I had quite a good day there a week or so ago. About 10 nudists on the beach - I think all male, although I didn't walk the whole length of the section. I went by train and walked westwards from Cooden Beach station since it is served by more trains, although Normans Bay station is nearer. You can walk along the footway behind the houses fronting onto the beach for a little way but you need to be careful as it is narrow, as is the road, and there was quite a lot of traffic so it might be safer walking along the beach. When you get to the beach huts you have to walk on the beach anyway and after about 20 mins walk from the station you come to what I think is about the start of the unofficial nudist section. There's a red post on the end of one of the breakwaters (the first red post you come to I think) and on the beach a small fenced area protecting an access grating. One section of the beach shelves down and up again forming a "valley" which gives a bit of shelter from the wind. I had a pint in the Cooden Beach Hotel on the way back. They serve food as well into the evening but it's hotel prices, so not cheap. Planning to go again this week.
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Beaches (UK only)
Posted : August 14, 2016 10:34 am
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