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Naked walks in Sherwood Forest

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Would anyone be free for a walk this Saturday? 

Posted : May 4, 2022 7:18 am
Posts: 665
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Just an heads up. Seven Trent have the road closed at Budby today with barriers across the road just past the two houses on the right.

No notice saying how long for but if I'm up there tomorrow and Friday I'll post an update. Could be limited space to park if there's a few up there at the weekend.

Chilly in the wind today but only had the Cuckoo for company.

Posted : May 4, 2022 7:19 pm
Bn252525 reacted
Posts: 118
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I'm having real problems with computers, printers,ISP and webpages. I may have to ask for help from ayounger member of the family. I can't see anything on Farcebook again

Posted : May 5, 2022 12:38 pm
Posts: 665
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Car Parking still limited at water works today, looks like they are moving equipment out so may be clear by weekend.

Posted : May 5, 2022 8:49 pm
Posts: 113
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Is anyone planning on walking this Saturday?

Posted : May 6, 2022 9:47 am
Posts: 665
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Lovely walk yesterday very quiet until I returned to my car.

Two fire engines an ambulance and then the air ambulance all turned up at the pumping station. It appears the new resident in the first house set fire to his head with the bbq. They were running after him pooring water on his head as the first fire engine arrived, it was horrible, When I eventually got out he looked to be okay, well as okay as you'd expect. Hope he recovers. 

Posted : May 8, 2022 10:47 am
Bn252525 reacted
Posts: 113
Estimable Member

Had a lovely 4 mile walk Yesterday morning. The weather was beautiful and I only saw 2 people the whole time. It was my first time walking naked at Sherwood alone and I managed to do it without getting lost 😀

Posted : May 10, 2022 9:24 pm
tribalbrit, Gasman and gildo reacted
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What not to do when walking naked!

Not sure I should tell you this, felt stupid but it was funny at the same time.

I was out this evening, from about 5.30. There were a few people about but not many. As I walked over one section of the common I came across a young family of four, two young kids. I could tell by the body language that the parents weren't to pleased to see me so before I got too close I turned off on to another path, not sure the kids even saw me but the parents certainly did.

Anyway more than two hours later, as I approached a junction in two paths the family were there again, They must have gone round the opposite way to me. Not wanting to un nerve them again I stopped where I was and stood to the side of a large gorse bush, not really hiding but unobtrusive, if you like. At one point I did move to conceal myself as they passed by, maybe 20 or so metres in front of me.

Once passed I turned away from the bush and about 3 metres behind me stood a birder, hiding in a bush with his camouflaged super lens on a tripod. I said " I bet you wonder what I'm doing?" He said he could see what I was doing, and I explained  I didn't want to upset anyone but had accidently walked into his space. We had a laugh and a joke about it and He told me what birds he was hoping to see this evening. 

I did feel a fool though. 

He said he'd seen me on Sunday evening watching a young tawny owl in a tree. He was photographing it at the time, unbeknown to me.

Posted : May 13, 2022 8:28 pm
MartinM, Fellsnude, Bn252525 and 2 people reacted
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
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A fine few hours had today, the same oddity of the place being so quiet on such a warm, sunny Saturday afternoon. At one point met a working party putting up some new signage boards, enough of them that I decided to pop my shorts on as I approached them. Of course, no problems at all even though they'd already seen me.

Once it past 4 o'clock it was pretty much majority naturists out of those few people I did see. Didn't recognose any of them either so our number seems to be growing.

I feel like I too often have something to grumble about, I'll say it anyway, one of the naturists I saw climbed over a fence into an area that's not publically accessible, with no foothpaths or gates. I can think of two reasons not to do this at a National Nature Reserve with sensitive wildlife and unexploded ordinance to disturb. Haven't seen anyone in there before, clothed or otherwise. I'm not sure it's a wise move for any of us to do that and is so unncessary with so many quiet paths to pick from.

Cows are all fenced off away from any paths at the moment too, good news for those who aren't fans of them.

Posted : May 14, 2022 10:01 pm
Bn252525 and gildo reacted
Posts: 665
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Your mistaken about the cows I passed within 4 feet of them yesterday and only just managed to get to one of the gates today on the main common. There is a herd of about 20 on the bit nearest the cycle route and another herd of about 10 on the other main part. Don't always see them as they are free to wander from area to area.

Few birders out and hiding in the undergrowth today. And a couple having a BBQ on the common, Smelt it before I saw them. Why do people do this? Bet they leave their shit behind too.  

Posted : May 15, 2022 5:38 pm
Gasman and Bn252525 reacted
Posts: 113
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Managed a really good six mile walk this afternoon. Apart from a few workers the only other people that I came across were naturist 's. Some one actually said that they only heard about naturist walks at Sherwood Forrest due to the petition last year! Was my second walk solo. I'm looking forward to more walks over the next few months 😁

Posted : May 17, 2022 3:12 pm
martin tacey, JMNude, Gasman and 2 people reacted
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I got my timing perfect yesterday, didn't go out till 6pm. No cars parked up, from the car and back two hours later, so peaceful, not even much traffic  noise.

just managed to catch a light summer shower, perfect.

Posted : May 17, 2022 5:11 pm
Bn252525 and Gasman reacted
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

Caught in the rain again this evening. Fantastic. Met a female dog walker I regularly speak to, on my way back. 

She now claims I am officially insane.

Posted : May 17, 2022 8:56 pm
Jesse, Gasman, Bn252525 and 1 people reacted
Posts: 665
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Who's the weirdo?

Naked guy walking his dog, minding his own business OR cyclist that changes his route, stops to remove camera from back pack, waits till naked guy is at bottom of incline so he can free wheel as quiet as a mouse while holding his camera in his hand to film naked guy.? Stops at end of path to check footage before riding off.

I did see him coming as by chance I turned to keep dog in check, I chose to ignore him, why could he not do the same to me.

I sometimes wonder, had by dog been a Pit Bull or German Sheppard instead of a Spaniel, would they do the same? Would be some arses with teeth marks in them if she were.

Great walk otherwise.

Posted : May 18, 2022 9:21 pm
Bn252525 reacted
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
Honorable Member

Lovely walk yesterday afternoon, out there for about 2 hours. Extremely quiet for the first half, just me and the blissful peace and quiet. More eventful for the second half, but with no trouble at all. In a moment of good fortune I was about 20 yards short of crossing onto the main track when I heard a group of what turned out to be about 20 female cyclist going by, just far enough away to be a non-issue, even if a few of them gave me a woof whistle, and me to hear their giggles. Further around I pass a couple of birdwatchers and helped them to identify the birds they were listening to, nice when you're not only a naked guy, but a helpful naked guy. A handful of other brief encounters, made it seem surprising how much difference an hour can make in the number of people out there.

While out there the thought struck me that at the beginning I used to consider going for a nude walk as a risk, as if it increased the likelihood of having a bad experience if someone objected to me, and that I'd feel less confident about going out. Of course it's very much the contrary, the more you do it, the greater the chance of having a wonderful experience, which is almost guaranteed, again and again and again. That's the real risk, that it's too nice!

Posted : May 20, 2022 8:55 pm
Bn252525, Jon Tanner, Mark and Tracey and 3 people reacted
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