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RSPB The safety of women on our reserves

47 Posts
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Posts: 945

We’re in the unfortunate position here of a bunch of men deciding what women might or might not be thinking and feeling. Perhaps a female viewpoint would help the discussion.

I agree with Gildo that the threat to naturist walkers is real, in that society at large will, knee jerk reaction, regard naked men as a potential threat and they will be an easy target to ban from RSPB land as a show that “something is being done”.

Noli illegitimi te carborundum

Posted : March 22, 2021 7:47 am
AleLid, Bn252525 and gildo reacted
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
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Posted by: @pjelec

We’re in the unfortunate position here of a bunch of men deciding what women might or might not be thinking and feeling. Perhaps a female viewpoint would help the discussion.

Well exactly, the stuff I've been talking about in this thread is the stuff I've heard or read women say, the very least we can do is listen before thinking about ourselves.

Posted : March 22, 2021 11:29 am
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@the-tibetan-hat I have already listened and thought about all of the stuff you are talking about. This topic was about something else. it was about how it might affect naturists and the safety of male naturist walkers and how we might be affected by the article written by the RSPB. Surely we can have a discussion about different aspects of things without constantly harping on about just one aspect while accepting and acknowledging it is important.

Posted : March 22, 2021 11:49 am
Posts: 78
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Posted by: @dgildoo

@the-tibetan-hat I have already listened and thought about all of the stuff you are talking about. This topic was about something else. it was about how it might affect naturists and the safety of male naturist walkers and how we might be affected by the article written by the RSPB. Surely we can have a discussion about different aspects of things without constantly harping on about just one aspect while accepting and acknowledging it is important.

I agree with you and, if I have not misjudged the temper of your reply, I share your irritation.

Posted : March 22, 2021 2:59 pm
sussex nudists
Posts: 473
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Posted by: @pjelec

We’re in the unfortunate position here of a bunch of men deciding what women might or might not be thinking and feeling. Perhaps a female viewpoint would help the discussion.

I agree with Gildo that the threat to naturist walkers is real, in that society at large will, knee jerk reaction, regard naked men as a potential threat and they will be an easy target to ban from RSPB land as a show that “something is being done”.

A female point of view!

I am an almost life long naturist although never a naked hiker beyond very long walks on beaches. However, I would not be in the least offended, irritated, agitated, angry if I met a naked man walking in the hills or wherever but that is probably because I am a naturist woman. Unfortunately there is not likely to be a non naturist woman to comment on this site.


Posted : March 22, 2021 4:39 pm
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@jorrox You have misjudged my reply and I can't see why you are irritated. I am genuinely interested to know what you are going to do to help change things for women apart from constantly repeating yourself.

Posted : March 22, 2021 5:11 pm
Posts: 78
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My my, you are an angry man.   Can you wonder that I misjudged your comment?  I've no interest in 'changing things for women' apart from encouraging them to behave like rational adults and not neurotic attention seekers.

Since you've made the accusation perhaps you'd have the courtesy to point out an example of my 'constant repetition'.


Posted : March 22, 2021 5:25 pm
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@jorrox To be honest I have no idea where you are coming from and I am astounded at your ability to know how someone else is feeling. 

Posted : March 22, 2021 5:38 pm
Posts: 665
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I have spoken with three non naturist women while out walking and naked at the time. I actually asked them if  they were bothered by me being naked. All three of these women were not concerned about my nakedness. One elderly woman was more interested in my tattoo's. Another commented that she once followed me for a while admiring my behind and the other was more than okay with it.

I have said before that I will avoid people if I can.

Posted : March 22, 2021 5:41 pm
pjcomp and gildo reacted
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Can we get back on topic please otherwise this discussion will be closed.

Posted : March 22, 2021 6:05 pm
pjcomp and gildo reacted
Posts: 945


Thanks for that feedback from non-naturist females; as @sussex-nudists said we’re unlikely to get such feedback here so secondhand is better than nothing. 

Unhappily they’re unlikely to be consulted if the RSPB or anyone else wants to have a public crackdown in the name of “doing something”. Though in reality I suspect nothing will actually happen - unless there is an incident on RSPB property this will go the way of most things and disappear as the news cycle rolls round (which is not to make light of the problem, just to reflect, perhaps cynically, on how the media works).

Noli illegitimi te carborundum

Posted : March 22, 2021 6:37 pm
Posts: 146
Posted by: @the-tibetan-hat

There probably is a discussion to be had about how male nude walkers may need to take greater consideration of the vulnerability lone women can feel, although much the same could be said for clothed walkers too.

That is an important point. A woman's perception of vulnerability would probably increase the less clothing she wears. That's a big reason that men outnumber women in most nudist social situations. And again, it's a man problem, with men being raised in a culture where they feel they can take liberties as they want to. It's on us, guys. And the sooner we realize it, the more things will change for the better.

Posted : March 22, 2021 8:00 pm
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@pjelec Yes its a pity that people rarely write positively they usually just write when they want to complain about something. However, the RSPB warden at Budby knows that naturist have been helpful. Things like litter picking,  reporting things that need attention.  I personally spent a morning naked helping to round up some cows that had escaped, just a few examples.  Although naturists have been walking there for years there has never been an incident of a naturist misbehaving or causing trouble, even though some men have had a go at some of us and some people have complained on behalf of unknown others about naturists walking the area. Hopefully the RSPB article will not have any adverse effect but we won't really know until people are able to travel again and the bird watchers from further afield are back.

Posted : March 22, 2021 8:02 pm
simon1000 and tribalbrit reacted
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
Honorable Member


Sorry if I came on bit a heavy, there was a mention - not by you - of equality and apparent unfairness to men upthread and I was mainly responding to that. I think you show plenty of respect to women to women yourself.

On topic, like @pjcomp I still get the feeling this will rightly or wrongly all blow ever.

Posted : March 23, 2021 11:38 am
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@the-tibetan-hat Thank you for the apology but it wasn't really necessary, I think everyone is entitled to their view and I wouldn't post if I were not strong enough to cope with whatever anyone wishes to throw at me. I also know how difficult it can be to stay on topic sometimes especially when strong views are held about something. No harm done . I hope the moderators will forgive me for going off topic but I feel it is important to acknowledge your post.

Posted : March 23, 2021 12:15 pm
andylgc reacted
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