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Walking Naked in the Cold

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It is a state of mind.  That and practice.  You will find others saying you become colder when you get dressed.  I would concur with that.

Obviously you take sensible precautions re extremities,  i have waterproof boots and dry socks,  warm gloves and a hat.  That helps to keep your core temperature safe.

You get to know the location and make sure you know the forecast especially wind speed and direction.  Where i walk,  the easterly wind can be bitter and I will be exposed to it for at least an hour so i do calculate wind chill.  And so on.

I am not prepared to go months without being naked when i can walk 3 or 4 hours every day.

Posted : November 7, 2019 7:32 pm
Posts: 320
Reputable Member

Yep..I certainly go along with all of that, although I am interested in the report of 'feeling colder' when you first put clothes on...hmm..maybe because your peripheral circulation starts to restore and takes heat away from your core where it has until now been preservered,hence the sensation of 'feeling colder'?Any others out there experience this?Thoughts??

Am somewhat frustrated today as I'm still in south Wales and as the sun is out I decided to get to the beach, don my 'cap', take some gloves and some flip flops!..I love being barefoot on the sand but the cold wet sand a couple of weeks ago resulted in numb feet and today its 4 degrees colder than then! To my dismay, the car decided it wanted to seize up a caliper and I had to go to a garage instead..dang!!

I realise this has gone off topic a bit, apols!..(please transfer it to a more appropriate thread if need be..but I wonder if that bloke on the bridge felt colder when he put his clothes back on?? 😉  )

One it !...there is no rehearsal!

Posted : November 8, 2019 4:56 pm
Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Today,  I did my usual three hour walk naked up the hills.  Before i started,  i knew the wind was a northerly 10mph and the temperature was just about freezing.  The wind chill calculator came out as minus 2.8.  I was also aware that it would be full sun on this clear day.  I chose a route that,  apart from about 30 mins avoided the worst of the northerly wind so I just enjoyed a cold ambient temperature made thoroughly enjoyable with the warm sun.

When it came to getting dressed,  within a minute or two,  i had a couple of shivers, particularly my upper arms and generally felt colder. I dont know if it is psychological or something physical such as eccrine glands.

Posted : November 9, 2019 12:51 am
Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Just to clarify walking naked in the cold. The old hiking saying "be bold, start cold" applies. It is very easy to put layers on if it gets too cold, less easy to take off. Just listening to Out Of Doors on Radio Scotland who are talking about layers and they concur with the be cool rather than sweat. When you are walking clothed, layers go on and off often.

When you are naked, the body just adapts. I probably feel the cold for 20 minutes or so but after that i really don't notice (though i always keep a wary eye on the core temperature). I have never had frost bite though I have had frost nip.

As for meeting textiles, you will see many reports of meets on here. A few negative meets but mainly either benign or positive. Few people care. I bump into a professional dog walker two or three times a week. We just walk along together for 10 to 15 minutes, just putting the world to rights. In the last two weeks I have only bumped into one other person, a female jogger who just appeared over the hill. Her view was "I thought my eyes were deceiving me. Still, I'm a nurse, I have seen it all before". Hardly shock horror.

It is a state of mind.  That and practice.  You will find others saying you become colder when you get dressed.  I would concur with that.

I actually agree with this, not necessarily after getting dressed when being outside, but sometimes I feel colder dressed than I do naked outside in the cold.

I think its possibly adrenaline or just the overall feeling of nakedness, a lot of mind over matter maybe, but I like to at least venture outside naked on my patio in these cooler times just to feel the sensation of the coolness. I usually don't stay out long as I go bare footed and my feet and legs feel cold long before my body does.

Hillwalker, I'm impressed that you can walk for so long in these temperatures, I've yet to brave a naked walk for fear of confrontation by textiles, never mind in the cold, but I bet it is so exhilarating and some day, soon I hope I will do a naked walk.

Definitely look forward to the day.

Posted : November 9, 2019 8:14 am
Posts: 137
Estimable Member

On a bright sunny November morning in 2006 I walked solo in the foothills of Snowdonia. I had given my daughter a lift to the National Mountain Centre at Plas y Brenin and borrowed an OS map so i could have a hike while she was off up Snowdon on a training course.
It was cold but a gorgeous day and much of my hike round Moel Siabod was done naked. I can't begin to tell you how exhilarating that was! The RAF strafing through the valley below me (wonder if they saw anything/!!) and I didn't see another soul until a pair of dog walkers passed me as I was peeing in the undergrowth toward the end of my walk. I got a nod from the couple as they walked by. Then i dressed and completed the walk back to the mountain centre.

