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Singles Outdoor Club naturist walks 2011

32 Posts
13 Users
Chris from Rotherhithe
Posts: 2
New Member

Broad Chalke (Salisbury) next. I will be going. Who will I meet up with?

Posted : July 5, 2011 12:05 pm
Simon T
Posts: 176
Estimable Member

Intent on going subject to weather. Red rubber bands everyone!  ;D

Posted : July 5, 2011 6:58 pm
Simon T
Posts: 176
Estimable Member for Wednesday for the Broad Chalke walk looks almost perfect...20C sunny spells with light winds, only an outside chance of a very light shower. So I'm definitely going. Anybody else who's in two minds about coming along please do! Perfect opportunity for a nice social walk. It would be great to meet some more NCers on the day. Get in touch....details (including meet point and time) are on the BN forum or via SOC at   😎 😎

Posted : July 10, 2011 12:00 pm
Posts: 199
Estimable Member for Wednesday for the Broad Chalke walk looks almost perfect...20C sunny spells with light winds, only an outside chance of a very light shower. So I'm definitely going. Anybody else who's in two minds about coming along please do! Perfect opportunity for a nice social walk. It would be great to meet some more NCers on the day. Get in touch....details (including meet point and time) are on the BN forum or via SOC at   😎 😎

I cannot make it today, but it is a good walk which I have done a couple of times before.

Have a good day !


Posted : July 13, 2011 7:47 am
Posts: 326
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Did you get to this walk? Did you enjoy it? Any thoughts?

Have fun,


It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

Posted : July 16, 2011 9:49 am
Simon T
Posts: 176
Estimable Member

Ian, Yes I did get to the walk. I didn't plan to write up a big report this time, but it was a perfect day weather wise and everybody i met was very welcoming. True, i did feel a little 'out of place'. I was the youngest there by 15 years! I'd love to be able to say that it didn't matter a jot...but then it's difficult conversation wise sometimes in this situation. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it though...i did...and i will be making every effort to get to the Ackling Dyke walk in September.  🙂

Posted : July 16, 2011 11:35 am
Posts: 326
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The average age on SOC walks does tend to be rather high. I guess that is largely a consequence of the walks being mid week, making it harder for those of working age to take part as they need to take a day off work. There is one Saturday walk in the SOC programme, 13 August on the Hoo Peninsular, near Gravesend, however that is about as far from you as it is possible to get while staying in the civilised southern half of England.

I've never done the Ackling Dyke walk and hope to be able to get to that one, but it will depend on work and other commitments.

Have fun,


It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

Posted : July 17, 2011 1:38 pm
Simon T
Posts: 176
Estimable Member

I guess that is largely a consequence of the walks being mid week, making it harder for those of working age to take part as they need to take a day off work.

Hmmm...not sure I buy this least not having browsed the photos of past Hoo walks!

Well Steepholm being cancelled, I hope I get to meet you at some point!

Posted : July 17, 2011 1:53 pm
Posts: 326
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I guess that is largely a consequence of the walks being mid week, making it harder for those of working age to take part as they need to take a day off work.

Hmmm...not sure I buy this least not having browsed the photos of past Hoo walks!

The pictures posted may not be entirely representative. There were a few younger faces on both the Hoo walks I attended, however they tended to be less keen on appearing in pictures (at least one is a teacher and very secretive about his naturism). Of course many of the regular faces also go on the walks, so the average will not fall to your youthful level, but at least you should not the only walker under the age of 50.

Well Steepholm being cancelled, I hope I get to meet you at some point!

The feeling is mutual, of course you may change your mind once you've actually met this old fogie  😉

Have fun,


It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

Posted : July 17, 2011 2:06 pm
Simon T
Posts: 176
Estimable Member

8th of September Ackling Dyke walk fast appoaching. Anybody else from the forum thinking of going to this one? I'm waiting on the weather forecast...

Posted : August 31, 2011 11:07 pm
Posts: 250
Reputable Member

I'm waiting on the weather forecast

But you should know they don't know any more thaan my seaweed!!!!!

Posted : September 1, 2011 7:24 am
Posts: 199
Estimable Member

8th of September Ackling Dyke walk fast appoaching. Anybody else from the forum thinking of going to this one? I'm waiting on the weather forecast...

I certainly hoping to go on the Ackling Dyke walk. I've been once before and it was very good. Its a long journey for me so I won't go if the forecast is dire, however so long as its only saying showers or better, I'll probably go.


Posted : September 1, 2011 8:24 am
Robin H
Posts: 4
New Member

I'm hoping to be there but will watch the weather. Hope to see any of you that can make it. Red Shoot on 20th September is always good as is Harting Down which is on 29th Sept, which I am leading. Robin

Posted : September 3, 2011 9:26 am
smoothie cpl
Posts: 61
Trusted Member

Has any one by any chance got any details of the walk last year from graveley herts, i live in stevenage but i was unfortunately away at that time and couldnt make it, i have sent an email to soc but as yet havnt had a reply, would be very gratefull for any info on this one
Many thanks.

Life isn't surviving the storm, its learning to dance in the rain.

Posted : September 3, 2011 3:30 pm
West Heathen
Posts: 108
Estimable Member

[quote author=675249494A5E46474733 If anyone likes the idea of an SOC walk, but finds the idea of 11 miles daunting, I should point out that it is likely to take between five and six hours to complete and will include a couple of stops (for lunch and tea). This walk (like most) starts and finishes at a pub where most walkers will stay for a meal.

That is one of many things that have put me off.

My reservations are:

1) The distances involved, if I remember correctly the shortest are about 8 or 9 miles.  It may be broken up throughout the day, but I would struggle to do that in a day.  I wear a pedometer and usually I walk around 4miles a day; but while I am on leave that can go up to 8miles +, which causes me to struggle.  It is a pity that they do not do shorter walks.

2)  The locations: From what I have seen there are none available in the Midlands.  Which for me would mean not only time off-work, but at least one night in accommodation.

3)  I am very susceptible to sun-burn and go bright pink very rapidly.  I know that the answer to that is to get myself in the sun more often, but I do not have a suitable venue.  Therefore I would be unable to do the whole walk nude without compromising my health.  🙁

4)  I have yet to make my "social debut", so until then the first 3 points are theoretical.

If you are wrapped up in yourself, then you are overdressed!

I am quite open to meeting other folks at organised nude venues that are within my reach financially and socially.

Posted : September 3, 2011 8:24 pm
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