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Rambling Essentials

16 Posts
10 Users
Posts: 535
Honorable Member

A note about safety. If you are in trouble the first thing most of us think about is using the good old mobile. However in remote country, and sometimes not so remote there is no signal. Note that SMS text will have a greater chance of getting through, but to use it for emergency purposes via 112 (in the UK the same as 999) you need to register your mobile number.

To find out more see here It will tell you about 112 and sending texts.

Also note 112 is pan European and works in about 70 other countries including the USA. You need to know this if you are holidaying abroad! It might just save a life - perhaps yours.

Davie  8)

The emergency services can also locate you with an app sent to your phone. Probably doesn’t work if you have left it in the car as I did yesterday.....

I was contemplating this as I ws sitting at the top of a rather inviting oak tree yesterday, having spent a couple of hours walking over wooded limestone pavement. On this occasion, just had a small rucksack for my clothes.

Tread lightly upon the earth

Posted : April 9, 2018 7:53 am
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