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Cap d'Agde

18 Posts
14 Users
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

I told you Sunnybums, the sign on the club door advertising a gang bang tonight might have meant something else in french !!!! they might have had a load of pyrotechnic enthusiasts in the week we were there  ;D

I dont Skinny dip I Chunky Dunk

Posted : March 27, 2010 12:36 pm
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

hmmmmmm , Im still not convinced Grommit

Posted : March 27, 2010 1:20 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

Cap has to be one of the best nudist resorts in Europe. You can live a 24/7 naked life without the intimidation of the UK. If you are just after the all over tan then the beaches at the complex are all family friendly. If you are after more ativity then you have to walk a mile up the beach past the campsite to the adults only setion of the beach.
If you don't want to be offended or if you feel uncomfortable with free expressions of love then it is simple. Don't walk the mile from the resort,or head toward the complex from the campsite.


Posted : April 24, 2010 10:40 pm
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