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Derbyshire Walk

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That's the one I used.  Was OK, but the traffic was a bit nippy along a road with not much in the way of a verge.

I also tried the hill overlooking Manifold Way (SW of Biggin).  Soles Hill I think it was, looking at a map.  It wasn't a long walk, maybe 3 mile once off the cycle track and onto the hill (which is when I disrobed), but didn't see anyone close up for the duration of the naked section and it had truely stunning views (plus a trig point which I'm a sucker for taking of photo of myself stood on).


Posted : October 26, 2021 8:57 pm
Bn252525 reacted
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
Honorable Member

Did the walk from Friden again today, about a third naked in the sheltered stretches at the bottom of Long Dale and into Gratton Dale - maybe two to three miles. Saw nobody at all, the world seemed deserted. The road section is just a little too much of a risk of aggro, so I dressed for the remainder. Still prior to that 12C matches my coolest walk, which has to take into account the pace of my partner and her desire to take pictures of everything from the landscape to the lichen. Still I never felt cold, that unexpected way your body adapts and finds a different form of comfortable.

The peace and quiet was wonderful. Memorable will be listening to the courtship 'cronking' of two ravens in the wood beside the footpath. All sorts of variety of sounds unexpected of a crow, and then the very audible wafting of their broad powerful wingbeats as they circled each other in the still air over the trees. Literally thousands of fieldfare and redwing too, all the time exploding from the hawthorne bushes that scatter the sides of the dales. Spectcular.

Quite muddy in parts though, mainly anywhere the cattle are able to get and churn up the ground. Otherwise bliss. To think of how busy Youlgreave and the entrances into Lathkill looked when we drove by. Just a few more miles and we're on our own planet, and able to enjoy it the way we like it best.

Posted : November 20, 2021 12:13 am
Jesse, Jon Tanner, tribalbrit and 3 people reacted
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
Honorable Member

Ventured somewhere new today and managed a mile and a bit of naked walking, although I saw potential for a lot more.

We started at Cavendish Mill on the road west of Stony Middleton and followed the path by the quarry works down into Rough Side and Coombs Dale, where it was just a touch too busy on a sunny Sunday in the Easter holiday period to go without clothes. Once at the Stony Middleton end of the dale we turned south on the path going up the hill toward Calver Peak and here it instantly looked quiet and secluded enough to go naked, which I did until turning back down into Coombs Dale at Deep Rake. We past a couple of parties on the way, one a family of three generations with teenage daughters, all gave a friendly hello as we squeezed by each other on an unfortunately narrow part of the path, and later a couple of female walkers on the tops where it was wide open enough to give them more space. Being a new location I covered myself with my hat both times, which sometimes I'm less mindful to do in areas I know better and like to feel less abjectly inhibited. I dressed before the the descent back into the valley because I could hear a buzzing I took for a drone, although I didn't see one, it may well have been something else, otherwise I could have done pretty much all the way back to Cavendish Mill without my clothes as we only saw two other people.

On an altogether quieter day in the week and away from the school holidays, I think there's 5 or 6 naked miles that could be achieved up there. Once on the top toward Bleaklow and Longstone Edge there's almost a spider's web of out of the way public footpaths to explore. By parking in Stony Middleton you could almost immedaitely be headed up there.

Posted : April 10, 2022 9:17 pm
Fellsnude reacted
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
Honorable Member

Just to add, this route covers much of the same ground...

...with naked walking quite feasible from point 3 onwards on quieter days, any earlier might just be pushing it a bit.

Posted : April 10, 2022 9:46 pm
Posts: 151
Estimable Member

I'll be keeping an eye on this thread for walking tips. Time I gave it a try.

Posted : April 24, 2022 7:04 pm
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
Honorable Member

Had another walk up Long and Gratton Dales on Saturday. No loop this time, she didn't fancy it as it tends to bring us past a field of cows that's often quite mucky, so walked up the spreading offshoots of Gratton Dale and some of the other open access land, covering nearly 8 miles. It took us three and a half hours given all the wildlife we took time to look at, almost all the time naked apart from 10 minutes at the beginning and end. It was surprisingly 'busy' with about a dozen people passed, no problem at all though, all friendly, 'good day for it' the standard comment. Usually we'd see less than half that many people. The way the dales sit you get cooler bits, warmer bits, depending on how the breeze falls into the landscape, making nudity quite a nice way to experience the place.

Posted : May 9, 2022 8:39 pm
Jesse and Fellsnude reacted
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