : March 14, 2022 7:23 pm
gildo reacted
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@tribalbrit I had a lovely 5 mile naked walk this afternoon. There weren't many people about and those I met were very pleasant. I finally found a place where the froggs are spawning, its nice to know the forestry works haven't disturbed the froggs there.  You are right it did feel colder today. Hoping for a warmer day tomorrow.

Posted : March 14, 2022 7:43 pm
Bn252525 and tribalbrit reacted
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Beautiful day for a walk yesterday.  As predicted I met Gildo, Brian and a gentleman I didn't know as I was leaving my car and they were approaching theirs. As it was a pretty busy and public area none of us were naked sadly. I think it may be the first time I have seen Gildo with any clothes on. 

Anyway, a lovely walk, not too cold and the wind not too bothersome.

Posted : March 16, 2022 11:13 am
Bn252525, tribalbrit, Gasman and 1 people reacted
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What time were you up there? I was out 4 till 6, not very busy at all, only saw one couple with a dog and the perv with the three dogs. I always manage to see him some how, anyone else see him?

Was warmer than previous days, no wind. 

Think I might give it a miss today, lashing it down. ☹️ 

Posted : March 16, 2022 4:58 pm
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@tribalbrit. It was at about 2.30 till just gone 4. I must have just missed you. There was a huge crane blocking the cycle path at the waterworks. I saw one person with his dog who came up a path and looked quite surprised to see me. I saw him again later and then he made his way back to his car at about the same time I was at mine. Mine was the last car to leave. I guess the perv reserves all his unwanted attention for you 🤣 

Posted : March 16, 2022 6:39 pm
Bn252525 and tribalbrit reacted
The Tibetan Hat
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Ticked off March this afternoon. It actually felt warm in parts! 

4 miles covered, quite a few people around for a weekday, more birdwatchers anyway. No problems, a a couple of friendly hellos.

At one point a young couple curiously stopped at a gate and seemed to wait for us, as they could definitely see us coming from quite a distance and our path was a straight line toward them with no side paths to cut off onto, and they'd seemingly been going in a different direction from ours anyway. I wasn't quite sure what to do but reasoned if they were offended they wouldn't stand at the one pinch point where it was unavoidable to come in close proximity to us, so I carried on as normal without the hassle of dressing or turning back. Only when we actually squeezed by them did that start walking again, quite openly wondering if they were going in the right direction. I guess they were just lost and didn't know how or whether to ask for help. Anyway, we stopped to give them directions and they were very polite with a 'thank you' and 'enjoy the rest of your day'.

Anyway, point of the story, few different negative scenarios passed through my mind before speaking to them, and obviously none of them applied. Nothing to worry about again!


Saw a massive stoat during our walk, and the first butterflies are out. Parking limited at the Pumping Station, looks like there will be some pipe laying in the near future.

Posted : March 18, 2022 8:55 pm
Posts: 665
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I was out yesterday, late afternoon. I met another naturist as I set off, still dressed at the time. I commented that I was contemplating joining him and we passed pleasantries.

Shortly after meeting him I stripped off and carried on my walk. It wasn't long before I saw two cyclists coming towards me, even though there's no cycling on the common. I decided to take a side path to avoid a direct meeting and sure enough I heard the sneers and lewd comments, I carried on my way, when I turned to take another path I could see the cameras had come out and pointing at me. She was shouting something inaudible and he took more pictures. I had a quiet walk for the next hour or so and as said previously it was warm at times.

Posted : March 19, 2022 4:28 pm
Posts: 833
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@tribalbrit These people are really unhinged. Why should they think they can bother you when you have even taken steps to avoid them. I hope they call the police and are told that you weren't doing anything wrong.

Posted : March 19, 2022 6:17 pm
Bn252525 and tribalbrit reacted
Posts: 833
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It looks like the weather is going to be good for a 8 mile naked walk on Tuesday 22nd in Sherwood Forest. I will probably be setting off about 11 am. Let me know if you wish to join me. It looks like the rest of the week is going to be good weather as well, but I am not available on those days.

Posted : March 19, 2022 6:18 pm
Bn252525 and tribalbrit reacted
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