
Holkham Beach, Norf...
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Holkham Beach, Norfolk

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From BN Site about Holkham beach Norfolk....

A delegation of BN officials are meeting with the Crown Estate and other interested parties later this month and we are confident that by following best practice, any remaining problems can be resolved. That part of the beach has been used by naturists for as long as anyone can remember and we are working very hard to ensure it stays that way.

However, BN’s campaigns director, Malcolm Boura, said: “The land above mean high tide is owned by the Holkham Estate and we are asking naturists to respect that the ban still exists on this part of the beach.”

He added: “We are very pleased that Norfolk Constabulary stated in a recent letter to us that they ‘wholeheartedly acknowledge that Naturism is not an offence’."

The news that the ban was to be lifted was warmly welcomed at the British Naturism National Convention last weekend.

The Crown Estate’s reversal of the ban on Naturism on their section of the beach followed a BN campaign. Commercial Sales Manager Andrew Welch said: “This once again emphasises how important it is that the many millions of Britons who enjoy naturism should join their national organisation, which fights to protect and promote the rights of people to enjoy a harmless and entirely legal leisure activity.”

Posted : November 30, 2013 3:39 pm
Posts: 1398
Noble Member

I suspect there's more to this ban than meets the eye. There is an article, and a letter in today's Times about the proposed learning centre at Holkham. The article mentions the ban on nudity. There are comments that the centre will destroy what people have come to see, that is a wild coast. There is also comment that the centre will have a refreshment area and its likely there will be more refreshing than learning!

I suspect Holkham Estate will be even more anti-naturism now

Davie  8)

Posted : November 30, 2013 5:09 pm
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

Bought " The Times " yesterday because of it, protesting times ahead I think one way or another

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🌺♻️ I'm running free 💻👣

Posted : December 1, 2013 4:34 pm
Posts: 19
Active Member

According to the weather forecast, it's going to be 20 deg' C next week so we're off to Holkham.
After all the good work BN has done to get the beach back for naturist use let's make good use of the each and let the Holkham Estate know how many naturists use it and how much we love it.

Posted : April 13, 2014 8:26 am
Posts: 887

I may well visit next week, if the weather does improve - talks of a heat-wave so far are a bit exaggerated.

Posted : April 13, 2014 8:56 am
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It would be good to hear from those who are local and can get to Holkham easily how it is working out this year. I'm a long way away my wife won't consider going unless it is still well-used.


Posted : April 13, 2014 12:07 pm
Posts: 96
Trusted Member

I believe it is still well used however, the wind over the last few days means that the usual North Sea chill pervades!!!

A decent widbreak may be the best cure for that.

Teo Torriate Kana Mama Iko

Posted : April 14, 2014 2:45 pm
Posts: 16
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we may go as well if its warm enough

Posted : April 15, 2014 10:20 am
Posts: 48
Eminent Member

I would love to visit Holkham again, but whilst it's not a huge distance for me to travel, it's far enough for me to be put off by the "North Sea Chill".

It's been bad enough at my local beach recently, with temperatures in Norfolk being described as 15+ whilst my local beach is 8-9 with a cold onshore wind.

Roll on the real summer!


Posted : April 17, 2014 7:46 pm
Posts: 45
Eminent Member

I agree with NorfolkOldie, although the temperature on Holkham beach with the wind chill is not that inviting just yet! although in my own garden I can find places that are wind proofed but still not that hot!!


Posted : April 17, 2014 10:01 pm
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We look forward to going back to beautiful Holkham this year as soon as that nagging wind eases off. Lets hope May brings some real warmth. Holkham is very close to us so it's easy to get to at short notice should the weather be good.

Posted : April 29, 2014 12:24 pm
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The BN beach day at Holkham this year will be 10th August.


Posted : April 29, 2014 11:25 pm
Posts: 157
Estimable Member

an update and request to the situation at Holkam
broadcast with the permission of the original sender

British Naturism - Save Holkham Naturist Beach
Hello All,

Since the last update on 28 October 2013 nothing much has happened, so I thought that it would be useful to advise you on the present situation.

