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Early morning dog walk

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Here is a selection of pictures from my morning walk yesterday.

I was out at 04:30, by which time there was already plenty of light to see where I was walking even though it was over an hour before sunrise (quoted as 05:36 today). I wanted to capture some of the early morning tranquility that encourages me out for a naked stroll most mornings,

This was the first (sort of) successful picture, taken around 05:00 with the sun still below the horizon behind me. I was using  gorillapod to support the camera and a few bales of hay (used as a shooting hide) to support the tripod.

To get to this point I had walked along the outside edge of the woods that can be seen in the top of the picture (just... go on strain your eyes looking 😀 ).

This shot was taken a while later. At this time of year I tend to start this walk in the fields and return through the woods when there is more light. This is the site of an earthworks from around 1500 thought to have been used as an enclosure to keep animals safe. Sometime I ought to stop and read the information board more carefully (or photograph it); I must have walked past a couple of hundred times and have never really taken the trouble to do more than glance at it. Shameful really.

The camera I was using today is a pain for self portraits. The delay timer only allows one shot at a time and then self cancels, forcing me to go back and turn it on again before every photograph. I really ought to have used the Canon; it is larger but allows up to 9 shots in a sequence and also has a flip around screen that means I can see where I will appear in the picture before it is taken. Unfortunately it is also somewhat bulkier than the little Olympus. I need to plan better next time.

After taking the set of pictures from which the above was selected I was running too late to spend more time on self portraits (and anyway I can't believe anyone wants more pictures of me...) I did, however, grab a couple of other shots just to illustrate the walk and early morning light.

This picture would have been easier with the flip screen of the Canon too. I was holding the camera at full stretch overhead to get the blossom in the foreground and so could not see what I was picturing until after it was taken. Not ideal, but I was quite pleased with this one.

The flare in this shows up one of the limitations of cheaper digital cameras but also manages to capture some of the effect on the human eye. It was taken shortly after the sun appeared over the hill top to the east and is as close to a true sunrise picture as I managed today. I rather like the way the sun shines through the new beech leaves.

Have fun,


It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

Posted : May 1, 2013 7:18 am
Posts: 199
Estimable Member

If anyone wants a reason for getting up (very) early, going on a naked walk must be one of the best.  I'm almost tempted. 🙂


Posted : May 1, 2013 7:55 am
John Gw
Posts: 3395

Although I don't go for quality walks like Ian, I DO like the early morning as a time of amazing naturist freedom.

There are two ways of finding naturist opportunities - use particular locations or use particular times of day.
Of the latter, the early morning is by far the most pleasant and effective - the first morning rays of the sun on the body is one of the great pleasures of life.

Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same.
George Bernard Shaw, Maxims for Revolutionaries

Posted : May 1, 2013 8:19 am
Posts: 484
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I love the serene atmosphere in milfmog's photos. Great!

Posted : May 1, 2013 9:49 am
Posts: 326
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I love the serene atmosphere in milfmog's photos. Great!

Thank you Jacques,

That is what keeps me going back for more and was what I was trying to capture with the camera.

Have fun,


It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

Posted : May 1, 2013 1:53 pm
Posts: 42
Eminent Member

I love taking the dog for naked walks to - I'm just too lazy to be up early, so tend to go in the eve. Great to hear there are more of us out there:-)))

Posted : June 24, 2013 2:36 pm
Posts: 25
Eminent Member

I've taken a leaf from your book this morning , got up at 4:30 , on the hills by 5 . Absolutely fantastic hour and a half walk . Watching the sun come up , feeling the air change from the night chill to the early morning warmth . Not another soul to worry about . I've always been an early riser , but 4:30 is a bit extreme for me but well worth it , i'm a convert .

A planned life can only be endured .

Posted : July 5, 2013 6:55 am
Posts: 1007
Noble Member

🙂  Is there more than one 4.30 in the day? I only know the one near beer o'clock in the afternoon!!!!!  It's surprising what you can learn on here!

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Posted : July 5, 2013 6:57 am
Posts: 181
Estimable Member

Wow that is dedication !!
Or is it the dog hassling you to get moving ! I have to say I had no idea there were two 04:30 in the day ......

We have cats they walk themselves when they wake from their 18 hour plus sleeps !!!

Simon & Dee

Posted : July 5, 2013 8:00 am
Posts: 326
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🙂  Is there more than one 4.30 in the day? I only know the one near beer o'clock in the afternoon!!!!!  It's surprising what you can learn on here!

So many answers spring to mind:

No, only one 4:30... The "other one" is 16:30


Only one 4:30, it happens before dawn and about half an hour before the time we should start drinking beer... Actually there may be a second one but it is lost in an alcoholic fog.

Have fun,


It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

Posted : July 5, 2013 9:08 am
Posts: 326
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Hi cymronoeth,

Glad you enjoyed it.

I was out with Taz, exploring some local woodland, this morning around the same time. We had a couple of hours as the temperature rose from around 12C to 14C and the various night time critters went to bed to be replaced by their daytime counterparts. We saw several deer, a fox, a badger, two owls and more bunnies than I knew existed.

About the only animal life we did not see was those funny clothed human things  ::)

Have fun,


It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

Posted : July 5, 2013 9:14 am
Posts: 624

we look after our young uns lab and toddler one day a week ,  mrs does the toddler and i sometimes "walk" the dog.  the hairy mutt thinks that walk means sniffing every inch of the grass verge,  often when a hundred yards from home it just sits down to watch me dissapeer into the distance  and wont move till i head home..... as an excuse to take a long walk its a total waste of space.    mind you she does seem a little more keen after clearing all the real meat leftovers  (my lunch) out of the fridge.... i think the diet of dry  "complete" dog food is a major part of the problem.

Posted : July 5, 2013 9:30 am
Posts: 25
Eminent Member

My dog , like some of you , has no concept of existence  that early in the morning so he was left in his bed . BTW , I've promised to take she who must be obeyed and my parents out for a meal tonight . I think I'll be face down in the soup fast asleep by 8pm .

A planned life can only be endured .

Posted : July 5, 2013 6:18 pm
Posts: 186
Estimable Member

About the only animal life we did not see was those funny clothed human things  ::)

No Horse riders or off duty Police then?  😉

Posted : July 5, 2013 11:12 pm
Posts: 16
Active Member

Thought l would try this up at the crack of dawn went down to nearby  fields and walked for 2 hours lovely feeling of freedom will do it more

Always smooth and nude

Posted : July 7, 2013 1:09 pm