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Naked walks in Sherwood Forest

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Brett Just had an hour in Budby before swim at Edwinstow very nice saw another naked guy who only stripped after he had seen me then he followed me I bit rude I thought then on the way back to my car saw the guy that has been flashing he had 3 dogs with him a spotted, brown and a white one all big dogs.He followed me kept dropping his trousers and Wnaking so I could see. I returned To my car he needs reporting really I think but don’t want to spoil what we have at Budby.

This guy needs to be reported to the police we do not want him upsetting people who walk the area.

Posted : May 21, 2022 10:26 pm
Bn252525 reacted
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

I saw Brett's car parked up yesterday, didn't see him though. I did see however the guy that followed him. I saw him sat on a bench clothed, by the time I reached where he sat he was stripping off and then he followed me. This is the second time this has happened and next time I see him I'll give him what for. It's weird to say the least. I also know his car.

The other guy with the dogs is out regularly, I've only seen him wanking the once, which I reported to David when he was the warden. He does need to be stopped, I'm pretty sure he lives in Budby village. You cant miss the dogs, I usually see the dogs first running a mock, then you hear him before you see him shouting at them. I generally avoid him and thankfully he tends to stay to the same two areas, in my experience. 

I had a run in with him a while ago face to face, not an experience I want to repeat. He had ago at me for being naked and frightening women away because of it. Now I think maybe he thinks we are scaring his prey off before he can expose himself to them.


Posted : May 22, 2022 4:35 pm
Bn252525 reacted
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

Just had one of my favourite walks, a complete circuit of the common following the perimeter fence within a few feet, probably about five miles, a little bit more as I had to head into the common and back out a few times to keep to the paths and access the gates. 

Didn't see anyone until the last few metres, two cyclists, two motorcyclists, a dog walker and a jogger, don't think any of them saw me apart from the jogger.. All within two minutes of each other. lol.

Great out there this evening and no weirdo's about.

Posted : May 25, 2022 6:59 pm
Bn252525 and gildo reacted
Posts: 665
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Out again this evening, parked next to Gildo's car, I think, about 4.30 on the Worksop road.?

Only went a few yards and saw the guy with the dogs on an adjoining path to my right, I ignored the perv.

Lovely walk then it rained, then sun came out, then it rained. Four times I got wet, the rain was a bit heavy at one point.

I see another area has cows on now, only a small herd but they are there, Three separate herds now. I had to pass through one of them again today to get to a gate, no problem but they don't like my dog much.

Only saw one other person with a brown whippet he stood and watched as I walked the length of the common, not sure why as I have seen him many times before.

Spent an amusing half hour last night reading comments about Budby's naturists on Mums Net.

I cant believe some peoples views, dark ages or what? Made me smile though. 

Posted : May 26, 2022 9:28 pm
Bn252525 and gildo reacted
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

@tribalbrit I wondered whos car it was next to mine. I din't get wet I left just before it rained. I didn't see anyone today during my 5 mile naked walk.

Posted : May 26, 2022 10:41 pm
Bn252525 and tribalbrit reacted
Posts: 833
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I had a nice 7.45 mile naked walk this afternoon in Sherwood forest. It was quite windy but the sun shone and it felt quite pleasant. Very few people around. I met one couple walking towards me, the guy was very friendly and I had a chat with a cyclist who had stopped for a sit on one of the new benches. A couple of cyclists passed me and said hello.

Posted : May 27, 2022 6:15 pm
Bn252525 reacted
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

Let me assure you those hailstones bloody hurt on naked skin.. everywhere..

Great walk after though and dried out nicely to get wet through again 5 minutes from the car. 

Very quiet out there surprisingly, not.

Posted : May 31, 2022 7:38 pm
Bn252525 and gildo reacted
Posts: 899
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It is an incredible feeling. You can't get wetter than wet and at the end of it you have dry clothes, unlike textiles.

