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Winter walking

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I have walked naked every day this week between 6 and 12 miles each day, the temperature has ranged from 6 to 10 degrees C. Some days it has been cloudy and windy, others partially sunny except for today when the sun shone all morning.  During the winter when I walk in cold weather I usually try to avoid people as I am usually on my own. I always covered up if I got near anyone as I believed that they would not be able to understand why anyone would want to be naked when they perceive it to be so cold and the risk of them contacting the police would increase. However this week I decided to test my belief by not avoiding people and not covering up even if I had to approach them on narrow paths. I have probably met up to 40 people this week while naked, a mix of couples and singles and a few cyclists, but no one with children. During the cloudy windy days people did not appear to be surprised that I was naked and one of the most common questions was don't you feel cold? which gave me the opportunity to explain why I wasn't cold. Everyone was pleasant and most were happy to chat for a little while. Perhaps I should add at this point that in order for me to test my previous belief, I walked in parts of the forest outside of the area where I am well known by the warden and other locals. Today the sun was shining it was 6 degrees C and it was glorious .The sunshine definitely made a difference to the responses I got from people the greetings were joyous and positively encouraging with huge smiles form everyone. At the beginning of the week it took a little courage to walk towards people without covering up and I felt a little apprehensive not knowing what sort of response I would get. However after the first day that all disappeared as I discovered I got exactly the same sort of responses that I get when walking naked at any other time of the year even though I did not cover up which surprised me a little. So my previous belief has been changed and I will not try to avoid people in future when it is cold and I probably wont be so quick to cover up either, but I could just have been lucky, so I probably will cover up when approaching people directly on narrow paths as I have usually done in the past when I am on my own and it is cold. I just wish there were more local fortunate people like me, able and willing to walk naked all year round. When you get used to it the low temperature adds a new dimension and it is a really exhilarating experience.

Posted : November 24, 2017 10:41 pm
Posts: 369
Reputable Member

Good for you, what a heartwarming story.

Do excuse the pun...

Posted : November 24, 2017 11:02 pm
Harry S.
Posts: 182

I am surprised that everyone seems to have been so understanding to you gildo.

Earlier this year in May we had a week of good weather so I couldn't resist the temptation to visit some secluded woods not too far from me to see if I would have the courage to take my clothes off and have a naked stroll. I parked up and proceeded into some intense wooded area and it was completely silent. Then I came across a clearing bathed in sunshine and at that point got naked and packed all my clothing in the rucksack I was carrying and just stayed there for a while taking in the warm sun.

Then I satisfied myself no one was around, it being early in the morning, and set off for a walk feeling very liberated. After about 20 minutes I virtually bumped into a middle-age couple who suddenly appeared from some bushes next to a path I was walking along and they looked obviously horrified at seeing me. I decided to brazen it out and walked past them with a friendly smile on my face as if nothing had happened. However, I do remember that as I walked by them the female of the couple said quite loudly and clearly for my benefit "people like that should be locked up"!

I walked back to where I started off and put my clothes back on before going back to the car as I concluded that this would not going to be the place to indulge in naked walking as the locals were not going to be the understanding types.

I thought about it on the way home and got annoyed with myself for having allowed myself to get intimidated by some narrow-minded people. By the time I got home I was determined that I would not allow this one incident to spoil the pleasure of naked walking. Consequently I did go back a couple of times later in the year and didn't encounter anyone but on those occasions decided it was best to make sure I had some shorts to hand just in case I needed to cover up quickly.

Harry S.

Posted : November 25, 2017 10:42 am
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It sounds as if you have been really unlucky, hope things improve for you. Regarding the shorts. I never try to put shorts on it is usually a disaster when trying to do it quickly. I have a wrap that I used to use but I rarely use it now. I have a small cloth bag with strings that go over my shoulders like a ruck sack. There is very little in it and it is very light weight, you hardly know you are wearing it. If I feel the need to cover up, I just take it off my back and hold it in front of me. This is something you can do very quickly and easily and it looks quite natural while at the same time signalling that you are being considerate and you have no intention of causing alarm or distress.
Look on the bright side of your encounter, even thought it sounds as if the lady was not happy presumably she was not alarmed or distressed and she did not call the police and there is no law that will support anyone just because they don't like something.

Posted : November 25, 2017 12:13 pm
Harry S.
Posts: 182

I take your point about the shorts but they are quite baggy so I thought that if I didn't really have time to put them on I could at least use them to cover up to do exactly as you say...make clear that no offence was intended. Fortunately on my subsequent walks I didn't find it necessary to try my plan.

However, I was interested to hear that you didn't find it necessary to cover up on your recent walks. Think I must have just had one bad experience.

What you said about the lady reminds me of a friend of mine (sadly now no longer with us) who used to live in the wilds of Somerset and who was a keen naturist walker. He spent most weekends walking and refused to cover up in any circumstances - he was quite stubborn in that way.

Anyway on one walk he encountered a textile who took offence and threatened to call the police there and then on his mobile. My friend said OK go ahead and let's see what happens. The textile went ahead and my friend heard him make the call complaining that he had come across a naked walker and what were they going to do about it. My friend couldn't hear what the person on the other end was saying but after a minute the textile switched the mobile off, put it in his pocket and walked off. My friend said that he liked to think that if he did call the police he was politely advised that they had no intention of doing anything.

