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uk beaches.

8 Posts
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there have been various posts about unacceptable behaviour on various uk naturist beaches over recent weeks.  ive not been to an "official" clothes optional beach for 15 years or so. i used to use studland 2 or three times a year, allways midweek out of the school hioliday season, there was then the occasional meerkat and a constant stream of ramblers (both naked and clothed ) allong the waterline..

any way what is the up to date situation arround the country on the accepted nude beaches ,  has behaviour changed a lot , are there major problems or is it just a vocal minority  making a fuss over very little?

Posted : March 22, 2009 3:23 pm
Running Bear
Posts: 154
Estimable Member

I think you will find most naturist beaches are blessed with the majority living in harmony. You will get the odd incident but I suspect it is rare. When it does occur it does cause distress so there is a vociferous minority.
Naked or clothed pests are after all pests. Nobody desires them but it is part of life.

"We are creatures of light; why cover our radiance with clothes?"

Posted : March 23, 2009 10:23 am
Posts: 361
Reputable Member

I know several from 1st hand experience and with the exception of Brighton there are few or no issues. Most enjoyable for me is Cooden Beach (Near Eastbourne) and Shoreham Port (Near Brighton), both of which are 'unofficial'.

Play nice...... Play Naked!

Posted : March 27, 2009 12:02 pm
Posts: 17
Active Member

I don't know why Brighton beach gets such a bad press. There's suggestions that its the main meeting place for the town's gay community, but the only (and very few) "goings-on" that I've ever been aware of there are between heterosexual couples.

What is mentioned less often, but to me is far the greater annoyance, is the number of passers-by you get there. It's usually groups of men usually fully dressed, wearing jeans and jackets no matter how hot it is, which I really don't get. If they want to hang around looking at naked people, why don't they at least try to blend in and not to stand out so much?!?



Boris of London (But not THE Boris of London!)

Posted : March 28, 2009 12:53 am
Posts: 361
Reputable Member

I don't know why Brighton beach gets such a bad press. There's suggestions that its the main meeting place for the town's gay community, but the only (and very few) "goings-on" that I've ever been aware of there are between heterosexual couples.


In my opinion I think you are sort of right. By that I mean the 'gay' people on the beach seem to behave very well. The couples too in the most part are well behaved. It's the voyeurs that seem to be the problem. An example of this (I've probably posted before) was a poor lass laying there soaking in the sun and a chap sets up less than three metres from her and just stares at ther groin for an hour. No subtlety of premise of doing anything other than glaring right at her. This is commonplace and often you see a single female with a ring of voyeurs around her with plenty of space on the beach to spread out should they want to.
Often too I have seen men (of Far Eastern ethnicity) openly roaming their video cameras about.
That is why (I think) it gets a bad rap.
I also think many 'straight' men are intimidated by the gay men (in their own minds).

Tony (2)
Should I enter politics?

Play nice...... Play Naked!

Posted : March 29, 2009 1:42 pm
Posts: 17
Active Member

I don't know why Brighton beach gets such a bad press. There's suggestions that its the main meeting place for the town's gay community, but the only (and very few) "goings-on" that I've ever been aware of there are between heterosexual couples.


In my opinion I think you are sort of right. By that I mean the 'gay' people on the beach seem to behave very well. The couples too in the most part are well behaved. It's the voyeurs that seem to be the problem. An example of this (I've probably posted before) was a poor lass laying there soaking in the sun and a chap sets up less than three metres from her and just stares at ther groin for an hour. No subtlety of premise of doing anything other than glaring right at her. This is commonplace and often you see a single female with a ring of voyeurs around her with plenty of space on the beach to spread out should they want to.
Often too I have seen men (of Far Eastern ethnicity) openly roaming their video cameras about.
That is why (I think) it gets a bad rap.
I also think many 'straight' men are intimidated by the gay men (in their own minds).

Tony (2)
Should I enter politics?

Good points Tony. I think part of the problem is that Brighton beach is near to a built up area, so it's easier for textiles to accidently "wander" onto the beach.

On the plus side, being near a built up area makes it easier to get to by public transport.

Speaking of which, when does Brighton beach start getting busy again? I fancy a visit down there now the weather is good, but I don't want to be the only naked one amongst all the clothed passers-by!  ðŸ˜‰



Boris of London (But not THE Boris of London!)

Posted : April 18, 2009 10:25 pm
Posts: 199
Estimable Member

there have been various posts about unacceptable behaviour on various uk naturist beaches over recent weeks.  ive not been to an "official" clothes optional beach for 15 years or so. i used to use studland 2 or three times a year, allways midweek out of the school hioliday season, there was then the occasional meerkat and a constant stream of ramblers (both naked and clothed ) allong the waterline..

any way what is the up to date situation arround the country on the accepted nude beaches ,  has behaviour changed a lot , are there major problems or is it just a vocal minority  making a fuss over very little?

Regarding Studland the meerkats are one thing which people can get annoyed about. However the ramblers are a different kettle of fish. The beach is a convenient route to / from the chain ferry, and because its the section at the start or finish of the South West Way depending on your direction of travel. The notices at each end of the naturist section tell them what coming but, I don't think they select the route on that basis. And like you I've always seen a steady of walkers on my visits.

Regarding your second para I think the answer is to visit a beach and form your own view. Everyone has their own ideas what is a serious problem or not. However in my opinion there is definitely no case for avoiding UK beaches on mass because of forum posts about dodgy goings on.


Posted : April 19, 2009 9:05 am
Posts: 530
Honorable Member

had no problem on the beach yesterday and there is a local lady
on her own. 😕
There was a group of lads who pasted by plus other male & females but no problems.
Enjoyed a lovely day and quite hot when the wind ceased 🙂

Keep On Smiling:)


Posted : April 20, 2009 8:58 pm