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Walk Saxon Shore Way - Kent

4 Posts
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Hi, has anyone walked any part of the Saxon Shore Way from Gravesend nude and if so how was it, how far did you go and did you meet any trouble?

Posted : February 7, 2017 2:03 pm
Iain Richardson
Posts: 32
Eminent Member

No but an interesting idea

Posted : February 7, 2017 10:21 pm
Posts: 19
Active Member

Yes, I work quite close by so it's easy to get to. Problem is though I only take an hour for lunch so can't get too far. It's a great place as you ca see for miles around so don't risk turning a corner and having a problem with disapproving textles. Last summer though, I was aware that a couple of people were approaching from the other direction - so on went the shorts - I really hope in time because one of the people turned out to be a female work-colleague - what's done is done I suppose but I'm not aware that the story ent round the office so I may have survived ! Great place to walk naked unless you work round the corner !

Posted : February 12, 2017 9:34 am
Posts: 45
Eminent Member

I think it would be too busy in summer and a lot of walkers and dog walkers in winter     

Posted : February 12, 2017 6:24 pm