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Watch those signatures!

1 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 230
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I don't have a problem with members having their own private album on the internet. I don't have a problem with the photos they post in this album.

What concerns me is that sometimes the link to this album is part of the signature at the bottom of their posts. What also concerns me is that if a signature is used, it can be seen on any post, even those open to the general public. You may think these photos are private, but if a link is in a signature, then they are no longer private.

There was a case recently where a member's album contained one image which could be used to identify where the member lived. (This photo has since been deleted from the album.)

If you are happy for all the world to know about your hobby, then ignore this post. However, if not, then make sure that your privacy is not compromised. Make sure there is nothing in the background of any image which is identifiable . In particular, make sure no street signs are visible and legible on the houses across the road.

It's fine to have an identifiable feature in the background of a holiday photo; it may be the only time you go to that place. But if it's your home that can be identified, ask yourself if you really want this known to all the world.

Yorkshire and East Midlands Region of British Naturism"THE LODGER" now published on Kindle - another story from Knightsthorpe

Posted : September 3, 2012 11:59 pm