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Warning - Are your photos being used on porn sites?

18 Posts
14 Users
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Also Liveaboards, did you have an album on here before the new Media Centre with extra security was installed? Or, only had an album after the new Media Centre started?

The only other site we put our photos on is the BN site, but now every photo has been watermarked. 

We checked out a lot of the other supposedly "naturist" sites and have found Naturist Corner to be the best and most secure one for genuine naturism; some of the others appear to be co-owned with porn or swinging sites, in fact one of them had a T&C that they could use any photos uploaded.  We also agree it is a bad idea to publish your password to other sites.

We have done google image searches, but they have not found any copies of our photos anywhere else, so if anyone sees any of them somewhere else, please PM us and let us know.

Graeme & Heather
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Posted : May 19, 2013 5:07 am
Kyloe + GG
Posts: 76
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Topic starter

Agree with all that has been said here. However our photos will now only appear on Naturist Community where the 'right click save' function is not enabled and images are water marked automatically when you upload them, and neither is the site affiliated with any others but run by a naturist couple in the same County as us.

Sadly we have deleted all our albums on dropshots. It’s a sad shame that in a community who we trusted, it can and does draw unsavory individuals that spoil it for the many. Perhaps we we're simply too trusting - we try to look for the good in everyone, not judge them and believe in honesty and trust, which can and does back fire (as on this occasion). But then, it's their Karma that they have to live with.

It won't stop us from enjoying the naturist life style, and in a way we are flattered to think that they thought of themselves as being to ugly to use their own photos, and had to use ours instead  ;D ;D ;D

Posted : May 19, 2013 7:37 am
Posts: 361
Reputable Member


You can also use the "tineye" website which has the same options without the need for plug-ins.

Play nice...... Play Naked!

Posted : May 19, 2013 10:26 am
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