
Venue for hire - Mi...
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Venue for hire - Midlands

8 Posts
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I and another member Cambliss are looking for a suitable venue to start up an East Midlands event.

We are both a little bored of the standard naturist club approach, ie shuffle board and  miniten. So want to create and event where all ages are welcome but primarily younger people and families as we both have children.

So our ideal place would have:

indoor space so as we could hold a disco (we have all the equipment needed)
some chairs and tables for buffet style food, cakes etc
outdoor space for games (slip n slide)

Anyone who may want to join in/offer their services feel free to message us.
We're thinking along the lines of entertainment (bands/magicians)
Also classes so maybe yoga/pilates.

Anyway lets hope the Naturist community can come together and get a much needed regular event off the ground.

If you're a couple in the Midlands and are under 50...say hi.

Posted : May 9, 2017 8:48 am
Posts: 887

Quite often village halls are a sensible space for such activities and often are slightly remote. Also somewhat less prudish than town counterparts. I'm in Lincolnshire so I can't suggest a specific venue.

There are many nude swims (where a club hires a pool usually twice a month) some have good additional facilities and if not would still be a good place to make people aware of what you are looking for and for them to join you.

Posted : May 9, 2017 9:30 am
Posts: 254
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Topic starter

Hi JMNude

Great minds...we've contacted village halls, pub function rooms, independent cinemas and a local swim attached to a college. None are interested.

We were hoping that one of the members on here may already have an 'in' with a venue owner or indeed be a manager/owner of a suitable place.

Advertising at a local swim is also a good idea and once we have a venue sorted we'll produce an e-flyer that we can send out to swim organisers.

We're happy to use our time/expertise and equipment planning and running the event but getting round to all the local swims just won't happen as we both have young families.

Fingers crossed someone reading this can suggest an actual venue that would be willing to hold such an event and then we can take over from there. 🙂

If you're a couple in the Midlands and are under 50...say hi.

Posted : May 12, 2017 7:49 am
Posts: 887

Well I wish you luck - I assume you mean since you have young families they go to bed early and hence you don't get out at the times the swims are on, rather than the swims won't accept young members (many have no age restrictions).

Posted : May 12, 2017 9:53 am
Posts: 1398
Noble Member

The restrictions clubs have on children is usually that if the child is being brought by someone other than the parent e.g. grandparent, then explicit consent of the parents are required. It is wise to have thought about safeguarding polices before you embark on asking children along. Having a policy is to protect you as much as the children.

I know that sounds rather PC but we live in a real and actual world and these thing must be thought through.

I hope it goes well for you

Davie  8)

Posted : May 12, 2017 10:13 am
Posts: 361
Reputable Member

Good luck with that. I expect many venues will assume you are just a bunch of weirdos?

Try these though:


Play nice...... Play Naked!

Posted : May 14, 2017 9:10 am
Posts: 254
Reputable Member
Topic starter

Hello all

Just thought I would resurrect this thread.

I let this go quiet as baby no. 2 arrived last year. Alll speculative places we have contacted aren't interested.

So over to the wider audience...anyone got any friends who are business owners or similar who would be interested in making a bit of extra cash and letting us run an event.

I really feel the East Midlands is crying out for somewhere.

Ok if you'd rather than public posting.


If you're a couple in the Midlands and are under 50...say hi.

Posted : April 29, 2018 5:02 pm
Posts: 150
Estimable Member

Hi nottsnude,

It would be interesting to know how you tried to 'sell' your idea to the venue owners that you tried. You may have done the following, or even had better ideas for your approach, but this is where I would start...

Firstly, find out how other groups (e.g. naturist swims or yoga) approach the venue. Do they use email or phone or face to face? My guess is that face to face could be more effective as they can see that you are not a weirdo and you can engage them in a conversation. If you need to start with email or a phone call then perhaps the objective is to just get to the face to face meeting, rather than discuss the details on the phone.

Secondly, what preparation and material works for other groups? Do they take BN literature, CPS guidelines, club charter, details of child protection officers, etc.? Have you sought advice from BN on how to set up such a 'club' and how to approach venues?

Thirdly, do you have information (website links, literature) from other groups/clubs to show that naturism is 'normal' (or at least, perhaps more normal than the venue operators think)? Several swims have children. Spectrum and Noah's Ark have swim, gym, yoga and other activities. There is a yoga class in Birmingham that uses a church hall. Nude-ercise uses (or has used in the past) village halls.


Posted : April 29, 2018 5:58 pm