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An unpleasant encounter in Sherwod Forest this evening

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Gildo, so sorry you had this dreadful experience. You have always been an example of having the courage to walk free and I am sure you have inspired others to be bolder and get out there and enjoy the freedom we all love. Please don't let this bad experience get to you and spoil your pleasure in naked walking. Although I am not in your area if passing that way I would like to join you one day on a walk in the forest to show solidarity with what you do.

Posted : June 26, 2018 8:42 am
Posts: 19
Active Member

It's this type of behaviour that makes me wanna keep behind closed doors.
Don't think I'd have the confidence if I got confronted whilst naked. I'd take the world on clothed.

Posted : June 26, 2018 9:19 am
Posts: 833
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Gildo, so sorry you had this dreadful experience. You have always been an example of having the courage to walk free and I am sure you have inspired others to be bolder and get out there and enjoy the freedom we all love. Please don't let this bad experience get to you and spoil your pleasure in naked walking. Although I am not in your area if passing that way I would like to join you one day on a walk in the forest to show solidarity with what you do.

its not a problem I am over it. Nothing will stop me from walking naked. It’s  very rare I have an encounter like this. The latest guidance from the police college is another sting to our bow which I intended to talk to them about and i will use it whenever possible. You are welcome to join me on a walk if you want.

Posted : June 26, 2018 12:08 pm
Posts: 430
Reputable Member

For anyone who hasn't seen this.  BN has added some more clarifying information to their site.

'A nudist resort is simply a place where men and women meet and air their differences'."

Posted : June 26, 2018 3:47 pm
Posts: 157
Estimable Member

direct link is

the guidance for control room staff is on

Posted : June 26, 2018 8:06 pm
Posts: 430
Reputable Member

direct link is

the guidance for control room staff is on

Yes sailho That link has been there a few weeks now and shows the Police guidelines but the information in my post is a more recent addition and and goes into more detail and some background as to how it was achieved.
I should also add that although BN take full credit, I am reliably informed that NAG (Naturist Action Group) instigated the campaign and BN got involved later.
All involved, jointly have done a fantastic job in their achievements.
I still think it will take a bit of time for the public to become aware and to accept and I just hope people will be sensible and respectful (on both sides)
It is good to know that we won't need to be looking over our shoulders or hiding etc.

'A nudist resort is simply a place where men and women meet and air their differences'."

Posted : June 26, 2018 8:35 pm
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

A big thank you for supplying the URL links in the last couple of posts. They were all very interesting reading material. Whilst I don't plan a naked trip to my local Tesco Express any time soon, I do feel a lot more confident about my occasional naked wanders through remote parts of the Welsh countryside (about once a year). It is good to know that the police and courts are gradually starting to sing off the same hymn sheet.
Well done to everyone involved in getting to this point.

I just need to encourage the wife....

Posted : June 28, 2018 10:56 pm
Posts: 65
Trusted Member

How sad that you had to put up with that! I think it’s great that you can enjoy (usually) that freedom and am looking forward to joining you one day. You are an inspiration!

Posted : June 29, 2018 12:53 pm
Posts: 65
Trusted Member

Sorry to read about your encounter gildo, it's why I always walk with a group, not all of which are naked, but people should be able to walk alone without being harassed. I have never had anyone be aggressive towards me but then my friend Jack is generally with me and he's one huge mother.

I am delighted to read that there are other naturists enjoying the freedom of being nude in the countryside in the Midlands, Brooke. Long may it continue!

