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Naked walks in Sherwood Forest

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I always go on my walks completely naked.  I leave everything in the motor so I only have my keys with me. Temperatures have ranged from 8 to 20C, I find I can acclimatise quickly to the colder temperatures so long as there is enough shelter from the wind. 
I may give storm Alex a miss!

Stressed when dressed

Posted : September 30, 2020 11:03 pm
Posts: 899
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I was up the hills this morning in the rain. Chilly but once started i quickly warmed up. Getting dressed at the end into dry clothes was pure heaven.

Posted : October 2, 2020 12:35 am
tribalbrit and ColinB reacted
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Posted by: @tribalbrit
 I will say though, that I don't think bare foot is conducive to walking at a pace for exercise purposes as you have to be careful where you tread which slows you down.

It’s a matter of practice. If you regularly walk barefoot, your skin will get tough, you will learn to walk more lightly and you get better at looking ahead and using perpheral vision to avoid stepping on things. Some things will still slow you down but most paths are not a problem unless very stony.

I regularly run barefoot. Some parts I am slower (sharp limestone), other parts I am quicker because my feet are light and good balance etc. Speed is rarely my aim, but rather enjoyment of the experience, of nature and the learning process. Barefoot is always a positive learning process but also a sensory delight, most of the time....

Walking , I have no problem keeping up with other people, except on short sections. Meanwhile, I often have to wait while others put on boots, tie laces, complain about rubbing/blisters or even pain due to pressure on achilles.

I’m not sure that practice makes perfect, but it certainly provides competence and confidence, and the best kind of freedom.

Tread lightly upon the earth

Posted : October 3, 2020 9:50 am
Posts: 113
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@swimmer51 Sounds fantastic! Will you be planning any more walks before the Weather gets too cold? 

Posted : October 9, 2020 8:36 am
Posts: 113
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@swimmer51 Sounds fantastic! Will you be planning any more walks before the Weather gets too cold? 

Posted : October 9, 2020 8:37 am
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@bn252525 I imagine I will go walking along the river again, but not sure when at present. I'll message you.

Posted : October 9, 2020 9:34 am
Posts: 113
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@swimmer51 any okay! Do you visit may Nudist beaches in the UK? 

Posted : October 9, 2020 10:10 am
Posts: 665
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Still managing to get out most evenings. I'm usually out about 5.30 pm these days and the temperature this week has been around 9 degrees.

I find something relaxing walking the area as dusk falls there aren't to many people about usually at dusk either. Having said that, Thursday evening I passed eight people in different parts of my walk, don't usually see that many on a summers day.

Last weekend we were away in the Motor Home and I spent a lovely couple of hours walking down the River Trent, it was a bit breezy but quite warm in the sun, there were a few fishermen out but quiet otherwise. Only thing with the Trent, unless your are prepared to walk for miles to cross the river, you have to turn around and walk back the way you came, dog always has problems with her feet after walking the Trent too, might be nettle stings or something but drives her mad for an hour or so when we get back.





Posted : October 17, 2020 11:19 am
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@tribalbrit I would be interested which part of the Trent you walked. I have walked it all from West Stockwith in the North (the footpath stops at W Stockwith) down to Carlton on Trent, much of it naked. There are parts where the fishermen flock, but they tend not to travel far from a road or track. Much of the flood bank is grazed by sheep which don't eat nettles or thistles. When I have ventured forth barefoot the short thistles have made it very uncomfortable underfoot. Perhaps this is what your poor dog is suffering from.

Posted : October 17, 2020 5:15 pm
Posts: 665
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I walked from Church Laneham down steam past Torksy and beyond. When I'd had enough I turned around and retraced my steps. I think its thistles or nettles.

Posted : October 17, 2020 6:39 pm
gildo reacted
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I walked from Church Laneham down steam past Torksy and beyond. When I'd had enough I turned around and retraced my steps. I think its thistles or nettles. Just returned from Sherwood Forest, quite bracing this evening but enjoyable just the same.

Posted : October 17, 2020 6:42 pm
gildo reacted
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@tribalbrit that is quite a busy stretch from Church Laneham towards Torksey in terms of fishermen. A quieter stretch if you want to park the van and walk is from High Marnham upstream towards Sutton. If you fancy a ten mile circuit, Torksey to Dunham upstream, across the toll Bridge and downstream the other side to Torksey footbridge is not bad although there is a bit of road walking on the Lincs side. 

Posted : October 17, 2020 11:08 pm
tribalbrit reacted
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What a fantastic evening this evening, just like a summers night. Had a lovely 2 hour walk even into the dark.

I think a loan cyclist may have though I was mental as his light beam found me as I waked back to my car in the dark. He mumbled something as he rode past but hey ho!

More of the same would be nice but don't hold out much hope. 

Posted : October 20, 2020 8:18 pm
Posts: 286
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I could not agree more. I had a lovely walk in my local area (on a walk which will probably become a BN naturist walk in 2021). It was a wonderful late afternoon walk for me. 7.5 miles most of which was naked and warm with the sun breaking through from time to time. This was probably the last time that we will see 18 degrees this year!

Only happy when naked

Posted : October 20, 2020 9:09 pm
gildo and tribalbrit reacted
Posts: 665
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Just returned from a slightly chilly evening walk. Worked out earlier that I have missed about 8 days since New Years Day this year. Now the clocks have gone back not sure if I can keep this up as It'll be dark when I get home from work soon. Temperature is dropping as well 9 degrees this evening but felt much cooler. 

Will see how it goes over the next week or two. 

Posted : October 25, 2020 6:53 pm
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