Posted : May 31, 2022 8:54 pm
gildo and tribalbrit reacted
Posts: 665
Honorable Member


Had it been a bit warmer it would have been great, thunder, lightening, rain and hail all while walking naked, very enjoyable but a bit chilly.

Posted : June 1, 2022 7:11 pm
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
Honorable Member

Been out at Sherwood a lot over the past few days, enjoying the recent upturn in the weather. 

Unfortunately a couple of negative interactions to mention. Along the cycle track I saw in the distance some people approaching one of which was a child (two grandparents and a 10yo boy I'd guess), so I donned my shorts in very good time. This didn't stop the guy who'd seen me from afar from telling me 'how lucky I am the boy is there'. In passing I made it clear I'd done nothing illegal, and that while he's entitled to his opinion he shouldn't go around threatening people. We were soon out of each other's sight, by which time I'd figured out what I really ought to have told him is to ring the police, explain I'd been walking naked in the woods, I got dressed before getting anywhere near them and that he then threatened me with violence, it's just in the heat of the moment it's not always easy to make a point like that. Whenever there is a bad reaction I tend to only think afterward I should have asked them why they're so special, when I've passed dozens and dozens of people over the years who have been perfectly all right with seeing a naturist, but I never remember to do it.

About half an hour later, a group of two older and two younger adults took exception. It was at a junction of several paths, and upon seeing them (and them seeing me) I initially held back so they could carry on along the path they apparently intended to take without and thus avoid approaching each other, only for them to surprise me by doubling back to take a look at the map on the board as I went through the gate next to it - awkwardly getting super close to them. The older woman asked 'should you being doing that?', and younger one insisted 'what you're doing is illegal'. The men with them conspicuously said not a word. To be fair to the women they heard me out  as I stood there naked while explaining to them I wasn't committing any offence and they should call the police if they really wanted to check that or read the RSPB's online statement about naturism at Sherwood. They even gave me time to explain the legal detail that I'd have to be doing something with the intent to cause them alarm or distress for it to be illegal and they listened when I assured them I was just out there to enjoy the nature. I don't really feel like naturists have anything to apologise for, but given they'd been relatively receptive to what I saying (rather than getting in a bigger huff) I told them I was sorry if I'd disturbed their walk at which they said 'it's ok' and we wished each other well for the rest of the afternoon, hopefully having given them something to reflect upon. I suppose I should give Naturist Corner some credit in that I'm able to field these kind of conversations because of what I've learnt here.

Shortly after I met a fellow naturist I hadn't seen before and we had a good chat about all this, he having witnessed the second one from a distance. Nice to be able to debrief that way, because difficult interactions can stick with you on a lone walk when you don't have anyone else to talk it over with.

Otherwise uneventful peacefulness again, a handful of people around with no further issues to speak of. I did notice more orchids in one of the areas disturbed by the remedial works that took place over the winter. It looked messy at the time, but really quite pretty now.

We also went up very late one evening for the nightjars, owls, woodcock, etc, just before and after dusk when the common is at its best - new sounds fill the landscape and a new cast of creatures begin to appear. Even on a warm night I don't go naked at these times in the evening - I tried it once and got eaten alive by the midges and mosquitos. Still, it's a magical place, and a reminder to me why I'm happy to be an RSPB member, the place well looked after - more nightjars than ever so the place doing well, and a bonus that I could refer to their 'tolerance' of naturism at Sherwood right when I needed it.

Posted : June 12, 2022 6:46 pm
tribalbrit, Jon Tanner, Bn252525 and 1 people reacted
Jon Tanner
Posts: 312
Reputable Member

Shame about the first Mr Angry, but on balance I would class the second encounter as a positive. They weren't angry or aggressive, heard you out and seem to have learned something - their (common) misunderstanding has been corrected! Win win, I say - well done!

Incidentally, you probably know but BN have produced a little single-sheet A5 "handout" for just this sort of encounter, a brief guide to give to passers' by. I think it's downloadable from their public pages. 

