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Naturist gardening

30 Posts
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Posted by: @gwalterj
Posted by: @andylgc

If I cant do the gardening naked then it tends not to get done!

That could be the reason why the more secluded parts of our garden are better tended than the other bits.

I do the gardening naked in any part as my neighbours dont seem to mind - it is just when the weather is poor that it does not get done!

Only happy when naked

Posted : March 24, 2021 10:12 pm
Jon Tanner
Posts: 312
Reputable Member

All my gardening is done naked, the back garden is small and quite secluded and those can see in have never made any adverse comment. I dress to do the front garden (I have nipped out to assault a dandelion or two naked, when  most of the neighbours were out) and as a consequence it is rather neglected.

Posted : March 26, 2021 1:40 pm
Posts: 127
Estimable Member

I wish i could do the garden naked but to overlooked both sides and back so its tan throught shorts for me

Posted : March 27, 2021 12:49 pm
Posts: 286
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@martinj1955 Are you sure that those who overlook your garden would mind. I am overlooked. I an in a semi along with plenty of others. I am therefore overlooked from the upstairs windows of my neighbours. I live quite close to a right angled bend in the road and therefore also have adjacent houses looking into my back garden. I have spoken to both my immediate neighbours and neither minds but nobody else has objected either. It is so much nicer doing the gardening naked and being able to walk around the garden without worrying.

I do put shorts on if I need to work at height (cleaning windows or gutters for example as this could easily be construed as exhibitionism!


Only happy when naked

Posted : March 27, 2021 1:08 pm
John Gw reacted
Posts: 127
Estimable Member

Next door one side know that I am a naturist They have 2 young boys  don't mind as go to the club and get naked or go down the field's by the river 

Posted : March 27, 2021 2:16 pm
andylgc reacted
Posts: 535
Honorable Member

I am also overlooked from about half a dozen or more houses/gardens but it doesn’t stop me. I started to use it carefully a few years ago and when people were about worked in shorts and then a kiniki wrap. I started to be more open in the good weather a couple of years ago after coming out of hospital, thinking life was too short and it was so freeing and relaxing. Perfect for recuperation.

Last year I spoke to each immediate neighbour in turn, wanting to know that it was ok to be naked when they were out and about. Only one expressed reservations, saying he didn’t think his wife would like it. From subsequent chats, I presume she told him it didn’t bother her at all. I am rarely in the garden dressed these days, except when a cold winter job needs doing.

Tread lightly upon the earth

Posted : March 28, 2021 10:22 am
Fellsnude reacted
Posts: 486
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Gardening in the nude is really enjoyable. 


Posted : March 29, 2021 10:24 am
martin tacey reacted
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

All in all naked gardening is a wonderful lifestyle and pastime, it makes you enjoy all the plants and flowers you are growing even more ❤️

🌺♻️ I'm running free 💻👣

Posted : July 11, 2021 11:16 am
Posts: 371

I love gardening nude. Even cutting the grass is enjoyable on a sunny day in the nude  I used to stick to bits of the garden that were totally hidden from external view (which is much of the garden) but at the start of lockdown I started venturing into the more open parts. It’s very quiet, I have no neighbours who can see in. I can be seen from the road, but it’s very quiet with passers by few and far between so now I pretty much garden anywhere except right by the fence in the nude. No doubt my neighbours have seen me by now, but if so no one has made comment. 

Posted : July 11, 2021 12:11 pm
Bn252525 and Jon Tanner reacted
sussex nudists
Posts: 473
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Gardening naked is one of the great pleasures in life.


Posted : July 11, 2021 5:24 pm
andylgc and martin tacey reacted
Posts: 394
Reputable Member

In retirement housing with communal gardens so do not need to do the gardening. Just wish the weather would pick up so we can sit outside in the sun but it will not be in the nude. This is the cloudiest year I can remember.

Posted : July 12, 2021 10:22 am
Posts: 348
Reputable Member


We've stolen your sunshine and taken it north to Cumbria this year, sending you the autumnal cloud we usually get. It'll be back to normal soon though!

Posted : July 26, 2021 10:00 pm
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

Managed to plant some more plants yesterday didn't need to water them in the rain did that this morning 💦 😂

🌺♻️ I'm running free 💻👣

Posted : October 5, 2021 7:28 am
Posts: 132

Still really mlid temps for the time on year, so I've been outside nude today, just tiding things around the garden before it gets to cold to work naked.

I Love it when a Tan Comes Together.

Posted : October 18, 2021 11:53 am
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

Glad to say I managed to get alot done on my day off and managed to stay naked for most of it 😊

🌺♻️ I'm running free 💻👣

Posted : May 23, 2022 5:18 pm
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