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Naked walks in Sherwood Forest

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Posted by: @tribalbrit

Well,  after 10 years of walking Sherwood Forest naked I have never felt so despondent.  Was out today minding my own business when two cylists come towards me on an adjacent path. She's at the back and shouts to the fella in the front who hadnt seen me. "Hey look at this dirty c." He then starts. " You dirty f pervert get some clothes on. " both dirty c." On and on, loud.

I walk on. I was just getting over this when I catch sight of another naturist I've met befofe, he was walking at an angle away from me. I thought about catching him up when another guy appears and starts shouting at him, he was to far away to hear though. Thent he starts taking photos or a video how long he was pointing the phone at him.

I decide I've had enough and  turn for home, as I near a clearing I see another couple walking towards me.  I see them first and slip my shorts on. They see what they think is a naked guy and turn back to hide in the tree line. As I approach they realise I'm partly clothed and carry on their way.

What is it with people?

The first lot wound me up, especially as they sounded like they were from Essex and spelt c*** with an a.

I walk here most days and don't need abuse from some southern tourists. No offence. 

Glad I'm going away for a few days. 

Can't those who walk there regularly, with some outsiders, organise a modern 'mass trespass'?  Not walking as a group but as separated individuals forming a sort of net, whom the angry types are bound to bump into multiple times at frequent intervals.

Is there a pattern of days that are worse than others?

Posted : August 15, 2021 9:09 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member


To be honest most days are fine and most people I meet are too. I have just had a few bad reactions lately. I suppose as I'm out most days for an hour or two I'm meet the occasional gobby t***..

Posted : August 16, 2021 6:19 pm
pjcomp, gildo and Jorrox reacted
Posts: 48
Eminent Member

Surely after all the publicity that naked walkers have had plus the information signs that were on display, anyone who is shocked or surprised to meet a naked walker must have been on the moon for the last few months 

Go naked today

Posted : August 16, 2021 6:54 pm
tribalbrit, martin tacey, Bazza and 1 people reacted
Posts: 945

@chrispetchey - the ability of my fellow members of society to be completely ignorant of what goes on around them has long since ceased to amaze me. To be charitable to them, unless and until something impinges on our day-to-day lives most of us can remain in the dark about things that are intensely important to others. 

Noli illegitimi te carborundum

Posted : August 16, 2021 10:28 pm
ChrisPetchey reacted
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
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Up there last evening to catch some nicer weather before this weekend's rain, it was mostly quiet as usual. Tonnes of flying ants, the big black kind on the cycle path and the smaller yellow ones on the heath. I wouldn't say walking through them was unpleasant, more like one of the seasonal variations of enjoying the place naked, still after brushing them off my skin it felt like they were crawling on me for some time afterward.

The first family with younger children that we've seen in ages were out on the common and when we noticed them it was when we were about the converge on the same gate, in seeing this we put on the turbochargers for a quick powerwalk to avoid passing them directly. They still saw us. From afar we could hear the kid saying he'd seen a naked person, and just about made out a surprised but not alarmed sounding 'oooh!' from the mother. So all seemed ok there and we were soon out of sight. Otherwise just a I'd guess late-teenaged girl passed on the cycle path who was glued to her phone but I suppose must have been aware of us, and she seemed to be smiling as we went by, maybe the sort of encounter I'd try a bit more to duck away from if I wasn't with my partner.

Just one car at the pumping station when we returned. Still felt obliged to get dressed before getting back there though.

Signs still missing.

Posted : August 21, 2021 10:41 am
Posts: 113
Estimable Member

Afternoon all,

Does anyone know if any walks are taking place this Weekend? 

Posted : August 23, 2021 12:13 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

Lovely out there this evening, 6 till 8. passed a runner on the old tarmac road, other than that saw no one. Suns going down early now though, warm just the same and a beautiful part of the day.

Need to make the most of the next few weeks.

Posted : August 23, 2021 8:45 pm
Bn252525 and gildo reacted
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
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Good to know it's not just me up there. I've had several walks over the last two weeks and only seen one other naturist. Some of the regulars haven't been put off have they? Like I said before, you'd have absolutely no idea about the recent bother that has been purely a minor internet thing.

Quiet couple of hours yesterday afternoon, seemed like I was the only one there, and then suddenly quite a few walkers around at the end, but no trouble. Again most people saying hello to me before I say it to them, and not particularly shy about issuing a passing greeting.

Two young buzzards wafting low over the trees where the wildlife feature. The adults always look serene, these youngsters noticeably laboured and ungainly. Reminds me of being a teenager.

Posted : August 24, 2021 10:38 am
tribalbrit and Bn252525 reacted
Posts: 113
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Does anyone know of any walks taking place this weekend? 

Posted : August 27, 2021 1:15 pm
Posts: 394
Reputable Member

Anyone know around Sherwood Forest where the naturist are walking and signed that naturists are about has the number of textiles in that area gone up or down or stayed about the same.

Posted : August 27, 2021 1:27 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

@belleyeteres nothing has really changed but more people have applied to join the facebook sherwood forest naturist walking group. The guy who made the petition has shot himself in the foot really because now more people know naturists walk in the forest and more naturists are  walking in the forest. I bet he is spotting reathers.

Posted : August 27, 2021 3:53 pm
Jorrox, tribalbrit, Savsail and 3 people reacted
Posts: 113
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With Summer returning this week, does anyone know of any walk s taking place? 

Posted : September 6, 2021 1:14 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

Been out this and last evening, surprisingly quiet considering the weather. 

Parked at Pumping Station and stripped straight away, no cars, no people. Headed west into the woods so quiet and peaceful, hardly a sound apart from bird song. Saw no one for miles, until I reached the common as I  circled back and then only cyclists. Had a chat with the lady with two collies as I often do,  love the early evening as the sun goes down. 

Posted : September 7, 2021 8:49 pm
Bn252525 and gildo reacted
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
Honorable Member

Was out on Budby a few days ago, each warm day feels like it could be the last at the moment. There seemed to be a orienteering/cross country event on, with the odd runner passing by every five minutes, which we could mostly avoid by not following their signs. 

My partner went nude for a good portion of the walk too, a bit of enthusiasm hanging over from our beach holiday I think. We bumped into one of the young rangers litter picking and he gave us a friendly hello, also a few lone women who gave us very pleasant greetings and hopefully indicate that whatever might have been said in the press, single females are not as a rule being put off the place.

Not sure I can say the same for naturists. Still been ages since we've seen another one out there, when it used to be everytime before.  

Posted : September 14, 2021 1:05 pm
gildo reacted
Posts: 113
Estimable Member

Does anyone know of any walks taking place at the weekend? 

Posted : September 14, 2021 3:03 pm
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