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First time naked

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My first and probably most memorable time was about 30 years ago in France. My family holidayed at a camp site on the coast in the Vendee region. Adjacent to the camp site was a naturist beach (unknown to me at the time of booking) with beautiful golden sands. As everyone was naked we just did the same so as not to be "different". Well what an enjoyable time we had on that beach - so free and liberating an experience, not to mention the all over suntan we eventually ended up with. My wife who is on the shy side also took great pleasure from the sights and was quietly thrilled when neighbouring sunbathing couples came over to chat with us which frequently happened as it gave her an opportunity to see other close to.
For me it was such a joy to be on that beach -  to swim in the glorious sea and to be with others in a totally relaxed setting.

Posted : January 31, 2013 11:19 am
Al James
Posts: 46
Eminent Member

Well glad to see you kept it going...hope your wife has too.


Posted : February 2, 2013 7:57 am
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Sadly no -  she has to watch her skin a lot more nowadays, so avoids stripping off. Not too bad around the house !

Posted : February 3, 2013 10:37 am
Posts: 2
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our 1st time being nudist was in bulgria we was happy strolling  down sunny beach me and the hubby and i spotted a sign it said nature reserve well i thought it was for wild life we past the sign then to my surprise they was nude people on the beach and in the sand dunes well we have always fancyed being naturist so the next day we whent back to the beach took are clothes off and realy enjoyed the sun it was brillant we was not bothered about people looking at us becuase we was with other nudist and it felt ok to be with them but hubby did get to much sun and was a little soar but it did not deture him we whent back the rest of the week and never have realy looked back we should have done this years ago we have missed so much

Posted : March 17, 2013 8:43 pm
Posts: 1064
Noble Member

Hi Kevin, wishing you a warm and sunny welcome from Catalonia (although still chilly here).
Hope that you get great enjoyment from this site.

Just Wear a Smile

Two story 4 bedroom house suitable for naturists for sale southern Catalonia, Spain. pm for more information

Posted : March 18, 2013 10:22 am
Posts: 3
New Member

i was around 16 and on vacation  in the mid west, i'm from USA.  the son of the family we were staying with was about my age but he could drive a car.  he and i were driving around seeing some of the sites.  he asked if i had ever been skinny dipping.  i didn't know what that me so he told me.  i told him someday i would like to try it.  he took me on a back road to river, got out and undressed.  he said to do the say and we were going to go skinny dipping.  i join him.  that was my first time nude and skinny dipping and it was very exciting

Posted : April 4, 2013 5:11 am
Posts: 28
Eminent Member

our first nude beach abroad was at sunny beach in Bulgaria we were with friends who are not naturist so went back on our own, i underestimated the strength of the sun and got a burnt bum but we really enjoyed it and went back a couple of times. Our "non-naturist " friends went to the beach to look at the nudies and the call us strange  🙂

Posted : April 4, 2013 5:01 pm
Posts: 3
New Member

How strange many of us started family nudism by accident abroad. We were in South of France in 1976 (when it was affordable), at a camp site near Antibe and wandered onto a nudist beach. It was the 1st time I had gone nude since my early teens and the 1st time ever for my wife, but we enjoyed it so much we went there every day. From then on, the majority of our holidays involved nudism. Alan

Posted : April 14, 2013 8:13 am
Posts: 461
Reputable Member

France seems to be a popular location for first time experiences of naturism.  😀

It was August 1970 when my girlfriend (now my wife) and I were camped at Pampelonne plage, just outside St Tropez. We discovered part of the shore nearby was occupied by folk without swimsuits. We were still in our teens (just) and thought 'When in Rome...'

And have never looked back.


Posted : April 27, 2013 8:29 pm