Holkham Estates have not changed their policy to ban Naturism on their land; this is the land above mean high water and includes the dune area where the majority of the alleged inappropriate behaviour was taking place.

The Crown Estate have not advised us of any change in the situation since they confirmed that the ban on naturism on their foreshore at Holkham Beach imposed earlier had been lifted.

I have attached for your information a copy of the letter from the Crown Estate to British Naturism dated 25 September 2013, which gives this decision.

The effect is that Naturism may take place on the Crown Estate land, namely that part of the beach that lies below mean high water.

I are aware that Holkham Estate would prefer that Naturism ceased on the whole of the Holkham Beach and I expect that they will use their best endeavours to be as unhelpful as possible to Naturists using the area. 

As you will be aware because of the topography the actual position of mean high water is open to a certain amount of interpretation viz. the sand on the beach is the same both above and below mean high water and there are no marker posts or similar to identify its position.

Having said that, can I request you only use the area below mean high water for Naturism, if you are challenged then establish whether you are on Holkham Estate Land or Crown Estate land with the challenger and then act appropriately i.e. if you are on Holkham Estate land then put some clothes on and move or if you are on Crown Estate land politely advise of the content of the attached letter.

If you become aware of any inappropriate, illegal, or unlawful behaviour that you take whatever action you would take if this occurred elsewhere.

I hope the above will be of assistance and that you enjoy your Naturism.



Allan Kidney
Eastern Region
British Naturism

Posted : May 1, 2014 12:48 am
Posts: 72
Trusted Member

As for the "how will this work?" question; it is unlikely that anyone will get any grief if they are set up between the highest strandline on the beach and the sea. Proving exactly where the mean astronomical high tide is, and how that related to the position of a naturist, is likely to be way beyond the capability of any warden and wide open for challenge in court. 

Have fun,


That's simply not true though is it?

Yes, it is. 🙂

...if you look at the tide time table and that day (when you are at the beach) gives you a higher then average high tide and for example it is around high tide time, there is no part of the beach you are allowed to take off you clothes on. Any warden would know this.

Several points there.

First: mean high water is defined as the average position of the high water mark across the entire tidal cycle. This will be higher than the daily high water mark on half of all days and higher than the present water level most of the time. So except at high water springs there will be a gap between the water level and the boundary of the permitted area.

Second: Holkham is a fairly flat beach, so the tide recedes a very long way. Hence, even a short time either side of high water, there is likely to be a significant area of exposed sand. To prove you were in the wrong place even half an hour after (or before) an above average high water they would have to establish exactly where the line is and the position of the naturist. And it will not just be the balance of probabilities, it would have to be beyond a reasonable doubt.

Third: Once the professional had won that argument (if he won it) there would still be a need to demonstrate that the naturist could reasonably be expected to know he is in the wrong place; not easy on a beach with no fixed point of reference.

So, as I said above, below the strand line I reckon you will be fine; it just won't be worth the trouble of trying to prosecute. That may not stop professional bullies but asking for his number (PCSO / police officer) or name (warden) will probably be enough to get them to back down. (If not reporting his behaviour to the appropriate authorities could be great fun.) Chances are though that when you refuse to be bullied the jobsworth will leave.

Of course if you wander above the strandline while naked you will be asking for trouble from the wardens and I have to confess that, given the publicity the situation at Holkham has had, I would feel very little sympathy for you.

Have fun,


I clearly have very different views to you here Ian. The situation here (as I'm sure you will agree) is very much less then ideal. I very much doubt the Holkham Estate have offered up any beach area that they have control over.


Posted : May 1, 2014 7:55 am
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Posts: 2011
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So if I understand this correctly, in effect Naturism will only be tolerated on those parts of the beach that get covered by tides. So the usually dry sandy beach area in front of the dunes is out of bounds unless clothed.

Posted : May 1, 2014 12:40 pm
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