No mountains in Norfolk sadly, but I'm hopeful of finding a trial where i can walk in nature as nature intended  🙂

Be naked- be free

Posted : November 10, 2019 10:57 am
Posts: 1398
Noble Member

I'm ashamed to report that I went for a walk a couple of days ago and stayed dressed. The wind was just too much in open countryside. I hope I won't get drummed out of naturism for this regrettable lapse!

I was down to a top and shorts in my week defence.

Seriously nudity should never trump safety

Davie 8)

Posted : November 10, 2019 1:12 pm
Posts: 320
Reputable Member

Well, at least you attempted it!
I'm sure you'll be forgiven.The cold is one thing but wind chill is something else !! On a recent beach walk I wandered into the sea to reduce the effect on my legs and feet, at 14C it was preferable to cold air and a slight breeze..!

One it !...there is no rehearsal!

Posted : November 10, 2019 1:34 pm
Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Wind chill must be taken into account.  There are many wind chill calculators out there and if you are going to walk in the cold you must use them.  As you say,  safety first (second and third).  I  would also say that shorts and thin tops don't offer much protection but movement does -  consider the jogger.  Flimsy clothes that doesn't cover exposed areas but enable the runner to jog safely.  Go out in the cold by all means but go safely and understand the weather.

Posted : November 10, 2019 2:25 pm
Posts: 35
Eminent Member

Gosh brave chaps i didnt realise we could naked hike all year round i never really thought of doing that but now i might give it a try see how i get on

Posted : November 10, 2019 2:43 pm
Posts: 320
Reputable Member

Hi all
I've just posted into another thread about basic survival equipment.Nothing onerous but one bit of kit I take is a whistle...fall and break a leg in a remote area and you could be in very serious trouble..6 blasts on a whistle every minute will alert anyone near to your plight. (International distress signal- its 3 blasts in some countries ).
Phones don't always work in some hilly/coastal areas. One other point I didn't mention was to let a loved one know where you are going and for roughly how long...I'm sure we do this anyway but some don't..!

One it !...there is no rehearsal!

Posted : November 11, 2019 7:39 pm
Posts: 97
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Topic starter

Gosh brave chaps i didnt realise we could naked hike all year round i never really thought of doing that but now i might give it a try see how i get on

Won't know unless you try it. I didn't really give it a lot of thought if I'm honest. Spent my first Summer as a naturist getting nude as often as possible, and then just carried on into Autumn and beyond. Been skinny dipping at Studland on New Years Day before now, and went for a hike in the New Forest on Xmas day which was great 'cos hardly anyone else about. As long as it's not blowing a hooley or sleet/snow forecast I'm out and about whenever I get the chance.

Every piece of freedom you achieve, is a piece of freedom you gain

Posted : November 11, 2019 9:11 pm
Posts: 1398
Noble Member

Sometimes voice communication with a mobile nay not be possible, but texting is. It's sensible to register your mobile with 112 the emergency number (like 999). You can see how to do thus here  Look under the information section.

Davie 8)

Posted : November 11, 2019 11:10 pm
Posts: 1398
Noble Member

I'm ashamed to report that I went for a walk a couple of days ago and stayed dressed. The wind was just too much in open countryside. I hope I won't get drummed out of naturism for this regrettable lapse!

I was down to a top and shorts in my week defence.

Seriously nudity should never trump safety

Davie 8)


Just back from a six mile walk though the local fields and I did a fair amount naked. It was lovely with sunshine and no wind. It's about five degrees now.

It was lovely and now I feel ALIVE!

If you havenn't tried walking naked in these sort of conditions, at least give it a go.

Davie  8)

Posted : November 13, 2019 5:24 pm
Posts: 320
Reputable Member

Good on you, Davie...forgiven!!
Am back in Wales again next week and will aim to get over to Monknash...really love that place...Am going to take a camera which can zoom in and so get a better shot of me in the waterfall,which I stood under last time I was here. I used the image for my profile picture but the camera was too far away in order to protect it from the water,so that I appear really small!!..but I am in it..honest!
I will update my profile pic if I long as the temp is around 10C if I'm going to get wet!!!..the sensation is bracingly good though!

One it !...there is no rehearsal!

Posted : November 13, 2019 7:30 pm
Posts: 218
Estimable Member

I did my first nude walk with Hillwalker just before Christmas last year.

There was frost on the ground for much of the walk, but the sky was blue and we had the sun on us for most of the three or four hours we were out.

It was exhilarating and although a little worried about the frost at the start, the only time I felt cold was when we stopped for a cuppa from our flasks.

As Davie says, you feel so alive and I was buzzing for days afterwards.

I've been out for a few solo early morning walks since, when the temperature at the start has been around 5c but as soon as you get going, you feel fine and don't notice the cold.

Give it try and see how you get on. You can always get dressed if you find it's too cold for you.


Posted : November 13, 2019 8:06 pm
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