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Walk around Three Shires Head

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Grower, it is a shame if you feel you must abandon a walk just because someone has seen you naked, although I understand that is 'where you are' in your mind at the moment. You are probably still feeling some guilt about beng naked, that at some level it is 'wrong', or just concerned that someone will report it and that you need to then 'get out the situation'.

The first situation is dealt with by addressing your own sense of guilt (if applicable), learning to understand your own reasons for wanting to go on naked walks and satisfying yourself both of the innocence of your motivation eg sensual not sexual and of thr lack of harm to anyone else.

The second situation is a matter of judgement and experience. If you pick suitable places/ times for walks you are unlikely to meet people close to, but if you do so and can react in an innocent and relaxed way, covering up respectfully (or perhaps not if too late as John Gw suggests) then you are not likely to upset anyone and you are unlikely to be reported to the police, although it always remains a possibility, so you need to be sufficiently confident that you could justify your actions to them in the unlikely event that they ever question you.

But again, if you pick your places etc, you are generally only likely to be seen at a distance before covering up. While a close encounter might be sufficiently off-putting for you as yet to curtail a walk (despite no apparent negative response), if you are only seen at a distance, cover up respectfully but calmly and feel confident in the innocence of your naturist pastime, you are very unlikely to get a negative response and hopefuuly would be able to continue your walk, uncovering again when out of sight.

I often walk in areas where I can walk off-path. This has several advantages. It reduces the likelihood of meeting someone and means that if you do see someone you can easily deviate from your route to avoid passing close to them without acting suspiciously. If relatively close, i would still cover up, but again calmly, not trying vainly to hide that I was naked.

If further away (too far to see genitals clearly) then, apart from them being able to see that I am naked, there is nothing to hide and I tend not to cover up. This is part of my personal attempt to help nomalise nudity in the countryside. The more people who are seen walking naked or in other innocent activities, the more the stories get anout until it ceases to be a surprise or news to anybody. Little steps...

I often now, like John, where a wrap when likely to meet people or when I see them, easier to put on and take-off but which also advertises effectively that i am ( a respectful) naturist. It takes more self confidece to wear when meeting people on paths, but reduces fumbling.

As it is looking like a nice afternoon, I am just trying to think of somewhere suitable to go......

Tread lightly upon the earth

Posted : August 15, 2015 12:58 pm
Posts: 2
New Member

Fascinating thread, and lots of good points.  As it happens, I was walking this morning in the area mentioned earlier, and I was thinking about this very subject as I passed along the ridge of the Roaches.  My thinking, however, was purely hypothetical, since it was 8am and cold, damp and windy.  I actually was glad of my clothes at that point!

I wear fairly bulky walking boots to support my weakened ankles, and I was considering what I'd do if I had been walking naked and suddenly felt the need to cover up.  Shorts would be very impractical and not a little clumsy, it seems to me.  As it was, I saw no-one during my three-hour walk, but I am swayed by the wrap idea. (It's rare for me to be out in the hills at the weekend - chefs are hardly ever off-duty on a Saturday!)

Being off-the-path is also advantageous, and a habit I've always cultivated, not least because paths don't often take the best route up a hill or mountain and paths increase the damage of erosion.

But it's a question of balance here, isn't it?

I don't want to offend people with my nudity, even if their offence-taking is predicated upon ignorance and prejudice, and I don't want to be offended by their ignorance and prejudice!  Nor do I want to end up in court over some petty nonsense.  There are bigger battles to fight, and I need my liberty for that!

So I guess that - unless that's an undressed person approaching me - I'm going to cover up.

Posted : August 15, 2015 4:36 pm
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