
Beaches in Northern...
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Beaches in Northern Ireland

7 Posts
4 Users
Posts: 141
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We are off to NI in April and hoping for good weather!. Does anyone know of beaches suitable for nude sunbathing? We would like it to be in the area South East of Belfast (County Down). Also is Topless common/acceptable on beaches in NI?
P & J[reason]Corrected subject spelling[/reason]

Posted : January 24, 2011 12:18 pm
Posts: 1161
Super Member

This thread should probably read Ireland and not Island as people could get confused.

Whilst not personally from Northern Ireland I do have a lot of relatives over there but when I visit I do not mention our involvement with naturism.  The vast majority of the population would, I imagine, frown on the practice although I am aware there are people who do practice it.

There are no beaches designated for naturism in Northern Ireland. I believe that there are a couple of Naturist Swims in Belfast but I think you would need to contact them. Perhaps anyone on this forum in N Ireland could add their comments.



Posted : January 28, 2011 11:31 pm
Posts: 141
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Ooops-- I should not rely spellcheck so much

Posted : January 29, 2011 11:21 am
Posts: 3233
Famed Member

Ooops-- I should not rely spellcheck so much

It's ok Peter, your human spellcheckers have been at work! ;D


Posted : January 29, 2011 12:02 pm
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

Hello Peter

I am only picking up on your question now because I have just joined NC. I am originally a native of N Ireland although I have lived in England for the last 20 plus years and haven't been back for quite a while.

They are an extremely conservative and unaccommodating lot there when it comes to a lot of things and especially things like nudism. I doubt whether it has changed that much.

There might be a small naturist presence in N Ireland. I have seen bits and pieces on the Net over the years but it is little and infrequent.

Though Belfast is in the mouth of Belfast Lough there are few beaches as such on the Northern shore and on the southern shore i.e. North Down the nearest that is likely to be accessible is Crawfordsburn Park near Hollywood. Unfortunately, it's in quite a built-up area where quite a few of the moneyed burgers live e.g. Belfast Royal Yacht Club is based nearby. As you move further along that coastline towards Bangor and Donaghadee it is fairly well built up the whole way so there wouldn't be any real prospect of some unofficial stripping.

The most realistic prospects are likely to be in south Down between Dundrum and Newcastle. There are miles of continuous beach backed up by really extensive dunes and grassland, much of it bird sanctuary and owned by the National Trust. If you could find a stretch that was far away from the common entry points as possible you might be able to get enough privacy to do some unauthorised stripping. I am only guessing. There is also Tyrella beach which from memory is accessed before getting to Dundrum. You used to be able to actually drive on to it, but I was a youngster when last at it and I don't recall the layout, size etc. at all well.

As a complete aside, personally I would think you somewhat nuts to strip off on a N Ireland beach at any time in April unless there was some really freakishly good weather. All I can remember of that time of year there is the wind, rain and even sleet. Have you got a birthday suit the quality of naugahide? Personally I would use Goretex.

If you have not already done so I would have a peek at Google Maps to give you some idea of what the prospects might be. There might be the outside chance of something around Strangford Lough.

One place I used to sunbathe in the nude there was around Lough Neagh as there are plenty of places to get lost. I can't remember where exactly I used to go and it may have changed a lot since.

By the way, travel time to Newcastle is probably in the order of 3/4 hour. There is a fair road most of the way from Belfast via Carryduff, Ballynahinch, Crossgar, Dundrum and then Newcastle.

The best of luck. Slap on the goose grease and have fun!  😮

Any passing resemblance between me and a walrus is purely coincidental and the walrus has told me he will sue! ☺

Posted : March 12, 2011 12:00 am
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

Hello again Peter

Did a bit of rummaging around the Net and my memory. The place I used to go to on Lough Neagh was Oxford Island, I think! I have had a quick look on the NI Tourist Tourist Board web site and it looks a lot more built-up than I remember it.

It was a great way to have lunch during the better summers! Strip off the suit and tie have a picnic lunch in the buff, get a bit of a tan, put the suit back on and go back to work. Ah, you've brought back some fond memories.

Any passing resemblance between me and a walrus is purely coincidental and the walrus has told me he will sue! ☺

Posted : March 12, 2011 12:30 am
Posts: 141
Topic starter

Thanks for information.
Seems last week was actually warm over there but yesterday they had snow on City Airport and up in the hills, so I can always hope that it will improve in April
Unfortunately Google Maps satellite views seem to be of poor quality east of Newtownards but I will now look further south to where you suggest.

Posted : March 15, 2011 8:57 pm