Posted : June 29, 2018 1:02 pm
Davey B
Posts: 325
Reputable Member

I had a walk at about 5.45 pm in Sherwood Forest but this was one of the rare occasions when things weren't so pleasant. I had been walking for about half an hour when a female jogger approached me from behind and started to verbally abuse me. I walked off in the opposite direction but her partner was just behind and as he approached he was insulting and threatening. I was walking away from him at the time he shouted at me to come back to him so he could punch my lights out. I advised him that I was a naturist and not doing anything wrong and that he was breaking the law not me, by being threatening and abusive. He continued his tirade until I was out of sight. I decided to cut my walk short and go back to the car. Unfortunately he was at the parking spot and started to threaten and he verbally abused me again. He threatened to inform the police and I told him to go ahead. I told him the police know I walk naked and that they know they have a duty to protect me from people like him. I walked away again until he had gone then went home. So although rare it does happen and it is not very pleasant. I have written up in detail what happened and in my script I have stated that he was threatening and abusive and he caused me alarm and distress. If the police do turn up at my house the first thing I will say is good I want to report a crime and I will give them the script of what happened and what he said to me .If you ever find yourself in a similar situation stay calm do not be abusive or threatening yourself and write up exactly what happened. I did not have my phone with me at the time but if I had I would have called the police myself.

I've just recently started walking in the woods and fields about 3 miles from where I live instead of driving for miles and miles to find another place. I cycle there and then walk naked pushing my bike for a good 45 minutes or so, last night I came across a man and woman walking their dog the guy was threatening to set his dog on me calling me everything under the sun and what he was going to do to me and that his wife was upset at seeing me naked. His wife though was trying to say that there was nothing wrong with what I was doing and I wasn't causing any harm to anyone or her and she wasn't bothered by me being naked (looking at me and mouthing I'm sorry) he used some quite abusive language both to me and his wife and told us both where to go and walked off. His wife touched my arm and appologised profusely and out of ear shot of him said she thought I was very brave to stand up to him and she definitely wasn't offended and spotted me through the trees anyway and thought Oh Ok this will be interesting, told me to carry on and it wasn't as if I was trying to hurt any ones feelings as I was well away from any houses and people. I really feel for you because it can be a terrifying experience I didn't know whether to cover up or run away but I felt as if my feet were stuck rigid and I couldn't move. This is the first time I've come across so much hostility but I'm going again tonight I'm not doing anything wrong - is that ok?

Posted : September 3, 2018 9:22 am
Posts: 945

Well done for standing your ground, Davey, sounds an entirely unpleasant experience alleviated only by the understanding of the lady involved. By all means go for a repeat and stick to your guns, but I wonder if it might be circumspect to wait a couple of days, or vary the time, let things cool a bit.

Noli illegitimi te carborundum

Posted : September 3, 2018 10:57 am
Davey B
Posts: 325
Reputable Member

Well done for standing your ground, Davey, sounds an entirely unpleasant experience alleviated only by the understanding of the lady involved. By all means go for a repeat and stick to your guns, but I wonder if it might be circumspect to wait a couple of days, or vary the time, let things cool a bit.

Thanks for that I took your advice and didn't go tonight even though it was raining but quite warm, might just leave it for a couple of days then go back at a different time.

Posted : September 4, 2018 1:33 am
Davey B
Posts: 325
Reputable Member

Hi I went on the same walk tonight slightly later and didn't come across anyone I felt a little apprehensive but still enjoyed my time overall, even managed to walk a little further too 50 minutes in total roll on tomorrow.

Posted : September 7, 2018 12:39 am
Davey B
Posts: 325
Reputable Member

Walked this same route on Saturday at a slightly earlier time of 19.40 meaning it was a little lighter than usual. On the route a Labrador bounds towards me which I recognised as being the one walked by the couple I met a few days before my heart was in my mouth but the man was no where to be seen. The woman said she hoped she would ‘see’ me and wanted to apologise again for her husbands conduct and was I ok and would I mind if she walked with me. I said I was fine now just shaken at the time asked where her husband was and whether he knew she was here. He was out with his mates and and didn’t know she was at this particular place we continued walking and she enquired about my lifestyle and then we went our separate ways. Does anyone like me think this a little strange or am I reading too much into it she knows I walk this particular area regularly as it is Normally very quiet and should I stop going here now.
Any advice most welcome

Posted : September 10, 2018 11:12 pm
Posts: 42
Eminent Member

I think you've got to react to your gut feeling, if things don't feel right to you then perhaps you'd be wise to consider changing your route or your timing for a while. Only you know what is right for you. Good luck with whichever decision you eventually reach.

Posted : September 11, 2018 12:24 am
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