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Any walks in South Wales?

3 Posts
2 Users
Chris W
Posts: 12
Active Member
Topic starter

Does anybody know of any walks in South Wales?

I'm not what you'd call an experienced walker, so a fairly easy going walk would be preferable.  The extent of my exercise usually involves the car, although that has doubled recently by driving manual instead of automatic! 

The SSB walks would be more of a possibility if they weren't on a Thursday :'( but maybe I'll be able to make one of them sometime.


Posted : June 18, 2011 10:38 pm
Posts: 530
Honorable Member

There aren't any walks in the South wales Area at the moment Chris. 🙁
it just needs somebody to reccy a walk and announce
mid week is best because lees likelyhood of meeting up with textiles. 🙂

Keep On Smiling:)


Posted : June 19, 2011 8:01 pm
Chris W
Posts: 12
Active Member
Topic starter

Thanks Sunshinekid

Maybe I'll try to find somewhere suitable then.  If you don't hear from me in the next few weeks, send out a search party!

If they want a description, just say I've probably lost so much weight, my clothes have literally fallen off me!   😀


Posted : June 20, 2011 1:59 am