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My favourite beach is Blackgang Beach on the Isle Of Wight, to get to it you have to head for NITON, drive though the village and head towards the undercliff, look out for a sign post that says to the BUDLE pub, go past it and drive along the one way street, just past a hotel is a road that is called the OLD BLACKGANG ROAD, at the end of it you will see a carpark. ( FREE ONE  ) looking around you will nhot see the beach only fields, follow the footpath ( but be careful it can be slippery ) you will need to be fairly fit, climb down the cliff to the beach below, it is well worth the hard work in getting down to it.

The last time I went it was wonderful, you will need to bring down food & water ect, as there is nothing but cliffs and beach down there, it is so peacefull, and very friendly place, the water has a danger of jelly fish and it is flat part of the way out then it drops away so you will need to be a good swimmer.

If you would like to see a few photo's of it please go to the VALERIAN SUN CLUB web site.

I use to go down on it a lot, and loved every minute of it, and I am sure you will too.

Posted : March 13, 2008 9:12 pm