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Walking nude

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Iam hoping to venture out on a first nude walk- I know it is probably the wrong time of year- but you have to start sometime!
I may be being a bit overcautious, but when out walking nude do you need to have some form of 'quick cover' to hand, in case of meeting textiles en route. I would not want to cause offence or be arrested, as I have read that some people have been! 
Nude walking seems more common down in the South of England, as I have not seen much information on northern counties, so all advice gratefully accepted.

Posted : October 15, 2014 9:42 pm
Woodland wanderer
Posts: 357
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Best of luck with it, I always carry some cover up just in case, it is common sense.

Posted : October 15, 2014 10:14 pm
Posts: 1064
Noble Member

If walking in the UK I always have some form of cover to hand but here in Spain no-one gives a damn about seeing a naked person out taking a walk in the countryside. Much more sensible attitude.

Just Wear a Smile

Two story 4 bedroom house suitable for naturists for sale southern Catalonia, Spain. pm for more information

Posted : October 16, 2014 8:53 am
Posts: 887

At this time of year no matter what you have to cover up you will look 'strange'. A pair of shorts to slip on will look weird if the temp is low, windy and rain, a long coat only will just look like your a flasher. The only thing you can probably get away with is a loose pair of running shorts and a loose top with running shoes, and make sure your jogging - us runners / joggers go out in all weather. Naturally though its best to pick somewhere where you should not see anyone - then you don't have to bother (I do naked walks all year round, but you have to know where to go - and since I do have some local places, I don't take anything to cover up, I just leave my clothes at the start of the safe bit and put them back on when I return).  There is lots of other advice on other threads.

Posted : October 16, 2014 8:59 am
Posts: 326
Reputable Member

Hi Sunlover69,

I almost always carry a quick cover up unless I am in an area I know will be completely empty (there are very few of those in the Thames valley). Typically I will have a loose t-shirt and a wraparound skirt (call it a kilt if you feel unhappy about wearing “womens clothing”). I carry the clothing in a bag in one hand but may hang it over a shoulder if I want both hands free.

Typically I see other people before they see me and that generally allows me time to quietly melt away out of sight. If that is not an option I will consider changing route to keep a gap between me and the other person, dressing (at least partially and never in a hurry as that sends a message that I think I am doing something wrong) or simply continuing past with a cheery greeting and a smile. Which option I take is usually decided based on who the other person is and any body language I detect.

I do not worry about looking a bit odd; I have learned over the years that most folks are too busy thinking about their own issues to pay any more than passing attention to how I am dressed and if they ask whether I was naked when they first saw me in the distance I see no reason not to say “yes, but I covered up in case you were embarrassed.” That response has the benefit of not sounding guilty, or shifty and I have been met with replies such as “Oh, no problem, you don’t have to worry about me” far more often than anything else.

Incidentally, the North East is a great part of the world for naked walking. I spent a year working in Gateshead and found many spots where I was able to enjoy the freedom of unclothed walks without upsetting the natives.

Have fun,


It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

Posted : October 16, 2014 9:46 am
Posts: 154

Some very useful advice on this thread, thanks to all the experienced free-hikers for sharing your tips and advice.

Roy & Yvonne Snell

Nude is not rude
Unless you're a prude

Posted : October 16, 2014 12:40 pm
smoothie cpl
Posts: 61
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As an avid free-hiker I always carry pair of shorts, normally in the straps of the ruck sack, just in case I do meet others, if that occurs I quickly put them on and say if you say me nude, you wernt suppose to, I try and avoid apologising for something I havnt done wrong, but I may have to at some stage if the textile is a bit bolshie over the issue, thankfully it hasn't happened yet.

Life isn't surviving the storm, its learning to dance in the rain.

Posted : October 17, 2014 1:39 pm
Posts: 1398
Noble Member

If I'm in open country shorts and top will be in the rucksack. If I'm in countryside where someone may suddenly come into sight I'll carry a pair of shorts. I think we are more likely to spot them as we are on the look-out for other people.

If you can't see what they are wearing they can't what you're not. I do tend to restrict free-range naturist to open countryside. I did have a narrow escape during the summer. I was in a remote part of the Peak District and was pretty close to getting back to the car. As I approached the road I thought I'll cover up and just after shorts were on a car came along. Was it instinct, luck or had I without realising heard the car in the distance.

Davie  8)

Posted : October 17, 2014 1:59 pm
Posts: 52
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Thanks to all for your tips and advice- will let you know how I get on.

Posted : October 21, 2014 9:24 pm
Posts: 61
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Yes like others have said the safest thing to do is carry a pair of loose shorts in your rucksack. Loose is better so you are not fumbling around with trying to get your shorts on over your boots (if you do walk nude with boots) in quick time!

Posted : November 2, 2014 10:39 pm
Posts: 108
Estimable Member

This is something I would love to try but unless it was in an organised group I would be very cautious about being a lone male out for a nude walk.


Posted : November 3, 2014 7:45 am
Posts: 4
New Member

This is something I would love to try but unless it was in an organised group I would be very cautious about being a lone male out for a nude walk.


I'm the same. If it was a group of us (4 or more) then I'd be happy to do this. However, as a lone male, I'd have my concerns.


Posted : November 4, 2014 2:25 am
Posts: 52
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Hi again,
I appreciate the latest comments about being a lone male nude walker,
but there are not many naturists up in this area and fewer that are sociable to the point of offering to join a naked walk in the country.

Posted : November 5, 2014 10:05 pm
Posts: 61
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Yes unfortunately it's not easy to organise nude walks with others - i have done so before and it is great to do it with someone else or in a group but I've been able to really enjoy just going walking nude by myself - the key is that you know the area ok so you feel more at ease

Posted : November 7, 2014 12:01 am
Posts: 31
Eminent Member

Providing I can escape the family and work I would up for meeting for a nude walk. Happy to drive to get there.

Posted : November 7, 2014 1:22 am
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