Posted : June 13, 2022 11:56 am
Posts: 665
Honorable Member


Your right about negative reactions playing on your mind, I know what you mean.

A few  days ago as I walked across the common I could see a cyclist sat on one of the new benches on the other side of the common. I think he is one I have been filmed by before, bright blue jacket.

Anyway, as I reached the end of the path, near a cattle grid he had timed his ride to intercept me as I crossed the main path, I anticipated his intension and took and immediate right turn just before the gate. This obviously spoilt his plan and as he passed by with camera phone in hand I could visibly see his annoyance. Instead of him carrying on his route he turned around and followed me up the path I had taken, not really fit for his bike but he was determined. I once again took a narrower path to the right which was totally unfit for his bike, he carried on this time. About 20 minutes later as I returned in the direction I had come I caught site of the same cyclist pacing up and down talking on his phone, I managed to avoid him and headed for another cattle grid to carry on my walk. I had just crossed both cattle grids when the cyclist appeared behind me, again phone in hand and ready to follow me again, I took another narrow path and he changed his mind but carried on filming as I walked away. 

This encounter bugged me for the rest of my walk and for a few days later, now to the point where I'm weary of meeting him again. I should have perhaps challenged his behaviour but not wanting a confrontation while naked I didn't. At first I thought I was being paranoid but on recollection he was definitely out to get me on film.

I can't help wondering what these people do with this footage and why.

Posted : June 13, 2022 5:49 pm
Posts: 899
Prominent Member

I admire everyone's tolerance. I can't honestly say that I would meet the bar that has been set

Posted : June 13, 2022 7:57 pm
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
Honorable Member
Posted by: @tribalbrit


Your right about negative reactions playing on your mind, I know what you mean.

A few  days ago as I walked across the common I could see a cyclist sat on one of the new benches on the other side of the common. I think he is one I have been filmed by before, bright blue jacket.

Anyway, as I reached the end of the path, near a cattle grid he had timed his ride to intercept me as I crossed the main path, I anticipated his intension and took and immediate right turn just before the gate. This obviously spoilt his plan and as he passed by with camera phone in hand I could visibly see his annoyance. Instead of him carrying on his route he turned around and followed me up the path I had taken, not really fit for his bike but he was determined. I once again took a narrower path to the right which was totally unfit for his bike, he carried on this time. About 20 minutes later as I returned in the direction I had come I caught site of the same cyclist pacing up and down talking on his phone, I managed to avoid him and headed for another cattle grid to carry on my walk. I had just crossed both cattle grids when the cyclist appeared behind me, again phone in hand and ready to follow me again, I took another narrow path and he changed his mind but carried on filming as I walked away. 

This encounter bugged me for the rest of my walk and for a few days later, now to the point where I'm weary of meeting him again. I should have perhaps challenged his behaviour but not wanting a confrontation while naked I didn't. At first I thought I was being paranoid but on recollection he was definitely out to get me on film.

I can't help wondering what these people do with this footage and why.

Well that sounds like harassment, and I really don't know what I would do. Haven't seen this guy, although I think you're generally out later in the day than me.

One comment the naturist I met made was how unfortunate it is the posters haven't gone up this year. This may account for some of the surprise textiles experience when seeing a naturist. I suppose with the rate one of the locals was tearing them down the RSPB got fed up of printing/laminating them. Whatever the case, important I feel we keep up our use and stay confident about our right to be on the heath. 

Some fantastic weather ahead of us, I expect to see a few more of us up there!

Posted : June 13, 2022 10:23 pm
Bn252525 and tribalbrit reacted
Posts: 665
Honorable Member


I don't think I would have been quite as tollerent a few years ago but sadly I am now the wrong side of 50 and not as fit as I once was.

Posted : June 13, 2022 10:32 pm
Bn252525 reacted
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