The Yorkshire Naturist Ramblers are out today hoping it’s going to be warm enough for stripping off on Rishworth Moor. One of the crew is going to give us an insight in Geocaching (google it!). Meeting a mile down the road after you leave the M62 at J22. 11am, dont be late! (NB. We’ll be doing another walk in that area next Tuesday if you can’t make it today - message me for info!)
Life’s too short. Do it today!
Episode 66 of “The Naturist Living Show” podcast is all about nude geocaching, might be worth a listen @Peter32!
@marshalldrw thanks for that. It’s not me that’s the geocacher but I’ll pass the message on.
Life’s too short. Do it today!
@peter32 you’re very welcome!
May I definitely recommend the podcast to you, lots of great information, advice and well worth listening too!
@marshalldrw old guy here. How do I access podcasts?! Lol!
Life’s too short. Do it today!
@peter32 if you have an iPad use the podcasts app or maybe via a computer! If neither then I apologise for teasing you about something really good for all of us naturists!
@marshalldrw iPad user here. I’ll find the app! Cheers.
Life’s too short. Do it today!
@marshalldrw ok. Got the app, found the program, but none of them have episode numbers - only dates aired and can’t see a title that fits. Do you have a date? Sorry to be a pain!
Life’s too short. Do it today!
@peter32 it’s the episode dated the 10th May 2014! I found the podcast through another NC member and have been listening from the very beginning!
The episode “Dressed to Kill” really hit home as it was about a book which found a link to breast cancer through wearing bras and my wife’s was in identical mirror places in each breast!
I now encourage her not to wear one and since her reconstruction she doesn’t wear them as often. It will be here five year anniversary next month since her diagnosis and fingers are crossed!
Two of my favourites so far have been about the benefits of the sun and the vitamin d absorption through the naked body! I hope you enjoy listening!
@marshalldrw cheers. Glad your wife’s doing ok now.
Life’s too short. Do it today!