
Mill pond near Stan...
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Mill pond near Stanage Edge

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I came across this blog post: the other day and having an afternoon off work yesterday decided to have a drive out that way and go for a walk to find it.
I walked clothed but the pond is in a great little suntrap so was able to enjoy a brief invigorating dip and then, despite having my warm jumper ready to put on when I got out found the sun was warm enough to sit for 5 or 10 minutes nude while warming up with a flask of tea.
I didn't walk back nude either but did try walking a good distance barefoot on the way back, something I want to do more often this year.

Although only brief it was my first chance at being nude outdoors this year.

Posted : May 3, 2019 6:38 pm
Posts: 43
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I returned today, and although cooler I had less time constraints so could acclimatise a bit better and enjoyed a much longer dip.

Posted : May 4, 2019 7:34 pm
Posts: 286
Reputable Member

Looks lovely but must have been freezing!

Only happy when naked

Posted : May 4, 2019 8:55 pm
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It wasn’t too bad. I felt ok while in the water, I took my time to get used to it, it’s only waist deep at the edges so hopped in but had a minute or two before actually swimming and going back to the edge to rest regularly.
I found it colder after getting out! I was ok at first but the sun wasn’t as strong as the other day and should have got dressed a bit sooner and got walking again rather than spending quite so long enjoying a nude cup of tea! I certainly enjoyed a warm shower when I got home.
It was very invigorating though.

Posted : May 4, 2019 9:11 pm
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
Honorable Member

Looks interesting, I guess, no people around?

Posted : May 4, 2019 9:41 pm
Posts: 43
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The main path bypasses the pond although I suspect some people will probably walk pastit. There were two ladies walking a dog following the main path, they probably saw me but would only have seen my top half.
A youngish bloke had stopped for a break in his run on the path towards me and presumably could have seen me get out and drying myself but I don’t think he did, he said hello as we passed each other after I was dressed.

Increasingly I feel more comfortable about the prospect of meeting people, I’d say skinny dipping especially as that is perhaps seen as more acceptable by many non naturists.

Posted : May 4, 2019 9:47 pm
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
Honorable Member

The main path bypasses the pond although I suspect some people will probably walk pastit. There were two ladies walking a dog following the main path, they probably saw me but would only have seen my top half.
A youngish bloke had stopped for a break in his run on the path towards me and presumably could have seen me get out and drying myself but I don’t think he did, he said hello as we passed each other after I was dressed.

Increasingly I feel more comfortable about the prospect of meeting people, I’d say skinny dipping especially as that is perhaps seen as more acceptable by many non naturists.

Appreciate that, if there's only a handful of people likely to go by we might give it a go too. Thanks.

Posted : May 5, 2019 11:42 am
Posts: 18

Thanks for this. I’ll definitely be visiting this year and have a swim.

Is there a postcode or a place name that gets as close as possible with the car?

Posted : May 11, 2019 8:18 am
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

I returned today, and although cooler I had less time constraints so could acclimatise a bit better and enjoyed a much longer dip.

The answer is definitely take your time for your body to acclimatise. Short ninety second dips at first and then a bit longer each time you swim. On very warm days it seems to take longer than if the ambient temperature is in the mid teens.

Stressed when dressed

Posted : May 11, 2019 8:59 am
Posts: 1398
Noble Member

I've looked on the OS map for the area and I think it's the pond at grid ref: SK 232837

Please correct me if I'm wrong

Davie  8)

Posted : May 11, 2019 11:57 am
Posts: 18

Thanks x

Posted : May 11, 2019 5:45 pm
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
Honorable Member

A lot of interest in this one. Let's hope we don't all put each other off by turning up at the same time and not realising it.

Posted : May 11, 2019 9:35 pm
Posts: 43
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That's the one Davie.

I've done four trips there now. If theres a few of you interested perhaps we could arrange a group visit there sometime?

I joined a local outdoor swimming group since going there on facebook which has given me loads of ideas for places to go.

On saturday I had a lovely walk with another group member near Snake Pass to find a site on the river ashop. During our communications before hand I mentioned that I always skinny dip and she said that was absolutely fine. We found the site to be fantastic. I skinny dipped, she wore a swimsuit but we just got on, just how it should be. I'm planning a visit to the millpond with her on Wednesday as she's not been before.

I'll perhaps start a more generic 'Peak District' thread as I intend to visit quite a few different sites around the area over the summer.

Posted : May 13, 2019 6:50 pm
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
Honorable Member

Checked this one out today, I gotta say, not hugely impressed. I've swam in lots of locations and this one seemed like a fairly sad muddy puddle. I confess I didn't actually take a dip, we'd been passing by and happened to drop in to see what it's like. Maybe it's all the rotting leaves and branches in the scummy water, something just made it uninviting for a return visit.
I did have a brief naked walk which was very pleasant, interrupted only very briefly by a couple of runners.

Posted : June 6, 2019 7:41 pm