Whilst I had slept and spent a good time in the house and garden nude I had never experienced going naked in public until I was on a skiing holiday with my wife in Austria. One of the enjoyable parts I was finding about this particular time was taking a sauna in the hotel which had a mixture of naked and semi naked people taking in the sauna, jacuzzi and steam room area This one particular night upon entering the sauna I was confronted by this naked German lady who began to explain the natural and beneficial reasons for taking your sauna naked, no longer seeing any reason not to I simply removed my swimming shorts, sat on my towel and enjoyed the experience. Upon returning to our hotel room I explained all to my wife who asked how come it had taken me so long to become naked, from that point on we both enjoyed an evening sauna without the restrictions of swim wear and have never looked back since.
Good for you. It's amazing how simple it is sometimes to begin being relaxed with being naked in company and so many people, once they have braved it through their first encounter, wonder what all the fuss and worry was in the first place. I hope you've managed to share plenty more times in naked company since.
I certainly have, apart from continuing the naked saunas I have been able to enjoy and relax on a number of beaches in the UK whenever I have the opportunity. Although my wife enjoys the naturist experience she is not as active as I am and through my job I get to travel a lot I have been able enjoyed a number of great weekends at Acorns near Tiverton, North Devon where the owners Cathy and Andy make you very welcome.
My wife is more reluctant than me (not an unusual story) but I've always enjoyed a sauna and had a great expeience at Centre Parks with their then "Continential Evening" I can only describe the atmosphere as calm and relaxed. The attendent lady was so unflapable when i managed to losse my locker key in the pool. Found it later. being nude was no big deal for either of us.
As you say nudity should be no big deal and more accepted in our society if it was then we would see a lot of barries and stigma’s disappear.