
Taddiford beach bet...
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Taddiford beach between Milford on Sea and Barton on Sea

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Taddiford Swimmer
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Walked over to Taddiford beach this morning. There has been a considerable amount of cliff slumping over the winter. The access to the beach via Taddiford Gap is now very awkward. It requires a climb down slumped cliff spoil, just about possible if fit and strong, not for family and possibly not for partners unless happy climbing down loose spoil.

Better to either use the beach from the eastern end, approaching from Barton Common and Becton Bunny.,Becton+Bunny&gl=uk&ei=P1iCUaSjEYnG0QX9kYGAAg&ved=0CJkBELYD

From the Milford end, I will just walk a few hundred yards from the most westerly cliff steps and most westerly beach huts at Hordle Cliffs and swim there. Many people were swimming and sunbathing naked there these last few years. Much nicer really, calmer seas than further west and nicer cliff background.


Posted : May 2, 2013 1:22 pm
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I was in the sea there on Sunday morning - did manage to climb up the cliff at Taddiford Gap but needed a leg-up with the aid of a piece of driftwood. It's dried out a lot over the last few weeks but you could still end up knee deep in mud if you take a wrong step.

Any beach users there today ?  It's been a lovely sunny day and warm out of the wind.

Posted : May 2, 2013 9:29 pm
Taddiford Swimmer
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Found a nice way to Taddiford this morning. Still struggling to get in the water after 7 months of not cold water swimming. Making my calves hurt!

Best thing was to get them used to the cold and then the rest of me. It was low tide so had a great walk along the sand bar, wading when needed, and then a lovely few hours in the sun.

A few people were there, and a couple arrived as I was leaving.

Best place to climb up is by the concrete blocks, about 20 yards west of your driftwood. You can see the footmarks in the dried clay.

Quite breezy by mid day on the walk back along the clifftop.

Good to spend time in the sun, sound of waves breaking in the background. Just so relaxing.


Posted : May 3, 2013 1:15 pm
Taddiford Swimmer
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Yesterday had a ride on my fat bike to Hurst Castle. By the time I got back to Milford the tide was well away, so had a great ride along the foreshore all the way along Milford beach to Taddiford for a quick dip.

For the first time ever in sunny condition, there was absolutely no one else there. never seen that before. Perhaps it was due to the cloudy conditions inland, but felt very odd to be there on a sunny day and be empty?

Had a super ride back on the drying sand.

Great morning out. Fat bikes rock! Perfect bike for any naturist.


Posted : May 6, 2013 10:28 am
Posts: 22
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what's a fat bike?

Posted : May 6, 2013 10:44 am
Taddiford Swimmer
Posts: 63
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One of these

Posted : May 6, 2013 2:16 pm
Posts: 54
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Went down to the beach a couple of times last week. Sea starting to warm up so OK for a swim. Found both a less steep route down from where the Taddiford Gap car park path meets the cliff path. Also some steep steps cut into the crumbling cliff, quicker way back but not sure about the cracks in the clay cliff.
Each time it was very quiet with very few people there. It the lack of a clear path stopping people?   

Posted : June 12, 2013 11:30 pm
Taddiford Swimmer
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Possibly, about two weeks ago after heavy rain, I could not see any way down and it looked dangerous to try, deep mud pools especially off putting.

However, last week I thought I would check out if a path had emerged and it had. By keeping left as you drop off the path, all the way to the beach, following the footprints, getting down to the beach is now easier than it has been for a number of years. No climbing down a 6' wall of cliff, you can now walk all the way to the shingle. Much better.

I swam there 3 times last week and it did seem to get a little busier. Sat after noon three couples and 6 singles, so about a dozen. This beach was much busier years ago. Access and cliff erosion probably to blame.

Must work out how to say hi. Not many swimming yet, and I always have a couple of swims. Nice to see a lady out swimming as well. Seems much easier to chat when swimming, even if just commenting about how cold the water still is.


Posted : June 13, 2013 8:29 am
Posts: 16
Active Member

I  holidayed in high cliff got up early every morning and walked from chewton bunny to almost barton naked skinny dip afew times on the way  only a couple of dog walkers encountered didn't seem to bother them that I was naked got talking to one middle aged woman who said she would love to do a naked walk arranged to meet next day and from thento end of holiday I had a naked walking and swimming partner 

Always smooth and nude

Posted : August 9, 2013 11:19 pm
Taddiford Swimmer
Posts: 63
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Lucky you. I skinny dip nearly every morning, just east of Taddiford, at Hordle Cliffs and although no one seems to mind, have not been so lucky as to have a lady say she would love to join me!

Although our local Outdoor Swimming Society organiser does join me when she is over this way.

Johnny and I meet up regularly to skinny dip which is great and he makes a mean bacon sandwich at his beach hut afterwards.


Posted : August 10, 2013 3:42 pm
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Looks like you're on your own until September now, althoug I need to pick some stuff up from the hut before Croatia. It's been a great summer so far, long overdue.

Posted : August 15, 2013 8:38 pm