Harry S.

Posted : November 25, 2017 1:24 pm
Simon T
Posts: 176
Estimable Member

Sorry to hear about the 'should be locked up' comment, but to put it in context a gay friend of mine who walks hand in hand with his partner has had this said to him over a dozen times in various situations. When doubt gets into my head about being a naturist openly and I hear of bad encounters I always remember that the worst that can happen to a naturist is often complete normality to some folks still. Depressing but true. I think my point is that as naturists we see only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how hurtful judgemental humans can be. Now try to imagine what it's like to be transexual.....You can't....If you think you can imagine and you haven't befriended someone who is then you're no way close...

Posted : November 25, 2017 3:58 pm
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[quote author=Harry S.

However, I was interested to hear that you didn't find it necessary to cover up on your recent walks. Think I must have just had one bad experience.

The problem is you never know when you might come across someone who is going to create a bad experience. It is very rare if you are careful about how you conduct yourself but you only have to read the comments section of some articles to realise that there are some very bigoted prudish people around. However I think that walkers who walk more than a half to a mile from where they park are more likely to be proper walkers who are more socially aware and don't appear to be phased by the sight of a naked walker. Its just a risk we have to take if we want to enjoy life and its one I am willing to take.

Posted : November 25, 2017 5:16 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

I presumed that it would be you that was topic of conversation in my local the other night.
You bumped into a couple of mates of mine out walking their dogs. I am pleased to say that no adverse comments were made and on the whole the idea was received well. One guy even commented " I'm surprised you don't do that sort of thing Gary" to which I replied " Its a bit chilly for me this time of year" I didn't admit to being out there at the weekend though not that it would surprise those that know me. 
I do find it a bit chilly though.

Posted : November 25, 2017 8:06 pm
Posts: 833
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I presumed that it would be you that was topic of conversation in my local the other night.
You bumped into a couple of mates of mine out walking their dogs. I am pleased to say that no adverse comments were made and on the whole the idea was received well. One guy even commented " I'm surprised you don't do that sort of thing Gary" to which I replied " Its a bit chilly for me this time of year" I didn't admit to being out there at the weekend though not that it would surprise those that know me. 
I do find it a bit chilly though.

Thanks for the feedback its good to know that what I believe is actually true. I think the people who you are talking about had three or four dogs, they were the first thing I encountered before their owners and I made a fuss if them, I think this helps a lot. The only trouble with dogs is that you just don't know how they are going to react to a naked person. Some of them definitely know that a naked person is different and they are not sure how to react and sometimes it can be a bit scary. Fortunately these dogs were really nice. Please pass on my thanks for their understanding and acceptance.

Posted : November 26, 2017 12:06 am
Harry S.
Posts: 182

Some friends of mine left their dog with me for a weekend as they were going to a wedding near Manchester and it didn't seemed to be bothered by me spending most of the weekend naked. I suppose it depends on the breed of dog...bit like humans I suppose.

Harry S.

Posted : November 26, 2017 11:07 am
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Some friends of mine left their dog with me for a weekend as they were going to a wedding near Manchester and it didn't seemed to be bothered by me spending most of the weekend naked. I suppose it depends on the breed of dog...bit like humans I suppose.

I guess it also depends quite a lot on if and how often they have seen their owners naked.

Posted : November 26, 2017 11:19 am
Harry S.
Posts: 182

The friends in question are not naturists so their dog probably wouldn't have been exposed to its owners being naked but as I said it wasn't phased by seeing me naked.

You said you had come across quite a few dog owners on your winter walks. Did you find they tended to be more understanding of your nakedness than those without?

Harry S.

Posted : November 26, 2017 11:26 am
Posts: 833
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The friends in question are not naturists so their dog probably wouldn't have been exposed to its owners being naked but as I said it wasn't phased by seeing me naked.

You said you had come across quite a few dog owners on your winter walks. Did you find they tended to be more understanding of your nakedness than those without?

That is a very difficult one to answer because some dog owners seem to get in a pickle with their dogs trying to get them under control while they are acting in a manner which seems aggressive or at least threatening. I am afraid some people do not train their dogs properly and then they let them off the lead when they think there is no one around, Then they come across me and panic because they cant control their dogs and some dogs have actually tried to attack me. This leaves me with bad feelings towards the owners and they are usually too flustered to bother about my nudity. I have also learned that even if I politely ask some dog owners to take control of their dogs when they are approaching me I get a load of abuse as if I am a dog hater. Wherever possible I try to make a fuss of dogs off the lead to try to reassure them but it does not always work and it can be quite frightening at times when a big dog is snapping and snarling round you when you are naked. I have found though that people with friendly dogs are usually very friendly themselves. I think this is reflected in the fact that if dogs misbehave it is the fault of the owner not the dog.

Posted : November 26, 2017 12:11 pm
Posts: 430
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Give him a bone! LOL!

'A nudist resort is simply a place where men and women meet and air their differences'."

Posted : November 26, 2017 1:15 pm
Posts: 833
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Give him a bone! LOL!

You can laugh some years ago a large Labrador once had my crown jewels in its mouth,  😮 fortunately they were still intact when it let go. 🙂  Why do you think I carry a bag with me, its my first line of defence. There is a lot to learn to be able to walk naked safely on your own.

Posted : November 26, 2017 2:37 pm
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