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Naked this the new normal?

21 Posts
15 Users
Posts: 945

As Phil wrote, each to his own - sunbathing? Why? Go for a nice ramble and get your tan at the same time as getting your exercise, plus see more of the world than the sandwich or grass in front of your nose  😀 What’s not to enjoy?

Noli illegitimi te carborundum

Posted : February 18, 2019 12:30 pm
Posts: 887

Just to add to others and in no way negative - to each their own.

To sit in the sun is great and if the reason is to get an all over tan - fine but some could say way - who would know apart from your partner?

For many of us I believe nudity may be about freedom, leaving inhibitions and constraints behind (no I don't mean free sex and swinging - but if that is your thing ok). If it a nice day - why do you wear clothes? most of the time its because its expected. In the summer its hot walking especially up hills can be hard work so you get hot and sweat - the body needs to breath - so why are you wearing clothes - answer because its expected. There are several times when protective clothing is sensible (including in strong sun) or to keep warm - but the rest of the time it's because its expected and no other reason at all.

For me as I've stated previously - I had to wear a suite, I had to ensure everything I said and wrote was in the company interest - getting back home dropping the clothes was dropping off all those you must do this or that etc - I was just me - nothing to hide.

Other things are just silly to wear clothes - gardening - getting muddy and dirty - just a quick wash in the shower - done, same is true for many DIY activities. If I wore clothes I would still need a shower - but the clothes would also need washing - so nudity is also green.

Posted : February 18, 2019 2:05 pm
Posts: 191

It does seem pointless, walking perhaps a circular route and ending up were you started.

Is that not what walking is generally about, in the nude or not? otherwise you are always faced with some other method of getting back to where you started, especially if you set off from home! ;D

Posted : February 18, 2019 2:43 pm
Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Im not long after coming down from my local hills after walking naked for 3 to 4 hours with a mate. The wind made it a bit chilly but the sun was shining.

Posted : February 18, 2019 3:10 pm
Posts: 1398
Noble Member

Quote from: Davie on Today at 08:43
It does seem pointless, walking perhaps a circular route and ending up were you started.

Is that not what walking is generally about, in the nude or not? otherwise you are always faced with some other method of getting back to where you started, especially if you set off from home! ;D

I agree - it was a tongue in cheek remark a bit like going up and down a mountain so the average climb becomes zero??!!

I've done a lot more walking during the last few years and there's no doubt that I feel fitter and have lost some weight too which pleased the local GP practice nurse when I went for a MOT

Davie  8)

Posted : February 18, 2019 4:03 pm
Posts: 341
Reputable Member

I, like many people have expressed on this post, like to be active while naked - and will often sit around with clothes on (for convenience and comfort, I suppose). Many other people have expressed the opposite - we're all different. But walking is such an enjoyable thing to do naked as the environment is changing as you go along, and the weather changes are all part of the experience.

Posted : February 19, 2019 3:04 pm
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